
Drupal View (Page) vs Taxonomy

Hi, I have the following problem: I use taxonomys (tx) as tags. They can be added when the node is created. So I don't know how many tx I have or what ID they have. The path of the tx is like the following: /foo/element1 /foo/element2 /foo/element3 ... The secound element is the tx. Now I want to use a view (page) to handle the tx-pa...

Show Drupal taxonomy subcategories (subterms) on a node page

Hi there, I would like to ask some Drupaler for help. Is it possible to show the subcategories of a taxonomy term on a node page? Let's say that a have taxonomy like this: category 1 subcategory 1 subcategory 2 ... And I want for Ubercart product to show on a node page that an item from category 1 has following s...