
Java Mail Class

Hello, I am looking for a Java class that will allow me to send emails without the need for SMTP. Like the PHP mail() class that uses sendmail. Any suggestions? Many Thanks James ...

Encrypted email test data set

I'm looking for a set of emails encrypted (and signed) by a variety of email clients in order to test a mail client. A downloadable mbox file along with test gpg keys would be ideal for this. There seem to be a variety of ways that emails are encrypted (and signed), so getting all of them to work is difficult. And then you find another ...

Error trying to send email

Hi, Apologies as I'm a bit of a beginner with this. I'm trying to send an email from my ASP.NET website using the following code (obviously replacing the hostname, username and password with the actual values): Public Shared Sub Send(ByVal ToEmail As String, ByVal FromEmail As String, ByVal Subject As String, ByVal Message As String) ...

Zend Framework: How to set default mail transport in configuration file?

I know that default mail transport could be set in bootstrap file but how to do it in app.ini file? Basically I want to use smtp transport on local windows system and regular mail transport on production server. Edit: I'm already using these settings in app.ini . Thanks. ...

How to use php mail() function without crashing the server?

I want to send out some batch e-mails using php. I have done so in the past with a foreach loop within which I use the php mail() function. However, when there are a lot of e-mails to send out, this often gets backed up and crashes the server. How can I do this without overwhelming the system? ...

Magento 1.4 - new order email notification not being sent

Does anyone know why Magento 1.4 fails to send email notifications for a new order? ...

When creating HTML emails, should we use html, head, body tags?

In my email views, I usually just do something like... <dl> <dt>Name</dt> <dd>Value</dd> </dl> Should I be doing it like this? <html> <head></head> <body> <dl> <dt>Name</dt> <dd>Value</dd> </dl> </body> </html> In other words, like I was marking up a standalone document? I guess I can safely assum...

Email server setup tutorial?

I am configuring a linode ubuntu server to only send valid email alerts from a python app. I setup a spf record and configured reverse dns. However my emails to my gmail account are sent to spam email, and when I look at the original messages the gmail says the spf record is "neutral" instead of pass or fail. Are there any really good t...

PHP mail header - only first line was used, the rest rendered as body

Hi all, Been having this problem for very long and couldn't find any solution. What happen is that occasionally the email that I sent out has the header appearing in the body text. On closer examination, the first line of the header was read as header but the rest of the header are thought to be body. It only happens to a selected few r...

send email using php

how to set bounce back in email ...

How to Get Mail Body which has .eml attachment ?

I am developing Email client Application in Python. How to Get Mail Body which has .eml attachment using Imap ? ...

How to send 100.000 emails weekly ??

On my blog, I have 100.000 subscribers and I want to send them an update email weekly. How can I do that with PHP ? ...

domain and sub domain with different MX records

I am trying to segregate email address of my employees according to the geographic location. so i have thought of creating email with location information as [email protected] or [email protected] etc current setup: email hosting from 2 different service providers (godaddy and google apps) , one domain having hosting at godaddy, all ...

HTML and Plaintext email messages appropriate way to include a hyperlink in both?

Emails sent with html are obviously able to easily contain hyperlinks to web resources. What I want to understand is how best to include those links in a plaintext portion of the email? Does this have any affect on spam ? For example, our IT management system sends out emails and occasionally we encounter a customer that is ending u...

postfix on mac (snow leopard) / php mail() won't work (Operation timed out...)

Hello everyone! After hours and hours of research on this (it does appear to be quite an issue)... it still won't work. I already tried with changes to,, php.ini, org.postfix.master... For it was suggested to set "myhostname = host.domain.tld" to something one has control over, which I don't. Everything I tri...

.NET Why can't I send email?

Here is my code: try { MailMessage m = new MailMessage ("[email protected]", "[email protected]", "Quarterly data report.", "Hello, world."); SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient("", 465); client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("[email protected]", "password"); ...

c# winform email progress and cancellation

Any ideas on to implementing a progress bar type solution for heavy emails? So when heavy attachments are being uploaded a progress bar with actual % or bytes uploaded can be displayed? Searched on this topic a bit, a third party library here supports this kind of thing. But looking for some piece of actual code or material on how to i...

Using html page as mail body in

I have an email template in a file called template.html, how can i use it as mail body in ...

Creating a gmail domain.

Hi guys. I want to create several gmail accounts that use gmail as mail. Something like,, and using gmail. How do I do this? Thx. ...

mail daemon on java

I need to create something like mail daemon on java or node.js We have a highload project written on PHP which generates a lot of e-mail registrations/updates/etc. Currently all messages are being put into mongodb after processing (language/template). I'm considering writing a small daemon which will check for new messages in mongo every...