I have a custom user registration form at: somepath/register using hook form alter.
I set up auto assign role by path to "/somepath/register" and it does not seem to assign the role that I am wanting.
Does Auto Assign only work with content profile and not hook form alter registration ?
Hello guys
I am a newbie in drupal, i have created a new content type 'new', I have two type of roles Editor and manager. Editor must be able to add content in to the new content type but manager wont. I have specified in the module code that
function new_access($op, $node, $account) {
switch ($op) {
case 'create':
return use...
I've added some html code in my Blocks content and enabled Full HTML filter.
I've used relative paths for my images, such as "sites/all/themes/zen/zen/image.png"
I guess this is not correct because I need to change my paths depending on I'm in the home page or "node/id" page.
I guess I cannot use PHP inside blocks, thus I cannot ...
CCK is gone from Drupal7 and was replaced with the Fields API which is now part of core, but nodereference and userreference were not ported. This creates a problem for me because I use those 2 modules extensively.
There's an effort to work something out to replace these 2 modules with something more compatible with drupal7, but the so...
I'm using the content profile module. When a user is on their view profile page and press edit, they expect the profile edit page to show, not account settings as it is now. The path to content profile edit page is 'user/%/edit/uprofile'. Does anyone know how to set the 'user/%/edit/uprofile' to default tab for 'user/%/edit'?
Is it possible to use CCK to add a conditional to the image attach module form where unless I have selected an image to use for a content node, certain fields are not visible?
Currently I do not have any operations available for my image attach field in my content type definition where configure and remove are available for all other fi...
I am looking for a trick to find included files that are not in use. Preferrably not by going trough them by hand. This project has over 400 of such files, 100 are probably unused by now.
They are Drupal template files (tpl.php) and were placed in the theme/template during development and -as always- were never removed when obsoleted.
I have a menu item called "Inbox" on a menu called "dealer-menu". I want to change "Inbox" to "Inbox (1)" or "Inbox (2)" depending on the number of messages the user has in his inbox. How do I change the value ON THE FLY. I.e. on every page refresh?
I've never had this problem. When I enable "administration links", the "place captcha here" always appears at the bottom of a content type, but for some reason it is now appearing ABOVE the title field. How do I get it below again?
I need to create a simple form which asks two values from the user, and when she submits the form shows a value calculated based on those values.
For example, user could be shown something like this:
1st number:
2nd number:
The only editable fields are 1st and 2nd number. After giving the numbers and clicking Calcu...
playing with template files tpl.php
Fusion + Skinr
Display Suite
How do You define the layout of Your Drupal sites?
Which techniques do You find most useful?
I'm quite old-school and stick to templating.
It's true that I haven't practices the others too much. Yet, I'm also afraid that HTML output from Panels, Fusion or other f...
I have approximately 60.000 nodes in my Drupal installation.
They are all unpublished, and I need to publish all of them. I'm trying to publish them from "Content menu" but I can only select all nodes in a single page.
How can I select all nodes in my website ?
If I disable pathauto in my Drupal installation, am I going to have any issue with my Drupal website ?
It simply display a meaningful url for each node and it can disable at any moment. Correct ?
I've created a (modest) question answers system in Drupal.
I'm using forum content type and enabled comments on nodes. I'm also using node comments module to convert comments to nodes.
Everything works great, I still have a small issue on the "Search" View. When I search for a word, the search engine displays all nodes containing that ...
In an AJAX call back in drupal it is normally recommended to use drupal_json() to send data to client. This function converts the raw data into JSON along with HTML encoding.
I want to send the HTML data without encoding to client.
for this I am using following code:
print $html_output;
Is there any recommended or best way i...
Which do you use and why? Does one provide any clear advantages over the other?
Is it possible to do cross database joins in drupal?
Say you have two databases, drupal and old_data_source. You want to join drupal.node to old_data_source.page.
db_set_active() can be called to use multiple databases. However can't find anything about cross database table joins!
(I'm looking into this as part of a migration script a...
Hey all!
I'm trying to achieve a sort of special sorting in Drupal. Let's say we've got a table of data such as this:
Name Age Sex
John 19 Male
Mia 20 Female
Mia 21 Female
Here's what i want to acheive. I want to be able to remove one of the Mia's by filtering. The thing here is that the name field is not the node title - but a ...
I've overridden the views-view.list.tpl.php. I want to optionally included some extra HTML markup if a value in a CCK field for the current node is set to certain values.
How can I access CCK field values in a views-view.list.tpl.php view template file?
Hi there,
I'm trying to use hook_menu to create a link to a view which takes an argument. However if I use the path (in $items[view-path/%dest]) that I've already set as the path in the view then the link doesn't appear. I'm guessing there's a path conflict somewhere. Is there a way round this? Or can I use another method to return the ...