
How to Encrypt in C# .NET same as Java code

I need to send an encrypted string from a private key to a webserver for authentication. I have Java client code that generates the encrypted string correctly (such that the webserver can decrypt it with the public key). I am trying to write C# code to perform the exact same encryption - but have not succeeded. First a keystore was ge...

Protecting encryption keys using DPAPI: Obvious hole?

I have a Windows.Forms based .NET desktop application that stores privileged information in a file on disk (not using .NET configuraton files), encrypted using a symmetric cryptography algorithm such as TripleDES using MS's CryptoAPI. This file must be read/written over multiple program runs / machine power cycles, aka, use the same Key...

How to secure passwords in Android Application

Many of my users have requested a password protection for various data elements in my database. Unfortunately, one of my existing features is backing up the database to a public location (SD Card) for data redundancy, so my database isn't secure. So my question is two-fold. How can I encrypt or secure a database on android? How can...

Secure encrypted database design

I have a web based (perl/MySQL) CRM system, and I need a section for HR to add details about disciplinary actions and salary. All this information that we store in the database needs to be encrypted so that we developers can't see it. I was thinking about using AES encryption, but what do I use as the key? If I use the HR Manager's pas...

How to Check If File is Encrypted using AES (Rijndael)

Hi, I am using 'RijndaelManaged' and 'CryptoStream' classes in C# to encrypt files. Before encrypting the files, i want to check whether the file is already encrypted or not. I tried using File.GetAttributes() method to check for Encryption but it is not working. I need some tips on ways i can check whether the file is already Encryp...

How to validate javax cipher key?

I'm an android developer trying to use the javax.crypto package to encrypt/decrypt my SQLite database backups when I put them on the SD Card. That way, they can't be read while they're in the publicly accessible file system. I can encrypt/decrypt the file just fine, but I have no idea how to tell if the user input the right key or the ...

Would CSPRNG + XOR be a secure encryption method?

Similarily to RC4 (RC4_PRNG+XOR ), would it be secure to use another CSPRNG(Cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator)[Isaac, BlumBlumShub, etc) instead of RC4's and XOR the data with the resulting keystream? ...

php mcrypt - decrypting and encrypting files?

I've been looking around for a php class that allows the decryption / encryption of pgp-encrypted csv files. Everything I've found has been primarily geared towards passwords. I'm assuming the principles are essentially the same, but was wondering if someone here can point me in the direction of a class specifically intended to receive...

How can I use openssl(*from the CLI) to encrypt a message using my public key and then decrypt it using my private key?

Here is what I've tried: Encrypt message w/ my public key openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -kfile key.pub -in message.txt -out message.enc Decrypt message using my private key openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -salt -in message.enc -pass file:mykey.pem Error from decryption bad decrypt 452:error:06065064:digital envelope routines:EVP_De...

Is there an algorithm to securely split a message into x parts requiring at least y parts to reassemble?

Is there an algorithm to securely split a message into x parts requiring at least y parts to reassemble? Obviously, y <= x. An example: Say that I have a secret message that I only want to be read in the event of my death. As a way to ensure this, I give a fraction of the message to ten friends. Now, I can't guaranty that all my fri...

how to encrypt a vc++ project?

i have been programing in vc++ for sometime and i want to make some free software for people to use but i really don't want people to have a unprotected copy of my work. i just use what ever vc++ 2008 has when i build in right now so i don't know if it is encrypted or now. i don't need something that is top of the line i was just hopeing...

Is there a 8 bit block sized Public-Private key encryption algorithm?

I checked out TripleDES. It's block size is of 64 bits. Is there any algorithm for 8 bits block size? Thanks EDIT : I intend not to use this for perfect protection, but for a just-in-case situation where one who sees the code should not find the plaintext. So 8 bit is kinda okay for me. ...

Java SSL sockets without authentication or stores?

I have two java applications that need to talk to each other over an encrypted TCP socket, but they don't need to authenticate each other (one will accept() a connection from the other). Can anyone point me to a tutorial/code-snippet that will help me set these up? I'm looking for something fairly simple and I'd like to not have to supp...

How to encrypt data in javascript and decrypt in php?

Is there any javascript function that can encrypt data: For example i want to use encrypted data in my URL passed by ajax GET request, http://sample.com/mypage/TDjsavbuydksabjcbhgy where TDjsavbuydksabjcbhgy an encrypted data equivalent to 12345. Now i want to retrieve that data in PHP by decrypting it, so that i can use the 12345. I...

Protect Windows folder without encrypting the contents

Hi, I want to protect the "www" folder in my Apache server. Checked some tools on the net like TrueCrypt, FolderEncrypt etc. All these encrypt the folder contents. If the www folder is encrypted, then my php won't work. Is there a way to lock the folder in windows without encrypting its contents.[ A little harder to crack then no lock at...

Spring Security: Step by Step

Hi, I started on Spring a few months back and the Security topic seems the most complex to me. With Acegi moving into Spring I could not find a single tutorial that tells step by step way to add security to a Spring app. Please help me. My requirements are as follows: I have several roles in application, they are not hierarchical role...

SVN Server Side Password Security

Our inhouse Windows 2003 server hosts our companies svn repos. I'm looking for a secure method, preferably encryption, for the server-side passwords. Right now they're stored in clear text. Is there a svn plugin or method that I can use to achieve this? Thanks ...

Encrypt Secret key

Hi, I'm working with google app application using java programming,in which i have consumer key and secret key,in programs i'm using the secret key directly but i wish to use encrypted secret key.Is it possible to use?Please Help me. Thanks Regards Sharun. ...

How can I know if a file has been changed in .NET C#?

I have an application that requires a secure way to store its configuration. There are users that can change the configuration. I need some sort of signature scheme where I can verify that the config file has not changed with out a valid user. I had thought about using RSA, where the private key is encrypted with the users password, and ...

SQl server 2008 permission and encryption

i have made columns in some of the tables encrypted in sql server 2008. Now as i am a db owner i have the access to encode and decode the data using the symmetric key and certificate. But some other users have only currently datareader and datawriter rights ,and when they execute any SP referring the logic which uses the key and certific...