
Silverlight ToolKit DragDrop problem

Hi! I have pane with two grid and there is a listbox in both grid. I'd like to add Drag & Drop feature to the pane, so the user can drag a list element in the left listbox and drop it in the right listbox. I found many great tutorials and I could add the appropriate code to my pane but when the application is running and I click on the m...

kCGErrorFailure while performing drag and drop in NSView

Hi all, I have created a simple drag and drop application in which I am sometimes getting this exception msg, displayed in debugger console: kCGErrorRangeCheck: CGSNewWindowWithOpaqueShape: Cannot create window kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged. kCGErrorIlleg...

Drag starting on a click for TreeViewDragDropTarget in Silverlight

I'm using the TreeViewDragDropTarget control in Silverlight and the drag operation is starting on a click rather than a drag. I don't want the operation to start on a click, only on a drag. How do I prevent this? ...

mouseDown: event not recognized in NSImageView over subclass of NSView

Hi all, I am trying a simple drag and drop application. I have created a subview of NSView named: CameraIcon, which has an image view and certain text fields over it. In its mouseDown: method, I am initiating drag operation, I have also given a NSLog in it, so that I can notice in debugger when it is clicked. Problem is: when I ...

Drag and drop-able organization chart

Hi, I just want to get some advices and inputs here. I have to generate an organization chart, in my asp.net application and it should supports drag and drop feature to update the linkage between organization structure. What would be the best way to deal with it, (jQuery or silver light or .net chart controls). My primary needs is to...

Handling Scroll bars with jQuery event Drag and Drop

I have a room div with some toy divs arranged on it, see Toys are absolutly positioned and are drag-able with in the walls of the room . The room container div has a fixed height and height, so the room has horizontal as well as vertical scrolls. I use jquery event drag plug-in for setting up DnD. I managed to set up the toys drag only...

C# Listview Drag and Drop Rows

Hi, I'm trying to implement a C# drag and drop row-reorder with a listview which would then update an SQL database with the current order of the rows. I've come across some snippets of code on the internet (one from this website which implemented a 'var' class) but none seem to be working with my needs. I don't need help updating the...

CSS3 animation on transform: rotate. Way to fetch current deg of the rotating element?

Hi everybody, i am working on a html5 interface wich uses drag and drop. While i am dragging an element, the target gets a css-class, which makes it bidirectionally rotate due to a -webkit-animation. @-webkit-keyframes pulse { 0% { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); } 25% { -webkit-transform:rotate(-10deg); } 75% { -webkit-...

Can HTML 5 drag-and-drop handle folders?

I'm impressed by Gmail's ability to let you drag files into emails for attachments, but when I try to drag a folder onto it, it says the file has 0 bytes. Is this a Gmail limitation, or is this something that's fundamentally not doable with the current HTML 5 spec? ...

jQuery - stopping a hover event while dragging

I'm creating a drag and drop image environment, where if you hover over an image, a small menu pops up overtop of it. if you click and drag the image, you can reorder them. The problem I'm having is, I want the hover event to be disabled when you're dragging around. Currently if you drag an image around, it triggers all the hover menus ...

Drag-drop: How to draw a "ghost" control that represents data being dragged?

I've searched a lot and the nearest thing I've found is this. The question is exactly about what I want to code, but there's only one vague answer. Searched code.google.com for GiveFeedback implementations, but none about what I want. Any idea, please? ...

Drag and drop from Outlook attachment to VB6 application

I am experimenting with drag and drop from an outlook email attachment to a custom application. It works just fine with C#, but now I'd like to get it working in VB6. My test code looks something like this: Private Sub grdLis_OLEDragDrop(Data As MSFlexGridLib.DataObject, Effect As Long, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, ...

Drag an imageview cross boundaries of views

I have a UIImageView in the top portion of my main view. Below this I have a horizontal UIScrollView with numerous UIImageViews contained in it. I am trying to drag any one of the UIImageViews from the UIScrollView up onto the main UIImageView in the upper portion of the screen. However even if I set the UIImageView being dragged to B...

how to make table and each element in it drag and drop ?

To make table or cell in draggable and it should remain in that place after been released. Also how to make dragged object disappear after been released. If drag drop library file in javascript is used than, how to use in html5 page ,also from where it should be downloaded or linked. ...

WPF C#: Rearrange items in listbox via drag and drop

I am trying to figure out how to move the items in a pre-populated listbox up and down via mouse drags. I have looked at the Control.DoDragDrop method from microsoft's api, but I still can't get it to do anything. I would appreciate any help since I am new to the visual studios environment, thanks. ...

jQuery Drag plugin - Prevent dropping of a drag element on the top of another

I uses the jQuery pluins event.drag and event.drop see a demo (just a reference question is not about restricting movement to a container) Is it possible to prevent dropping of a drag element on the top of another element? but it can be dragged over the other. ...

drag and Drop from application to Finder

is there a sample of code that can guide me to perform drag and drop from my cocoa application to the Finder ? I know that NSFilesPromisePboardType and relative stuff should be used, but so far I can only dnd from Finder to application and locally onto the application. Any help? thanks ! ...

Is there a way to ask about the status of a drag operation while it is in progress?

I know that when a drag/drop operation is completed, upon receiving a MouseUp or Esc key event, it returns an enum that indicates what happened (Move, Copy, None, etc.) My question is this: is there a way to send back status information to the form/control that initiated the drag event, while it is going on? The use case is as follows (...

What is the best way to reorder 1000 rows at one shot

I have 1000 records in a table which holds position field starting from 1 to 1000. Now I want to implement the reorder functionality for 1000 records. Suppose, If I move the 1000th record to 1st position then the 1st record should move to 2nd positon, 2nd record move to 3rd position and 999th record move to 1000th position. NOTE: I am...

Update table content while dragging the element using jquery

hi my question is can we update the table content while dragging/resizing the div.The content is the position and size of the div that is dragged or re-sized please help mee ...