
How do I pass an enviroment variable to a Netbeans Makefile on Ubuntu?

I'm using Netbeans on Linux (Ubuntu 9.04) to build a C project. How do I pass in an environment variable so that's it's visible to the Makefile? If I do a normal export MYVAR="xyz" and then run make from the command line this works fine of course. But Netbeans doesn't seems to use the .bashrc environment, so if I click "build" in Netb...

How do you suppress environment variable expansion within DOS ?

This is a simplified example with modified variable names of what I want to do. Also for simplicity sake, I am showing the command line version rather than the bat file version. I am doing the following. > echo %foo% %foo% However, if foo is a valid environment variable, I do not get desired output (%foo%) due to environment variab...

Python - temporarily modify the current process's environment

I use the following code to temporarily modify environment variables. @contextmanager def _setenv(**mapping): """``with`` context to temporarily modify the environment variables""" backup_values = {} backup_remove = set() for key, value in mapping.items(): if key in os.environ: backup_values[key] = o...

Retrieving Application Data folder from Lua

Hi, I have trouble getting Application Data in Lua. I can't even find how to do it, here on SO or anywhere else. Thanks for help. ...

How do I use an environment variables in xi:include of a XML file?

I would like to use an environment variable in the href link of the xi:include node of an XML file. Currently the Perl XInclude parser doesn't support any variables but only absolute paths. Is there a method where this can be overcome? for example, my xi:include node will look like this: <xi:include href="$GLOBAL_ROOT/alternative.xml"> ...

Get remote servers environment variables

The problem: We have Cobol applications that run from many servers (mostly server 2003) on our network. Many if not all of these applications use environment variables for there setting. The Question: From one workstation can you gather the full list of environment variables from a list of known servers remote? Optimally i would like to...

SetEnvironmentVariable within 32bit Process on 64 bit Windows OS

I recently found an interesting issue. When using SetEnvironmentVariable, I can use Process Explorer to get the newly created environment variable. However when the process itself is 32 bit and the OS as 64 bit, Process Explorer (at least v10 ~ the latest v11.33) cannot find the new variables. If the program is native 64 bit then everyth...

how-to apache 2.2 mod_fcgid set python path

Hello, i have trouble with seting the python path or any other enviroment variable for mod_fcgid (solaris 10, glassfish apache 2.2) I have it set in apache, but nothing in os.environ in the fcgi script: SetEnv PYTHONPATH "/opt/uusis/lib/python2.4/site-packages/:/usr/lib/python2.4/" And other stuff(for example ORACLE_HOME) and I need...

Evaluation of environment variables in command run by Java's Runtime.exec()

Hi, I have a scenarios where I have a Java "agent" that runs on a couple of platforms (specifically Windows, Solaris & AIX). I'd like to factor out the differences in filesystem structure by using environment variables in the command line I execute. As far as I can tell there is no way to get the Runtime.exec() method to resolve/evalua...

Batch file can't immediately see environment variables created by InstallShield script

Hello. We use InstallShield 2008 for our product installation. Product consists of several components. When a component is installed, a batch-file with some post-install routines specific to this component is executed. The problem: post-install batch files use some environment variables that are set during the installation of the prod...

Programmatically modifiy environment variables?

Windows 7. It's for my own machine, so it doesn't matter if it requires admin rights or something. Preferably in Python or .NET, but I can learn a bit of Win32 (C/C++) programming if it's necessary. ...

how can I fix the MSVC 2005 error: unresolved external symbol __environ

Hi, In my application, I need direct access to the _environ variable because I must have something like the glibc unsetenv (you cannot have that with setenv or putenv). This is the code I need to use: ////////////////////// // unsetenv for WIN32, taken from libc source int unsetenv(const char *name) { size_t len; char **ep; if ...

Java -classpath option

Will the use of -classpath option with java, add to or replace the contents of the CLASSPATH env variable? ...

problem with eclipse , enviromental variable

Hi I just rebooted my computer without changing anything suddenly I can't open my eclipse I get his error message And I see all my enviromental variables have been erased. Java , javac, mvn obviously doesn't work .. what do I do now , how do I fix this ? For those unfortunate souls who can't get to tinypic.com from work :-) +------...

Python path in environment.

I want to call a python script from batch script, but I dont want to hard-code path to python executable (python.exe) in my calling script. e.g. c:\python26\python.exe test.py $PYTHONPATH\python.exe test.py Is there any way to have PYTHONPATH like setting ? ...

What is the difference between pre($ENV{'QUERY_STRING}) and ($cgi->param()) ?

for a perl cgi script, what is the difference (technically) between these two? #!/usr/bin/perl use CGI; $cgi = new CGI; print $cgi->header(), $cgi->start_html(), $cgi->pre($cgi->param()), $cgi->end_html(); and #!/usr/bin/perl use CGI; $cgi = new CGI; print $cgi->header(), $cgi->start_html(), $cgi->pre($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}), ...

How to set environment variables for javac to be able to find imported packages?

Hi, I am not a java developer. I just want to run a java application (which can be downloaded from: http://code.google.com/p/k-shortest-paths/downloads/list , under this name: KShortestPaths_Java_v2.1.zip) While trying to compile test\edu\asu\emit\qyan\test\YenTopKShortestPathsAlgTest.java I get "package ... does not exist" and...

Cmdline Bash Variable Weirdness

I want to set an alias like so: alias hi='TEST=ok echo $TEST' However, it doesn't seem to work reliably. I start with: unalias hi unset TEST Then: $ alias hi="TEST=ok echo $TEST" $ hi $ This is on MacOSX: $ bash --version GNU bash, version 3.2.17(1)-release (i386-apple-darwin9.0) Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundatio...

Read user home directory from PHP

I cannot find a way to get the user's home directory (e.g. /home/jack; whatever ~ in bash points to) in PHP using CGI (suPHP). The $_ENV array is empty, and getenv('HOME') returns nothing. The reason I want to do this is that in absense of configuration saying otherwise, I want to find variable files used by my application in /home/user...

PHP pass random data in .user.ini

Can I use a PHP 5.3 .user.ini file to pass information other than existing PHP settings? E.g. display_errors = On include_path = /usr/myapp/classes myapp_config_dir = /usr/myapp/config # <-- this is not a PHP setting ...