
[Android] How to search and Highlight Text within an EditText

I've searched high and low for something that seems to be a simple task. Forgive me, I am coming to Android from other programming languages and am new to this platform and Java. What I want to do is create a dialog pop-up where a user enters text to search for and the code would take that text and search for it within all the text in ...

EditText items in a scrolling list lose their changes when scrolled off the screen

I have a long scrolling list of EditText items created by a SimpleCursorAdapter and prepopulated with values from an SQLite database. I make this by: cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT _id, criterion, localweight, globalweight FROM " + dbTableName + " ORDER BY criterion", null); startManagingCursor(cursor); mAdapter = new SimpleCursorAdapt...

Style EditText content 'on the fly'?

I'm working on a rich text editor in Android. Basically it has bold, italics and link buttons that are tied to an EditText to change the style of the content. I have it working great if you select the text you want to style first, and then select the button using this method: http://developer.android.com/guide/appendix/faq/commontasks....

auto adjust the size and position of edittext and button

Hi, In emulator, size of edittext and button looks nice but in motorola milestones, both of them are so small. I think there are different types of screen layout. Is it possible to adjust the size automatically? My xml is below : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><RelativeLayout android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_hei...

Android: EditText cannot gain focus after being re-enabled

I have a TabHost with three tabs. The first tab's content is the Intent of a custom activity who's contentview is a relative layout containing two EditTexts and two CheckBoxes (and a button). Each checbox, when checked, enables/disables one EditText and the other checkbox. and I went about that like this: chkPolaziste.setOnCheckedChan...

How to get an EditText field prefilled after hitting the back button.

I have a setup view where the user can enter their name and email and click done when they are finished which navigates them to another activity1. When they are in activity1, and they hit the soft back button on the phone, it takes them screen where they entered their name and email. However, the name and email EditText fields are blan...

Android edit text

I am working with an edit text to support the properties of bold,italic and underline.I got succeed after selecting the text and clicking on bold my text was bold.Now what my requirement is how to remove the bold again after selecting the text and clicking on bold button. Regards, Bhavani.G ...

how to avoid cache in EditText

Hi How to avoid EditText to repopulate data that is previously entered in it. ...

android: programatically add id to R.id

i am creating an EditText object which i then try to reference in a unit test. what is the best way to add a new 'id' to R.id for this dynamically created object so that i can later reference it via findViewById() in the unit test? ...

Soft Keyboard - Numeric Only

Hi guys, my question is kinda related to this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3216169/numeric-soft-keyboard-on-android BUT, the question above isnt answered, so here i am. Theres a EditText that when it gets touched or has focus, i want the Software Keyboard to show up by default as NUMERIC! Of course, you can switch back ...

Vertical content align in Android EditText

Hi, I have a multi-line EditText: <EditText android:layout_gravity="center" android:id="@+id/txtMessage" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_below="@+id/lblMessage" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:width="250dip" android:text="" android:maxLength="760" android:lines="4"></EditText> How do I vertically align ...

Content of a inflated EditText

I'm having a hard time figuring out how to getText() as a readable String from a inflated EditText. I have a boolean method that checks something, so, in the onCreate method i call it like this if(method) { if(booleanVariable) { LayoutInflater factory = LayoutInflater.from(MyActivity.this); View child = factory.in...

EditText input text not drawing after a while

I have a chat app and one the problems I haven't been able to solve is the EditText input box stops showing text after a while. I've verified the problem myself but it seems to depend on the IME you use. I use HTC's ime and have never had the problem. For purposes of finding the problem, I switched to stock Android ime and the problem sh...

Android Saving Edittext content to SharedPreferences and Reading it back

In my xml i have an edittext element like this <EditText android:id="@+id/hrvalue" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="64" android:textSize="18sp"> </EditText> in my configuration class i want to read the value of the edittext and save it to a variable. In the edittext box the user wi...

EditText and TabHost do not like each other...

I have a layout with EditText and TabHost containing 2 tabs. Android 1.6. I use hardware keyboard in following case. Steps to reproduce: When activity is displayed the EditText gains focus. As soon as I press any key the EditText loses focus and first tab gains it. I click on the EditText again and start typing. It works unless ...

Android Word-Wrap EditText text

I have been trying to get my EditText box to word wrap, but can't seem to do it. I have deal with much more complicated issues while developing Android applications, and this seems like it should be a straight-forward process. However, the issue remains, and I have a large text box that is only allowing me to enter text on one line, co...

Limit text length of EditText in Android

What's the best way to limit the text length of an EditText in Android? Is there a way to do this via xml? ...

Android soft keyboard covers edittext field

Is there a way to make the screen scroll to allow the text field to be scene? ...

Remove default focus color from GridLayout and EditBox in android

Hi , i want to remove the default orange focus color from GridView and from the EditText. I have tried the android:focusable="false" but it is not working.Can any one help me if you have gone through this problem before????? Thanks in advance. ...

Display a message inside Android Edit Text Field

Hai, I have an Android Program with one text field. I need to display a message inside that textfield when it loads on an emulator. When the user clicks inside that textbox that message should dispappear. For Ex: Please enter name Can any one post some sample code over here... ...