
Where should I place my Easy Slider jQuery functions in my Wordpress theme?

I added Easy Slider to my Wordpress blog. The problem is that the buttons are even shown when there's a Page with no slider or pictures. I used to place this: $(document).ready(function () { //easy slider $("#slider").easySlider({ auto: true, continuous: true }); }); in a custom.js file which I placed in Wordpress's footer.php...

Integer to Binary Erlang

Hi, I am trying to make an integer into a binary: 543 = <<"543">> How can I do this without integer_to_list(list_to_binary(K)). ...

erlang - checksum

Godd Morning, I am trying to perform a check sum on the following function Data = [<<"9">>,"81", <<1>>, <<"52=">>, [[50,48,49,48,49,48,50,54,45,49,53,":",52,53,":",52,52]], <<1>>, <<1>>, [<<"9">>,<<"0">>,<<1>>], [<<"5">>,<<"4">>,<<1>>]] Using: checksum(Data) -> checksum(Data, 0). checksum([...