
Your Scrum definition of Done

While Scrum is easy in theory and hard in practice, I wanted to hear your definition of Done; i.e. what are the gates (unit test, code coverage > 80%, code reviews, load tests, perf.test, functional tests, etc.) your product has to go through before you can label the product "Done" ...

What enterprise architecture tools support DoDAF 2.0?

What tools best support the DoD Architecture Framework (DoDAF) Version 2.0, including support for transfer of the architecture data in accordance with the DoDAF Meta Model (DM2) Physical Exchange Specification (PES)? My initial research found that MagicDraw and Casewise claim support for version 2.0; and several other tools have support...

What's the difference between CAC cards and a 'generic' smart card?

We're trying to enable our rich client C++ Windows application to utilise DoD CAC cards. We're using a third party library to secure our client/server communication using SSL, and it recognises/handles generic smart cards, but only if the certificate was created by its own, bundled application. Why? Isn't a certificate a certificate? H...

Limit DoD PKI Certificate Selection

Is there a way to limit the certificates listed in the dialog box when prompted for DoD PKI authentication? I'm trying to require the user to choose the email certificate. ...