
Need help with Google Apps set up

Hi Cade, I've read your post in http://discuss.joelonsoftware.com/default.asp?biz.5.730915.0 and learnt that you have used Google Apps email with your domain at NetworkSolutions. I got my domain name at NetworkSolutions and already added a TXT record in my a DNS config but I Google can't still verify my site. Also can't seem to get he...

How can I query Spamhaus's SBL with a domain name?

I want to query Spamhaus's SBL using a domain name. I know this is possible to do because this form (Find SBL Listings by ISP Domain Name) does it and SpamAssassin does it, but I can only seem to get it to work with IP addresses. I took a quick look at the SpamAssassin code, but it has been so generalized that I could probably spend a ...

Parallelized resource loading vs DNS lookup speed

A common technique for reducing page loading times is to parallelize multiple static resource downloads by retrieving them from different hostnames (even if they all resolve to the same server). However, the browser needs to issue a DNS lookup request for each of these hostnames, which could take a significant time. Can you propose a met...

DNS hosting service

I'm looking for a (eventually free) DNS hosting service and I need some answers from your previous experience. There are a lot of DNS hosting services which are advertised with 100% uptime, but I tried to query all their DNS servers and some of them didn't reply. ...

How do I rename MAMP web server?

Is there any way to change my MAMP server address from localhost to anything else, or am I stuck with localhost as the name? ...

DNS Record / SSL / redirect

Note: migrated to: http://serverfault.com/questions/165570/dns-record-ssl-redirect Hi there, I wonder if anyone is able to point me in the right direction? We want to setup a sub domain on our server which points to an IP of a second server which is providing some checkout functionality for us. So when a customer types sub-doma...

Browser / DNS process for invalid characters in a domain?

I'm wondering how the browser, and/or DNS, handles a user entering an invalid character in a domain name. Let's say that I own meat&potatoes, a well-known chain of fine dining restaurants. All of our marketing refers to us as meat&potatoes (meat + ampersand + potatoes, no spaces), and it's likely that fairly often, people are typing www...

Redirecting mail.example.com to http://mail.google.com/a/example.com

Hi, A domain name that we have is using google mail as its backend, but its not hosted anywhere (no website). How can I, through the registrar interface (I'm using 1&1), redirect ppl who type in http://mail.example.com to http://mail.google.com/a/example.com ? I can create a subdomain and set its DNS/CNAME, but what do I put where? Als...

Understanding dig output - will this redirect a browser?

I'm trying to setup a subdomain elstest1 on my example.com domain to redirect to a certain IP. Following some instructions on the web, I created an A DNS record. Currently, if I do this: dig elstest1.example.com I get: ... ... ;; ANSWER SECTION: elstest1.example.com. 14400 IN A 994.93.999.990 (IP address hidden) Will ...

domain selling from a structured system

hello, I have following... level 1- www.game.com/admin level 2- www.baseball.com /www.football.com/www.golf.com etc. level 3- www.userid.baseball.com /www.userid.football.com/www.userid.golf.com etc. level 1 has access to level2/3 and level 2 has access to level 3 all are using same IP and same Database. currently i m controlling ...

Query DNS in Ubuntu

Hello, I use two DNS servers a public one ( and a local one ( In ubuntu, If I wrote both DNSs, it will always query the first and until the first is down and then it will start querying the second. And of course I have to make the local point again to Like this i have almost no problems...

DNS_GET_RECORD Failing with Register.com Domains

I am using a PHP script using dns_get_record (with DNS_ANY) and it is working fine but, is throwing an error on any domain registered with Register.com. Warning: dns_get_record() [function.dns-get-record]: res_nsend() failed in... Any ideas on why this would be? Anyone else had this issue? EDIT: Been doing some research and it look...

Does Dns.GetHostAddresses really get back all registered IPs?

Does Dns.GetHostAddresses really get back all registered IPs? That is DNS can have multiple IP's registered against a DNS name for round-robin type purposes (e.g. multiple proxy servers but give use one main DNS proxy server name) But does the .NET method "Dns.GetHostAddresses(hostname)" really bring all of these registered IP addresse...

How to have cakephp Deliver content on different subdomain ?

I am building a portal which will have different cities content.. When someone comes to the website i want them to choose the city and then proceed to http://city1.site.com or http://city2.site.com can this be done using a single database and installation of cakephp ? ...

python 3 DNS resolution proxyhandler

I was wondering how http proxy in comparison with socks5 proxy handles dns resolution, as far as I have understood the dns resolution is done by the proxy and not by the application. For this snippet I tested to see if there is any dns resolution made by viewing dns queries in Wireshark while running it. import urllib.request tor_prox...

Android emulator doesn't use Windows host file?

Chrome using the windows' HOST file: Android emulator: edit "On Windows, the emulator obtains the addresses by calling the GetNetworkParams() API. Note that this usually means that the emulator ignores the content of your "hosts" file (/etc/hosts on Linux/OS X, %WINDOWS%/system32/HOSTS on Windows)." how can I use static IPs in ...

Configuring DotNetNuke installation on GoDaddy shared hosting to properly map DNS to secondary parent portal

I have a GoDaddy shared hosting account where I've installed DotNetNuke. I'm trying to configure a secondary parent portal so that when users browse to my second domain, they see the new portal. Here is my current setup: Main DNN portal: http://MyFirstDomain.com/dnn Domain mapped to: \dnn\Portals\1 (through GoDaddy Hosting Control Pan...

Trying to Search my Blog-Site or Search This site gives no results

I have a Howto company Blog site that i post to for my clients to access for help. For some reason it has stopped letting anyone search on it. I can search for Mysites or users. But when you drop down the tab to search: This Site: "blog site name" you get the following reply: No results matching your search were found. Check your spel...

PowerDNS and CNAME to external domain

I'm using PowerDNS (2.9.22) for my clients. Because it can store all data into MySQL database and it's easy for clients to edit their zones as they like. Now I have a problem with CNAMEs: Here are records into MySQL database: +-----------------------+-------+-----------------------+ | localhost.example.com | A | ...

Javascript issue with http://mysite.com vs http://www.mysite.com

Hello, I've never experienced this problem before, and it just came to our attention because a client was trying to access our page and couldn't see much of the javascript. He was navigating to http://www.mysite.com, when we've always just gone to http://mysite.com. There appear to be no problems server-side, as in both url's are poin...