
How do I implement a pre-commit hook script in SVN that calls dos2unix to validate checked-in file

I was wondering if anyone here had some experience writing this type of script and if they could give me some pointers. Thanks. ...

How do I convert dos files to linux files in vim?

If I open files I created in windows, the lines all end with ^M. How do I delete them all in once? ...

What's the best way of doing dos2unix on a 500k line file, in Windows?

Question says it all, I've got a 500,000 line file that gets generated as part of an automated build process on a Windows box and it's riddled with ^M's. When it goes out the door it needs to *nix friendly, what's the best approach here, is there a handy snippet of code that could do this for me? Or do I need to write a little C# or Java...

unix2dos (or dos2unix) in ant

How do I do unix2dos (or dos2unix) with ant. I.e. I want to change the newlines from linux newlines (if any) to dos newlines ...

Port dos2unix to brainfuck

I got into an argument over on about useless answers and found myself challenging the other poster to answer the question in brainfuck. He didn't take me up on it, but now I'm curious. All the program needs to do is convert CRLF line endings to LF (dos-style to unix). Any bf coders around that can help out? ...

Convert files to UNIX format using Maven

I have an application that is developed in a Windows environment. The application itself gets deployed to a Linux environment. Each time I deploy this application I have to convert executable files to UNIX format using dos2unix. I originally thought this was caused by the Windows CP1252 encoding, so I updated Maven to encode the files to...

Eclipse Editor: How to change file format from Dos to Unix

I am using eclipse editor to work on my remote files it appears that eclipse editor is set to dos file format, I do not know how to find fileformat set in eclipse editor, but I want it to be set on unix file format. How can I set file format options to unix file format in eclipse ? Similar Question to set file format in VIM Thanks. ...

Git: Removing carriage returns from source-controlled files

I've got a Git repository that has some files with DOS format (\r\n line endings). I would like to just run the files through dos2unix (which would change all files to UNIX format, with \n line endings), but how badly would this affect history, and is it recommended at all? I assume that the standard is to always use UNIX line endings f...