
Can you run EJB 2.1 beans in OSGi?

I have a J2EE 1.3 app that uses EJB 2.1 session and entity beans. Currently this app runs as an EAR file on JBoss. I'd like to switch to the SpringSource dm Application Server because of all the benefits that OSGi provides. Does anyone know if there's an OSGi bundle that can act as an EJB container? Can OpenEJB do this? ...

Entity Bean finder methods VS DAO ?

Will there be a performance improvement if I remove the entity bean (finder methods) and introduce the DAO layer instead. I want to do this mainly for reading data from the DB. I have a process in my project which has around 15 entity beans finder call in the flow, so if I remove the Entity beans or introduce a DAO and leave the entity b...

Are there any modeling tools that can visually generate jpa or sql queries?

Does anyone know of a tool like PowerArchitect or SquirrelSQL or maybe eclipse plugin that lets you also generate jpa/sql queries? Imagine you choosing your database, or your entity beans, and the modeling would reverse engineer your database/entity model, so that you could visually just choose the columns you wanted to select, and it w...

Form data transition into entity beans to persist them with the server side ORM

Is there any good explanation or tutorial which describes the common ways to create entity beans from the received data of a form? The main reason for my question the treating the received ids (e.g id of country,city and so forth) which is the way from the id to entity? Example: ................Client side form username:String count...