
Drupal 6 Views - Left Join issues

I'm having an issue with Drupal 6 Views and a module of my own. I'm trying to get the query to use two Left Joins but it refuses to recognize the latter of the two. It's not an issue of order as I've switched them back and forth. Can anyone see the issue? If there is one? <?php function mc_bhg_views_data() { $data['mc_bhg_status...

Drupal and Ubercart - buy products including and excluding tax

I am developing an e-commerce site for use in the UK, and have been required to let the user buy products either with or without tax included. I have slightly modified the AAC module to show prices either including or excluding VAT depending on a cookie which is set via a "view prices including/excluding" link, but of course whenever a...

Drupal 6 and Backlinks

Just installed Drupal 6, CCK 2.3 and Views 2.5 and I'm trying to get backlinks. Every tutorial I see says that there is a backlinks view by default and I should activate it, but there is none. The only available views are: archive, comments_recent, frontpage, glossary, taxonomy_term & tracker :( ...

Using Maven to setup a Drupal PHP project

What do I want to achieve? We are currently working on a PHP project that uses Drupal. I desperately want to learn how to create a One-step build for the whole project. Preferably by using something new (for me) that seems very powerful: Maven Basically I want to automate the following process: Checkout Drupal from the official CVS ...

preview button in drupal 5 webform

I want to make a preview button in a webform page. Webform edit page doesn't have any option to do it. Even if I'm setting preview page for all content types all over the site in the administration page it doesn't apply on a webform page. I also tried coding and used form_alter but when I'm changing the submit button (or adding a new one...

Customized Drupal with pre-installed modules

I heard in Joomla world they sometimes create so called builds - Joomla installs targeted for specific kind of site. Is there something similar for Drupal? Someone may have likely created e.g. Company site with the same set of pages time and again, and it's possible that such builds are offered somewhere. I don't know how personal or co...

Add fields to the Site information section on Drupal 6.12

Hiya, I've been shifting through the drupal documentation and forums but it's all a little daunting. If anyone has a simple or straight forward method for adding fields to the Site information page in the administration section i'd really appreciate it. As a background, i'm just trying to add user customizable fields site wide fields/...

Drupal-Salesforce with NuSOAP

We have a Drupal 6 application (PHP 5) using the Salesforce module for integration. Everything works great on our current server, but we are moving to a server which does not allow the PHP SOAP extension, which the Salesforce module relies upon. NuSOAP does work on the new server. From our initial effort, it's a very difficult task to p...

Drupal: Is it possible to insert php variables from one node into another node?

I'm trying to use node_load to pass php variables (as variables!) from one node into another, and having no luck. So in other words, in node/1 I have listed a bunch of variables that I want to be available for php parsing in node/2. Is it possible? edit: Page 1 (www.something.com/node/1) has this text in the body: $var1 = "S...

AMFPHP + Drupal Setup Error

Hello, hopefully someone can help me with this headache I have. I'm currently running Drupal 6 and am trying to integrate AMFPHP so I can do some stuff with Adobe Flex. Anyway, I downloaded the AMPHP module and the other required modules. I go to my domain/admin/build/services and see the following expected data: Servers * AMFPHP -...

how to customise search results of apachesolr (drupal 6)

can somebody help me how to customize the search result of a apache solr search. i was only able to access these variables [comment_count] => [created] => [id] => [name] => [nid] => [title] => [type] => [uid] => [url] => [score] => [body]. how can i access other variable like status, vote .... from the index ( i don't want to access the...

Where is the best place to put a DB query in drupal?

I have a few forms who's data needs to be written to the main database in their own tables. Just simple name-email collection forms, that are part of regular pages in drupal. I suspect the right way to do this would be to write a module that would have the query in a function, but this is just a guess. I've never written a module befo...

PHP / Drupal, Session Storage and encryption

We're using Drupal on a number of sites. On all but one server, the data in the sessions table appears as a serialised string. This is normal behaviour AFAIK. On the exception server, the session data is stored looking like, _C0c5x_xpVKkya5nD68ChpaKaHYNzWTlEN52gOCkH1fIAvj3ziCydGnNbLXTO75q_pYLhumOYHzxD1D _ue5tRgeeQR4YUIDWtAZ2hxlJ7QUHS-K...

Drupal Ajaxifying Everything

Is there any way of ajaxifying Drupal so that page reloads are not reloads but just content modifications? So menus would be updated, content would be updated and any blocks etc. would be appropriately modified but without the overhead of spitting out the whole page to the the user for client-side fixing up and without losing the nice j...

Implement Groups and Group admins on Drupal

Hi, I'm new to Drupal and I'd like to get this quickly implemented, or at least know if it is possible and how to proceed. This is the situation: 3 types of users (roles): SuperAdmin, GroupAdmin and user. Users are just users who can use the whole site. GroupAdmin has the ability to create users associated to his Group. They can admini...

JS not accepting <> greater than or less than signs

I've been stuck on an interesting (IE: mind numbing) question for the past few hours. I've been trying to parse operators with regex: ([<>]=?|[!=]=) The ones that I want are: <= >= < > == != == and != matches great. But all the ones having to do with < or > doesn't on my Drupal site, even though they should theoretically work. What...

Drupal/Drigg categories management

Hey, I'm using Drigg module for Drupal (drigg-code.org) and I'm trying to accomplish the following cagtegory structure: A (parent category) - a, b, c (children) B (parent category) - b, c, d (children categories) When I click on 'b', I want to select the nodes from both A and B, but if I select the 'B' parent category, I want to only...

after login, redirect to entrance url?

The site I'm working on is using the Frontpage module to redirect anon users to a login page. And I know about using triggers to set an action to redirect after login, (set to one specific url). But here's the catch: My users are each arriving at a different entrance url, eg: www.mysite/PersonsName Is there a way to redirect back to ...

How to dynamically reconfigure Drupal's jQuery-based autocomplete at runtime?

Drupal has a very well-architected, jQuery-based autocomplete.js. Usually, you don't have to bother with it, since it's configuration and execution is handled by the Drupal form API. Now, I need a way to reconfigure it at runtime (with JavaScript, that is). I have a standard drop down select box with a text field next to it, and dependi...

How do I get a link to parent node in nodecomments in drupal 6?

I know the ideal place to ask is at . I posted my question in the drupal support forum and under the nodecomments module as an issue. I have also consecutively posted this question once a day for the past 3 days in the drupal support IRC channel. No answer. Hence, I have decided to try my luck here. I am running on the current setup ...