
What is the performance hit of using TLS with apache?

How much of a performance hit will running everything over TLS do to my server? I would assume this is completely ignorable in this day and age? I heard once that servers today could encrypt gigabytes of data per second, is that true? And if so, is it linearly scalable so that if top speed is 10GB/second, encrypting 1GB would take 0.1 se...

MySQL and data file encryption

Hi, Is there a way to encrypt the data file that mysql uses? I have a mysql server on an open machine, and I would like to encrypt the data file so even if someone copies the data files, they cannot read the data. Thanks ...

How to convert a byte into a string in vb.net?

I have the function below ENCRYPT. Public Function Encrypt(ByVal plainText As String) As Byte() Dim key() As Byte = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24} Dim iv() As Byte = {65, 110, 68, 26, 69, 178, 200, 219} ' Declare a UTF8Encoding object so we may use the GetByte ' metho...

Encrypting Salary value in ASP .NET 2.0 and SQL Server 2005

Hi, I have an ASP .NET 2.0 website connected to a SQL Server 2005 database. The site is pretty simple and stores information about staff, including salary. What is the best way to encrypt the salary value so no-one (including myself) can ever see what it is, except for the authorised staff using the web-app? I don't want to encrypt /...

How to transfer sql encrypted data between SQL Server 2005 databases?

I have an existing SQL Server 2005 database that contains data encrypted using a Symmetric key. The symmetric key is opened using a password. I am working on an upgrade to the front end applications that use this database, which include adding dozens of new tables, stored procedures, UDFs, etc. and dozens of modifications to existing ta...

Persistent storage of encrypted data using .Net

I need to store encrypted data (few small strings) between application runs. I do not want the user to provide a passphrase every time (s)he launches the application. I.e. after all it goes down to storing securely the encryption key(s). I was looking into RSACryptoServiceProvider and using PersistentKeyInCsp, but I'm not sure how it wo...

FIPS compatible password encryption for .NET

I've working on a WinForms in VB.NET (3.5) application that requires the user to enter domain administrator credentials. To make things easier on the user, they should only have to enter the user name and password once, and then just rely on my app to save these credentials. I'd like to save these credentials with the other user settings...

SQL Server 2005 encryption trigger

Hello, I have a script that successfully encrypts a credit card. I need it to work as a trigger, so that any insert done to the creditcard column automatically encrypts it. Right now, my trigger works BUT the creditcard column is a varchar. When an app tries to insert, I do this: DECLARE @encryptedCreditCardNumber varbinary(max) SET @...

Simple 2 way encryption for C#

I'm looking for very simple encrypt and decrypt functionality for some data. It's not mission critical. I need something to keep honest people honest, but something a little stronger than ROT13 or Base64. I'd prefer something that is already included in the .Net framework 2.0 so I don't have to worry about any external dependencies. ...

Write a password protected Zip file in Java

I need to zip and password-protect a file. Is there a good (free) library for this? This needs to be opened by a third party, so the password protection needs to work with standard tools. ...

How can I access a private key with the ASPNET user account?

I'm having some trouble importing and accessing a private key with the ASPNET user. I know that when one imports a private key (.pfx file) manually, in windows, you get an option to mark the key as exportable. Now, as far as I can tell, this is needed in order to retrieve that private key later on. My problem comes in that I'm importing...

What symmetric cypher to use for encrypting messages?

I haven't a clue about encryption at all. But I need it. How? Say you have a system of nodes communicating with each other on a network via asynchronous messages. The nodes do not maintain session information about other nodes (this is a design restriction). Say you want to make sure only your nodes can read the messages being sent. I ...

What (pure) Python library to use for AES 256 encryption?

I am looking for a (preferably pure) python library to do AES 256 encryption and decryption. This library should support the CBC cipher mode and use PKCS7 padding according to the answer to an earlier question of mine. The library should at least work on Mac OS X (10.4) and Windows XP. Ideally just by dropping it into the source direct...

hashing sensitive data

Hi I need to scramble the names and logins of all the users in a UAT database we have. (because of the data protection act) However, there is a catch. The testers still need to be able to login using the hashed login names so if a user login is "Jesse.J.James" then the hash should be something like Ypois.X.Qasdf i.e. approximately ...

How to decrypt a password from SQL server?

I have this query in sql server 2000: select pwdencrypt('AAAA') which outputs an encrypted string of 'AAAA': 0x0100CF465B7B12625EF019E157120D58DD46569AC7BF4118455D12625EF019E157120D58DD46569AC7BF4118455D How can I convert (decrypt) the output from its origin (which is 'AAAA')? ...

How to save encrypted data in cookie (using php)?

I would like to save data in cookies (user name, email address, etc...) but I don't the user to easily read it or modify it. I need to be able able to read the data back. How can I do that with php 5.2+? It would be used for "welcome back bob" kind of feature. It is not a replacement for persistence or session storage. ...

JKS protection

Are JKS (Java Key Store) files encrypted? Do they provide full protection for encryption keys, or do I need to rely solely on access control? Is there a way to ensure that the keys are protected? I'm interested in the gritty details, including algorithm, key management, etc. Is any of this configurable? ...

Why does RSACryptoServiceProvider.VerifyHash need an LDAP check?

I recently encountered an odd problem with RSACryptoServiceProvider.VerifyHash. I have a web application using it for decryption. When users running the web service were doing so over our VPN it became very very slow. When they had no connection or a internet connection they were fine. After much digging I found that every time RSACry...

Best Cryptography Algorithm?

Out of curiosity, what is "the best cryptography algorithm" for you as a programmer, given both security and ease of implementation? ...

What is the best encryption library in C/C++?

What is the best encryption library in C/C++ In terms of: entropy quality ease of use readability portability performance What's your favorite and why do you like it? ...