
Vista UAC, Access Elevation and .Net

I'm trying to find out if there is any way to elevate a specific function within an application. For example, I have an app with system and user settings that are stored in the registry, I only need elevation for when the system settings need to be changed. Unfortunately all of the info I've come across talks about only starting a new ...

How can I detect if my process is running UAC-elevated or not?

My Vista application needs to know whether the user has launched it "as administrator" (elevated) or as a standard user (non-elevated). How can I detect that at run time? ...

How to UAC elevate a COM component with .NET

I've found an article on how to elevate a COM object written in C++ by calling CoCreateInstanceAsAdmin. But what I have not been able to find or do, is a way to implement a component of my .NET (c#) application as a COM object and then call into that object to execute the tasks which need UAC elevation. MSDN documents this as the admin ...

How to run NOT elevated in Vista (.NET)

I have an application that I have to run as Administrator. One small part of that application is to start other applications with Process.Start The started applications will also be run as administrators, but I'd rather see them run as the 'normal' user. How do I accomplish that? /johan/ ...

Editing the Registry with VBScript on Vista

A VBScript cannot edit the registry by default on Vista. How do I get elevation (even if the user has to do something when they run the script) so that the script can edit the registry? The error is: --------------------------- Windows Script Host --------------------------- Script: blah blah blah.vbs Line: 6 Char: 1 Error: Permi...

Position of the sun given time of day, and lat/long

Anyone want to share some nice code that gives the position of the sun (elevation and azimuth) given latitude and longitude and time of day ? And date, of course. ...

Access Denied when Reading/Writing to Program FIles

I have a small program that is installed in a custom folder in the program files, but when I tried to read or write to files that are needed to operate, the program raises an Access Denied Exeption. How can I elevte the program, with the user's permission of course. ...

Delphi: Prompt for UAC elevation when needed

We need to change some settings to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE at runtime. Is it possible to prompt for uac elevation if needed at runtime, or do I have to launch a second elevated process to do 'the dirty work'? ...

Windows 7: Taking advantage of auto-elevation to elevate my own process?

From a July 2009 Technet article entitled Inside Windows 7 User Account Control, Mark Russinovish describes that it's possible for an application running as standard user to silently elevate and gain administrative rights: ...it's possible for third-party software running in a PA (Protected Administrator) account with standard us...

How do you de-elevate privileges for a child process

I know how to launch a process with Admin privileges from a process using: proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = true; proc.StartInfo.Verb = "runas"; where proc is a System.Diagnostics.Process. But how does one do the opposite? If the process you're in is already elevated, how do you launch the new process without admin privileges? Mor...

How do I create a manifest for a windows installer?

We have an installer for our application that must be downloaded and run with administrator privileges, like many other installers. However, the installer isn't named "setup.exe", so Windows doesn't automatically detect it as requiring elevation to run. Changing the installer name to make things elevate properly sounds pretty messy, fra...

Program needing elevation in Startup registry key (windows 7)

Hi all, I have a program that I'd to run when the computer starts. I've put its path inside "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run". This is in Windows 7. When the computer starts nothing happens. I'm thinking this is because the program needs elevation when I run it. But Windows does not ask for permission to elevate and gives ...

Load ActiveX DLL in Internet Explorer with elevated privileges

I have an ActiveX control that I'm loading with JavaScript in Internet Explorer. It needs to run as medium integrity under UAC in Vista and Win7. This is written in C/C++, compiled in Visual Studio. One way to elevate privileges is to create a broker process that can request a medium integrity level. However, for this project, this is n...

.NET Embedded Manifest Crashes XP

Hi, I am embedding a manifest in a .NET exe so that it can request elevated permissions in Vista and Windows 7. The manifest that I am using is as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0"> <assemblyIdentity version="" name="Elevatio...

How to allow to allow admins to edit my app's config files without UAC elevation?

My company produces a cross-platform server application which loads its configuration from user-editable configuration files. On Windows, config file ACLs are locked down by our Setup program to allow reading by all users but restrict editing to Administrators and Local System only. Unfortunately, on Windows Server 2008, even local adm...

How do I create a shortcut to CMD.EXE that asks for elevation using INNO Setup?

Hi, using INNO Setup I currently have the following entry under the [ICONS] section: Name: "{group}\My App\My App - Command Prompt"; Filename: "cmd.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}" This shortcut launches a command prompt straight into my application's folder. Unfortunately it isn't launched as elevated which means the commands the user run...

Map API with Building Elevation Data

Hi! I'm looking for a map API where I can get detailed elevation for points. I'm not looking elevation differences for certain paths along roads on the map but actual building heights. Getting the the 3d meshes for buildings would also be fine since I can compute the height myself using that information. Does any of the map API's out t...

.NET 2.0 Process Elevation for App Installation

We have an application written in both C++ and .NET that installs for all users in the Program Files folder. This application downloads new versions of itself (as MSI installers) and spawns the new installer process to replace itself. The install process as it exists today: Copy an install manager app (C#, .NET 2.0) to the temp direct...

How elevate and get admin rights on-demand in a .NET application?

I have an .NET application which is run with default rights as the current user, then at some point I need to perform an action which requires admin rights. How can I get admin rights on-demand in a .NET application? Requiring that the application is run with admin rights from the beginning is not appropriate as it may be that such ac...

Signed and RequireAdministrator executable being run from temp folder?

i manifested my executable as require administrator: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0"> <!-- Disable Windows Vista UAC compatability heuristics --> <trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2"> <security> <...