
How are SYNC words chosen?

I'm using a data transmission system which uses a fixed SYNC word (0xD21DB8) at the beginning of every superframe. I'd be curious to know how such SYNC words are chosen, i.e. based on which criteria designers choose the length and the value of such a SYNC word. ...

Is Haskell Embeddable?

I'm wanting to know if it's possible to develop applications in or on Haskell to Windows Mobile, also if there is any version of hugs or ghci for Windows Mobile. Thanks. ...

Using Printf to display on serial port of an ARM microcontroller

I would like to use printf to diplay text on a serial port of an ARM microcontroller. I am unable to do so. Any help is appreciated. My init_serial looks like this void init_serial (void) { PINSEL0 = 0x00050000; /* Enable RXD1 TxD1 */ U1LCR = 0x00000083; /*8 bits, 1 Stop bit */ U1DLL = 0x000000C2; /*9600 Baud Rate @12MHz VPB Clock */ ...

Coding realtime clock for for ARM architecture based microcontroller

I need to write a program to implement real time clock for ARM architecture. example: LPC213x It should display Hour Minute and Seconds. I have no idea about ARM so having trouble getting started. My code below is not working // ... int main (void) { int hour=0; int min=0; int sec; init_serial(); /* Init UART */ I...

clear code for counting from 0 to 255 using 8-bit datatype

I was wondering if there is a clean way of counting from 0 to 255 using an 8 bit datatype, something like: for(uint8_t i(0);i<=255;++i) { .... } This obviously will not work but it makes it clear you want to count from 0 to 255. A working solution would be something like: uint8_t i(0); do { ... ++i; } while(i > 0); Bu...

Getting started with FPGA programming.

I want to play around with FPGAs. I'm looking for advice getting on started. Can anyone recommend good FPGA boards that I easily start programming for? How much should I look at spending? Can I avoid buying a FPGA board now, and just emulate the code I write? Are there portability issues between different boards? What languages are ...

Optimal datafile format loading on a game console.

Hello. I need to load large models and other structured binary data on an older CD-based game console as efficiently as possible. What's the best way to do it? The data will be exported from a Python application. This is a pretty elaborate hobby project. Requierements: no reliance on fully standard compliant STL - i might use uSTL th...

Is it possible to have a single physical USB device appear as two separate device classes?

I am in the early stages of development of a device requiring USB connectivity. As a minimum the device must appear as a legacy serial port, but it would be useful if it could simultaneously appear as a mass-storage device. Is this possible, or will the device need to switch between mass-storage and communications-device so that it is ...

LD linker: Target address aligning but not address in ROM

I have a program that's resident in flash and will run from flash. Early in the program data segments are copied from flash to ram. I'm using a linker script like (simplified): .text : { *(.text) } > FLASH _etext = .; PROVIDE (etext = .); .rodata : { PROVIDE(__COPY_DATA_START__ = .); *(.rodata) } > ram AT>flash PROVIDE (...

Differences Between ARM Assembly and x86 Assembly

Hello, I'm now going to learn ARM Assembly, to develop for my Windows Mobile 5 iPAQ, but I have some questions: What Are The Main Differences Between ARM Assembly and x86 Assembly? Is Any Differences In The Interrupts(New Types)? Which Are They And What Is The Meaning Of They? Best Assembler To Compile And Where To Get It? Where ...

NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces causes AppDomain.UnhandledException to stop firing on Windows XP Embedded

I have an application that targets desktop OSes (XP, Vista, Win7) as well as mobile devices running Windows XP Embedded. All platforms are running the full .Net Framework, not the Compact Framework. The app uses the AppDomain.UnhandledException event to detect and log any fatal application errors. Nothing unusual there, and it works perf...

Stack Size Estimation

In multi-threaded embedded software (written in C or C++), a thread must be given enough stack space in order to allow it to complete its operations without overflowing. Correct sizing of the stack is critical in some real-time embedded environments, because (at least in some systems I've worked with), the operating system will NOT dete...

Alarm history stack or queue?

I'm trying to develop an alarm history structure to be stored in non-volatile flash memory. Flash memory has a limited number of write cycles so I need a way to add records to the structure without rewriting all of the flash pages in the structure each time or writing out updated pointers to the head/tail of the queue. Additionally once...

Is kernel or userspace responsible for rotating framebuffer to match screen

I'm working on embedded device with screen rotated 90 degrees clockwise: screen controller reports 800x600 screen, while device's screen is 600x800 portrait. What do you think, whose responsibility it is to compensate for this: should kernel rotate framebuffer to provide 800x600 screen as expected by upper-level software or applications...

Self-Signed SSL Link not working

I have an embedded web server with a self-signed SSL certificate. After I get past the Web Browser's warning about the SSL Certificate being self signed, I am seeing a difference between IE8 and Firefox 3.5.5. In IE8, if I try to download a PNG file, it will download every time. In FireFox, it will give me an error every other time. ...

Which embedded (microcontroller) platform to move to

Hi all. I have been programming with 8bit PICs for quite some time but now need to move to something more powerful. I would like a family of chips that: I can get a good (free) IDE for Solderable packages, QFN or similar (arm9 out) Scales well -- some of my projects will require a small chip for PWM / switches etc, but I'd ultimately...

How to connect to MySQL Database from eMbedded Visual C++

How can I connect to a remote Mysql database, from Cpp code using Microsoft eMbedded Visual C++ (which is configured for a special board running WindowsCE)? I have downloaded the source files for Mysql C and C++ Connector/APIs but; their 'make' or installation process is pretty complicated and valid only for Visual Studio. ...

can i use sigmatel stmp 3650 kit firmware code on other devices ?

Hi all, im know little about MCU and embedded systems. a year ago we made contract with a company to designe special porpuse mp4 device based on sigmatel STMP 3650 kit, now we have all the source code for the firmware (code, resource around 1G). my questions is: can we use this code to run on other stmp 3xxx famliy based devices ( wit...

Can I use a USB-to-serial adapter to talk to my development board from VMWare Fusion?

I have a Linux virtual machine running on VMWare Fusion (on Mac OS X) that I intend to use as a development environment for an embedded system. Would it be possible for my Linux VM to talk to my embedded system's serial port using a USB-to-serial adapter? Any recommendations for what sort of adapter I should get? ...

Affordable, programmable device with gprs and simple sensors?

I've got quite a fun challenge / work assignment. I'm to monitor a couple of 5V light bulbs (warning lights) on a machine standing far out in no man's land. I'm looking for an affordable device with an input which allows me to hook into the light bulb circuit to tell whether it's lit or not. Requirements: GPRS Inputs for at least two...