
What are the best methods for protecting duplication and limiting viewing time of a distributed video?

I am looking to release a video on memory stick (more likely) or DVD (less likely) that has protection against duplication and expires after a certain date. We basically have a video we want to sell the video to clients, but in the industry, it's common for companies to trade and duplicate what they have purchased, even to their competit...

Encrypting config files for deployment

Hi, I have a windows service that reads from app.config. I want some settings to be encrypted, however, I don't want to use the ProtectedConfigurationProvider classes provided in .NET because they encrypt files based on the machine they are running on using DPAPI. What I wanted was a way for our administrator to deploy the config file...

Secure, portable encrypted config values -- possible?

I'm just curious if anyone has any great ideas on this. We have a lot of C# windows services. Each app is installed on multiple machines (anywhere from 2-80, depending on the app.) Due to the security setup of the network, we cannot (consistently) use Windows authentication to the SQL servers, so our connection strings and credentia...

How can I encrypt a message in Perl to decrypt it in C#?

Hi all, I am needing to encrypt using Perl and decrypt on .Net (C#). i.e. Perl encrypts a file and my .Net code decrypts the file (and even maybe validates integrity). The problem is that I am not familiar with the encryption capabilities of Perl. Can anyone offer guidance on how best to approach this and what the possibilities are? T...

How Is My Password Transferred from My Browser to the Web Server Securely?

How is the password I enter in, say a Gmail login form, transferred to the web server securely? What does the browser or any client application do? What does the web server do? ...

Vim encryption: how to break it?

Recently I decided to encrypt my engineering log using vim's :X encryption feature. I wrote down the password, but evidently I misspelled something or messed something up because decrypting the file just gives gibberish. To make matters worse, all my backups are somehow corrupted (don't ask, I am not sure how either). I am not going...

AES encryption of 16 bytes without salt

How secure is it to encrypt 16 bytes of data as a single block with AES? No salt/IV, no mode of operation, millions of different 16 byte blocks encrypted. I don't know enough about crypto but this smells to me. Edit: to give a bit more detail this is not about encrypting a message but a database table column where the plain text length ...

CLR Assembly for Encryption/Decryption

We recently implemented some symmetric keys in MS SQL 2005 for encrypting and decrypting credit card, check routing/account numbers. Ideally, we would like a user defined function to be able to perform the encryption and decryption, however, its not possible since the encryptbykey and decryptbykey functions cannot be used within user de...

Encryption with multiple different keys?

Is there a way to store data in an encrypted way such that it can be decrypted with several different keys? IE, if I've encrypted data with key1, but I want to be able to decrypted with keys 2, 3, and 4. Is this possible? ...

Find random point along a line

I'm writing a small program to help split passwords ( see below for explanation) I have code to convert text to a int ( text-ascii binary -> dec int) so in this case the word "test" would = 1952805748 Now the interesting part.(encoding the password) I would then take x1 = 1952805748 and y1 = 0 then i make up a random point where x2 ...

How might someone crack the SQL Server 2005 encryption stack?

This is one for all you security gurus out there. I have a SQL Server 2005 database with a database master key, which is encrypted with a very strong password using the server key, which in turn is encrypted using the service account credentials in the Windows Data Protection layer. I have a certificate which is encrypted using the dat...

"Padding is invalid and cannot be removed" using AesManaged

I'm trying to get simple encryption/decryption working with AesManaged, but I keep getting an exception when trying to close the decryption stream. The string here gets encrypted and decrypted correctly, and then I get the CryptographicException "Padding was invalid and cannot be removed" after Console.WriteLine prints the correct strin...

How can I encrypt or hide passwords in a Perl script?

I am working on Perl script that uses Expect to login via telnet to remote machines (don't ask, gotta use telnet). I also do perforce p4 login operations as necessary and use expect to pipe in the correct passwords. For now I just read passwords from clear text environment variable, i.e. export PASSWORD=password, which I know is no good ...

Why does an encrypted byte array have a different length from its char[] representation?

I was working on some encryption/decryption algorithms and I noticed that the encrypted byte[] arrays always had a length of 33, and the char[] arrays always had a length of 44. Does anyone know why this is? (I'm using Rijndael encryption.) ...

.NET Encrypt bytearray

Well the title says it all :P is there any way to encrypt a bytearray without using a stream?? ...

SignedXml.CheckSignature works in .NET 1.1, but fails in .NET 3.5

Hi folks, I have the following SignedXml code. This code works just perfectly in .NET 1.1, but when i run this in .NET 3.5, the method signedXml.CheckSignature() keeps returning false. With regard to the SignedXml class, did something change between 1.1 and 3.5? I'm puzzeled here! Can you guys help me out here? Thanks! Ben Sig...

What encryption algorithm is best for encrypting cookies?

I'm looking for information about 'the best' encryption algorithm for encrypting cookies. I hava the following requirements: It must be fast encrypting and decrypting the data will be done for (nearly) every request It will operate on small data sets, typically strings of around 100 character or less It must be secure, but it's not li...

Is this scenario secure?

I'm using RSA to encrypt communication between a server and a client. Lets say we have 2 Asymetric keys, key 1 and key2. The server has key1 (Private) from the start and the client has the key1(public) So here is the scenario: the client generates key2 client connects to the server sending key2(public) encrypted with key1(public) fr...

Obscure / encrypt an order number as another number: symmetrical, "random" appearance?

Client has an simple increasing order number (1, 2, 3...). He wants end-users to receive an 8- or 9- digit (digits only -- no characters) "random" number. Obviously, this "random" number actually has to be unique and reversible (it's really an encryption of the actualOrderNumber). My first thought was to just shuffle some bits. When I ...

What's the best way to secure a query string with Java?

When a user signs up in our Struts application, we want to send them an email that includes a link to a different page. The link needs to include a unique identifier in its query string so the destination page can identify the user and react accordingly. To improve the security of this system, I'd like to first encrypt the query string ...