
Latex using eps images builds slowly

Working with a latex document with eps images as in the example below... \documentclass[11pt]{paper} \usepackage[dvips]{graphicx} \usepackage{fullpage} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{amsmath} \DeclareMathSizes{8}{8}{8}{8} \author{Matt Miller} \title{my paper} \begin{document} \begin{figure}[!ht] \begin{center} \includegra...

Included LaTeX figures do not show in dvi but do in pdf.

I am trying to get LaTeX to include figures, but the eps files will not show up in the DVI. I tried various packages to no avail. The figures will show up fine if I compile to PDF, but not in the DVI file... I am using MikTex and LEd under Windows. ...

how to turn a DVI to tex?

Any idea how to take DVI files and turn them into tex? ...

dvi2rtf - who can convert DVI files to RTF files?

Consider a *NIX executable, dvi2rtf, whose contents are: #!/bin/sh TMPX=`mktemp /tmp/dvi2rtf.XXXXXX` dvitty $1 $TMPX # CTAN txt2rtf $TMPX $2 # CTAN, in rtfutils If my head is working this morning and the right executables are on the PATH, this clobbers the second argument with an rtf file whose text contents will roughl...

image not shown in dvi after latexing

Hi, I include several images of eps format in latex. After latex command, there are some of the images missing in the dvi file. Not sure if it is related to the image size, most of the images missing have size around 83kB while those shown up have a size less than 40kB. After conversion from dvi to ps, the images are all back. Just wond...

dvi generation: no bounding box

I wrote a research paper in latex and generated pdf using kile. It worked perfectly well. Now conference people are asking for dvi file also. But Kile's quick build process does not give a dvi file, but its 'Latex' compile process does. So I tried to compile the document, and it gave errors for includegraphics saying figure not found. Wh...