
erlang: ei_get_type() : where are the defined constants for the 'type' field?

I am trying to use *ei_get_type()* (ei) but I am having trouble finding where the 'type' field is documented. I've looked in ei.h but all I could find was a list of constants starting with "ERL_". #define ERL_SMALL_INTEGER_EXT 'a' #define ERL_INTEGER_EXT 'b' #define ERL_FLOAT_EXT 'c' #define ERL_ATOM_EXT 'd' #defi...

AccessViolation when calling unmanaged dll

When calling an unmanaged Dll from a c# application I get an AccessViolationException. The strange thing is that the exported function has no arguments, so the problem is not in the Marshalling of data. The function gets no argument and just returns an integer. Also note that calling convention is not an issue. An identical function with...

Threaded Erlang C-Node(cnode) Interoperability howto?

I am at a point in my Erlang development where I need to create a C-Node (see link for C-Node docs). The basic implementation is simple enough, however, there is a huge hole in the doc. The code implements a single threaded client and server. Ignoring the client for the moment... The 'c' code that implements the server is single threade...