
mysql assign auto number to non-primary key column

i have a table with columns cid (customer id) cemail (customer email) cfax (customer email) cname (customer name) now i want that there should be no duplication in cid,cemail,cfax as i do that i make these all as primary keys but if only one value is different database accept data i want that it should check all values what should i...

Problem removing duplicate files using awk

Contents of part3.1.awk { current_line=$0 if (current_line!=prev) { print $1 " -> " " -> " $5 " -> " $8 } prev=$0 } To get the list of processes, i run this in terminal. I want to get output with removed duplicates and sorted too. $ps -ef | awk -f part3.1.awk | sort What wrong am i doing? ...

Remove duplicates by field from one table using another using LINQ

I have to leave in a DataTable only records with dates currently not present in the database. So I read all existing dates using the stored procedure (is it correct?): SELECT DISTINCT CAST(S.[date] AS DATE) -- original date is DATETIME2(0) FROM ... WHERE ... and load it to a DataTable: var tableDate = new DataTable(); new SqlDataAda...

How do I get Simian to produce a nice HTML report I can email to everyone on the team?

I am trying to discover how great our problem is with duplicate code, therefore I need to be able to mail a nice report (HTML, PDF, or word) to everyone on the team that lists all the duplicates that are found. How do I create such a report? (At this stage, I am just looking for a one-of ad hock solution to help with scoping the proble...

MySQL Result - "Group By" removing incorrect duplicates

Will do my best to describe the problem Im having :) Each thread/topic in my forum represents one disc. Registered members of the forum use a series of checkboxes (one displayed next to each disc) to tick each disc that they have in their collection. When the form is $_POST'ed it stores the information in a table like so: | user_id - ...

Remove identical files in UNIX

Hi all, I'm dealing with a large amount (30,000) files of about 10MB in size. Some of them (I estimate 2%) are actually duplicated, and I need to keep only a copy for every duplicated pair (or triplet). Would you suggest me an efficient way to do that? I'm working on unix. Thank you :-) ...

MySql - Select from - Don't Show Duplicate Words - maybe "on duplicate key"?

hi, how can I insert "on duplicate key" in this Code to remove duplicate words? or is there a better method that you know? thank you!! this is my code: function sm_list_recent_searches($before = '', $after = '', $count = 20) { // List the most recent successful searches. global $wpdb, $table_prefix; $count = intval($count); ...

Linq duplicate removal with a twist

I got a list that contains al the status items of each order. The problem that i have is that i need to remove all the items of which the status -> logdate combination is not the highest. e.g var inputs = new List<StatusItem>(); //note that the 3th id is simply a modifier that adds that amount of secs //to the c...

How to delete duplicate records in MySQL by retaining those fields with data in the duplicate item but not in the original item?

I have few thousands of records with few 100 fields in a MySQL Table. Some records are duplicates and are marked as such. Now while I can simply delete the dupes, I want to retain any other possible valuable non-null data which is not present in the original version of the record. Hope I made sense. For instance : a b c d e f key dupe...

Removing “duplicate objects” with same attributes using Array.map

As you can see in the current code below, I am finding the duplicate based on the attribute recordable_id. What I need to do is find the duplicate based on four matching attributes: user_id, recordable_type, hero_type, recordable_id. How must I modify the code? heroes = User.heroes for hero in heroes hero_statuses = hero.hero_statuse...

Removing Duplicates in an array in C

The question is a little complex. The problem here is to get rid of duplicates and save the unique elements of array into another array with their original sequence. For example : If the input is entered b a c a d t The result should be : b a c d t in the exact state that the input entered. So, for sorting the array then checking co...

Comparing array of structs, and removing duplicate

I have two arrays of structs. array_of_structs1 array_of_structs2 The struct class looks like this, for contextual info: class Leader < Struct.new(:rank, :user); end I want to remove the duplicate users from array_of_structs1. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! ...

Python - Removing duplicates from a string

def remove_duplicates(strng): """ Returns a string which is the same as the argument except only the first occurrence of each letter is present. Upper and lower case letters are treated as different. Only duplicate letters are removed, other characters such as spaces or numbers are not changed. >>> remove_dupl...

How to remove duplicate entries from a mysql db?

I have a table with some ids + titles. I want to make the title column unique, but it has over 600k records already, some of which are duplicates (sometimes several dozen times over). How do I remove all duplicates, except one, so I can add a UNIQUE key to the title column after? ...

SUDS rendering a duplicate node and wrapping everything in it

Here is my code: #Make the SOAP connection url = "https://api.channeladvisor.com/ChannelAdvisorAPI/v1/InventoryService.asmx?WSDL" headers = {'Content-Type': 'text/xml; charset=utf-8'} ca_client_inventory = Client(url, location="https://api.channeladvisor.com/ChannelAdvisorAPI/v1/InventoryService.asmx", headers=headers) #Make the SOAP he...

Remove duplicate column values from a datatable without using LINQ

Consider my datatable, Id Name MobNo 1 ac 9566643707 2 bc 9944556612 3 cc 9566643707 How to remove the row 3 which contains duplicate MobNo column value in c# without using LINQ. I have seen similar questions on SO but all the answers uses LINQ. ...

MySQL Normalization stored procedure performance

I've written a stored procedure in MySQL to take values currently in a table and to "Normalize" them. This means that for each value passed to the stored procedure, it checks whether the value is already in the table. If it is, then it stores the id of that row in a variable. If the value is not in the table, it stores the newly inserted...

Remove double http:// from input using jQuery

I have a textarea with a default value of http://. Now when an user pastes in an url (if they don't know what they are doing, like most people) it comes out like this http://http://www.google.com. I've seen a site that as soon as you have http://http:// it removes one via JavaScript. I am not familiar with JavaScript, so can anyone help...

Matlab delete repeating row

Possible Duplicate: How can I remove duplicates in an array but keep the same order? How I can delete duplicate row without sorting it? data.txt newData.txt 1 1 5 5 3 3 3 8 8 8 I have tried to use the function UNIQUE but it sorted the data in ascending order. I don't want it to be...

How do I remove duplicates from a datatable altogether based on a column's value?

I have 3 columns in a DataTable Id Name Count 1 James 4345 2 Kristen 89231 3 James 599 4 Suneel 317113 I need rows 1 and 3 gone, and the new datatable returning only rows 2 and 4. I found a really good related question in the suggestions on SO--this guy. But his solution uses hashtables, and on...