
Google App Engine--Dynamically created templates

Hi. I'm trying to build an a simple CRUD admin section of my application. Basically, for a given Model, I want to have a template loop through the model's attributes into a simple table (once I do this, I can actually implement the CRUD part). A possible way to accomplish this is to dynamically generate a template with all the necessary ...

Django pagination and "current page"

I'm currently developing a Django application which will make use of the infamous "pagination" technique. I'm trying to figure out how the django.core.paginator module works. I have an application with a Question model. I will be listing all of the questions using this paginator. There will be 20 questions per page. def show_questio...

How to design html pages which renders properly in windows while staying in Linux?

I usually prefer linux for programming( i program in django on Ubuntu). But often i need to design html pages which renders properly in Windows and Linux? How iam currently doing the above is Design (Fix) html page in linux Reboot to windows check whether the design is proper or not. if not reboot to linux repeat step1 ,step...

Python Django Template: Iterate Through List

Technically it should iterate from 0 to rangeLength outputting the user name of the c[i][0].from_user...but from looking at example online, they seem to replace the brackets with dot notation. I have the following code: <div id="right_pod"> {%for i in rangeLength%} <div class="user_pod" > {{c.i.0.from_user}} </div> {% endfor %} ...

Basic MVT issue in Django

I have a Django website as follows: site has several views each view has its own template to show its data each template extends a base template base template is the base of the site, has all the JS/CSS and the basic layout So up until now it's all good. So now we have the master head of the site (which exists in the base template), ...

Django: want to use loop.counter to assign letter for Google Maps marker

I've got a variable number of items, somewhere between 0 and 20. I'd like to list these with Google Static Maps, showing a little "a" for the first one, a "b" for the second one and so on. I'm a newbie using Google App Engine so I'm constrained to 0.96 (unless I use various patches, which I don't want to do. Because I'm a newbie.) &m...

Is there anything in the Django / Python world equivalent to SimplePie Plugin for Wordpress?

I know that SimplePie itself is derived from UFP, but the features I'm wondering about are the post-processing features that are available in SimplePie for WordPress plugin: Can I find something similar to this for my Django application? Can this be ...

how to get the url of the current page in a GAE template

In Google App Engine, is there a tag or other mechanism to get the URL of the current page in a template or is it necessary to pass the url as a variable to the template from the python code? ...

How to implement breadcrumbs in a Django template?

Some solutions provided on doing a Google search for "Django breadcrumbs" include using templates and block.super, basically just extending the base blocks and adding the current page to it. - provides a template tag...

How to handle variables in templates inheritance

I just want to define id attribute of body tag in child template. First solution works perfectly: base.html: [body{% block bodyid %}{% endblock %}] child.html: {% block bodyid %} id="myId"{% endblock %} It's simple and cool! But I don't like to point id="myId" in every child template. I want just send value 'myId' to parent tem...

When is it appropriate to use Django context processors?

If about half of my views require the same data set, is it appropriate to use a context processor to make the data always available, or is there a better way to avoid repeating the code to get that data across several views without querying the data if it won't be used in the view? ...

Performing a getattr() style lookup in a django template

Python's getattr() method is useful when you don't know the name of a certain attribute in advance. This functionality would also come in handy in templates, but I've never figured out a way to do it. Is there a built-in tag or non-built-in tag that can perform dynamic attribute lookups? ...

how can I change to way a boolean prints in a django template

I have some django code that prints a BooleanField it is rendered as True or False, can I change the label to be Agree/Disagree or do I need to write logic for that in the template? ...

django template includes

I'm having an issue with django templates at the moment. I have 3 template files basically: Base story_list story_detail Story_list and _detail extend Base, and that works perfectly fine. However, list and detail share some code that extend the base template for my sidebar. I'm basically repeating a chunk of code in both templates, a...

Using string literals as parameters to template tags in Django templates

One of the things I find myself doing often is passing string literals as parameters to template tags or functions; for instance: {% url my-url 'my_param' %} Unfortunately, the django template engine doesn't let you do this. So I find myself doing this a lot in my view code: my_context_dict['MY_PARAM'] = 'my_param' and then in my ...

Use of cycle in django

I have a webpage where I am looping,and using cycle inside the loop. {% for o in something %} {% for c in o %} <div class="{% cycle 'white' 'black'%}"></div> {% endfor %} Now, this means everytime inside the loop, first div tag gets white.But,what I want is to alternate between white and black i.e. start with white, then next time wh...

escape problem in django templates

Let's say that I have this string: s = '<p>Hello!</p>' When I pass this variable to a template, I want it to be rendered as raw html. Looking at the docs I see that I can either use the safe filter: {{s|safe}} or disable autoescape: {%autoescape off} {{s}} {%endautoescape%} or inside the python code declare it safe: from django...

Visual Editor for Django Templates?

Hello, Is there a tool out there for visually building Django templates? Thanks ...

Passing variables to a Django generic view template using reverse()

I have a urlpatterns like this: urlpatterns = patterns('', ... (r'^(?P<object_id>\d+)/$', 'django.views.generic.list_detail.object_detail', info_dict, 'poll_detail'), ... My html page template contains this: {% if error_message %}<p><strong>{{ error_message }}</strong></p>{% endif %} My view code contains: return HttpRespo...

Need logic for showing up in calender fromat django + python

Hi, My model is: 20 1234567890 'some mdg' 20 4597434534 'some msg2' 20 3453945934 'sdfgsdf' 10 4503485344 'ddfgg' so I have to display them in calender format. so my query is how to go do this. What I am thinking is : example may 2009 somelist = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9......... 31] newlist = [] for item in some...