Hi there,
So, I've finally made the plunge, and have gotten to the state where I'm quite happy to have switched from vi and vim to emacs... I've been putting stuff in my .emacs file, learning how to evaluate things (not to mention becoming familiar with movement commands), etc. etc. etc.
And now I have a problem with a require line in...
I want to be able to make the changes to my .emacs file without having to reload Emacs.
I found three questions which sort of answer what I am asking (you can find them here, here and here), but the problem is that the change I have just made is to a toggle, and as the comments to two of the answers (a1, a2) to those questions explain, ...
Anyone know how I can change the color of the filenames on my modeline?
Here's the theme I'm using:
(defun color-theme-twilight ()
"Color theme by Marcus Crafter, based off the TextMate Twilight theme, created 2008-04-18"
((background-color . "#141414")
I work with two monitors, and often use emacs with two frames open; one for each monitor. each frame is split into two side-by-side windows, like so:
a | b <-- frame 1 in monitor 1
c | d <-- frame 2 in monitor 2
When I hit my 'compile' button while in window a, the compilation buffer opens in the buffer next to it. So fa...
I installed Carbon EMACS tody but I have a problem with the shift key: I can't select region hoding down shift and moving with harrows. Do you have any suggestion?
Is there some emacs lisp code that would automatically find /nfs file paths in the buffer and highlight/link to them? So clicking on them would open that file?
Example path:
The challenge of upgrading from Emacs 21.2 to 23.2 continues... In my .emacs I have the very convenient:
(global-set-key (quote [f4]) (quote dired-omit-toggle))
It used to work since Emacs 18... but it no longer works in Emacs 23.2:
Lisp error: (void-function
Any idea how I can replace this functionality in ...
I want to be able to use the emacs folding mode provided by folding.el from http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/FoldingMode
I put the following in my .emacs file:
(setq load-path (cons (concat (getenv "HOME") "/.emacs.d") load-path))
(load "folding")
(folding-add-to-marks-list 'latex-mode "%{" "%}" nil ...
I just installed Emacs Speaks Statistics, which is when this error started showing up. Uninstalling hasn't fixed it.
When I use C-x C-f, I can navigate normally, but when I actually press enter, Emacs seems to insert "/Application Data/Application Data/" after "~" in all paths, e.g. if I navigate to:
c:/Documents and Settings/admin/My ...
I don't know why but currently emacs opens only one copy of w3m. If w3m is already open then retyping the command to open w3m takes me to the already opened buffer. I would like to configure ansi-term similarly i.e. typing C-x C-a (command open ansi-term) should take me to already opened ansi-term instead of opening a new buffer a...
Elscreen has a method called elscreen-jump and also elscreen-jump-0 and elscreen-jump-9. I'd like to be able to jump to tabs between 0 and 9. How do I define a keymap for this? I've tried:
(global-set-key (kbd "M-1") (lambda () (interactive) (elscreen-jump 0)))
(global-set-key (kbd "M-2") (lambda () (interactive) (elscreen-jump 1)))
Has anyone used Pydbgr with Emacs and if so would they mind sharing their .emacs configuration plus any associated elisp sources required.
The installation instructions can be found at:
Pydbgr looks like a really useful extension to the capabilities of pdb, especially its su...