
What is the appropriate initial value for a ElapsedTime Performance Counter?

What is the proper initial value for an ElapsedTime performance counter? When my app starts up I am setting the .RawValue of the performance counter instance to 0 but that is not correct. It looks like it needs to be based on the current time but I'm not sure what is the actual value I should be using. ...

For simple C cmd programs: how to add "program executed in 12,345 seconds" ?

I'm a windows user, and I'm learning C. I use Codeblocks and visual c++ 2008 express at home to write simple C command line programs (I'm a beginner) and I find really useful when codeblocks adds a few lines at the end with the time it takes (example: "Process returned 0 (0x0) execution time : 6.848 s"). I want to add this functionali...

MySQL: Strange result when subtracting Date value and NOW()

I just tried to insert two rows with the current datetime and then calculated the elapsed time since that date. Here are the rows from my table after two insertions and using NOW() function to set the timestamp: mysql> select * from pendingActivations; +--------+------------+---------------------+ | userId | code | timestamp ...

How to get jQuery countdown plugin to work

Hi, I am using the jQuery countdown plugin and some how i just can't get it to work. the documentation on the plugin is not that helpful. I got to implement the basic/minimal version but after that I'm catching my tail to figure out the plugin. I'm trying to create two things: A time elapsed counter (count-up timer) which starts fro...

How to get the minutes start back at 00 in count Up Timer

Hi am working on this Count Up/Count down Timer however I can't get the minutes to return back to 00 after an hour has elapsed (or reach 60). The 60 remains and it just continues counting the minutes (e.g. 1:61:09). I would like it to show (e.g. 1:01:09) $(document).ready(function() { jQuery.fn.countUpDown = function(settings,to) { ...