
Enterprise Service Bus Terminology

Can anyone explain at a beginner-intermediate level the terminology of "bus", "transport" and "endpoint" in the context of an enterprise service bus? I'm a C# developer with a few years experience now, but only just starting working with an ESB. It seems that the "bus" is effectively a queue to which you can send and receive messages. ...

Difference between a Message Broker and an ESB

Dear All, I have gone through different questions/articles on Message Brokers and ESBs(Even on stackoverflow). Still not a clue as what is the CLEAR demarcating difference between an Message Broker and an ESB? Now here I am trying to compare products, Websphere Broker and Mule ESB!! Firstly , is (any version) Webshere Broker an ESB? O...

Enterprise Service Bus is this the right solution?

Hello, C# 2008 I have developed an application that need to connect to a web server in order to work. If the web server goes offline. The the app will have to be notified so that the user using the app can know what happened. This application will be downloaded from the internet from our clients web site. So hundreds or thousands of u...

Implementing ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) in a functional language

I am hoping that an architecture question is reasonable on Stackoverflow, so I am asking this here. I have been trying to see where a functional language would be useful outside of math-oriented problems, and it dawned on me that an ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) would be perfect for a FP language, as there isn't anything shared between r...

BizTalk 2006 ESB - Is there a WcfCustom adapter?

We are implementing the Microsoft ESB Guidance on top of BizTalk 2006. One of our major players in the business is SAP, which is catered for out of the box using BizTalk's WcfCustom adapter. Does anybody have any advice or experience using the ESBG adapters to connect to SAP for submission of iDocs? Will I need to write my own ESB Ada...

What ESB to use?

We're considering a ESB infrastructure; when would you consider open source products like mule and when packages like TIBCO, BIZTALK< ORalce Fusion? ...

Feeding a SharePoint Document Library Documents Stored on a Network Share

The question sounds pretty trivial, but an additional complexity is introduced by the fact that the documents are generated non-deterministically on the file share. In addition, there is a requirement to make the box hosting the physical folder being shared; send a message to the SharePoint server that the document is done being generat...

IBM ESB mediation without WID

I have to integrate my web service with IBM Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). I think that there should not be any mediation because this service has only one location and do not have to change requests. Is it true? Can ESB administrator simply connect web service to the bus? If it is necessary to write mediation code: are there any free tu...

Transactions - A scenario

I have a subscriber on a bus to NewDeriative messages, which is flat and primitive DTO style, for example sake has three strings ModelName, ManufacturerName, DerivativeName. Inside the system there is a domain model of Manufacturer, Model and Derivative, a derivative has a Model, and a model has a Manufacturer. E.g. BMW --> X5 --> Sport...

Does anybody have any feedback on SeeBeyond / Sun's JCAPS product

I have a client currently thinking about using SeeBeyond / Sun's JCAPS product, does anyone on SO have any positive or negative experiences using / developing for it ? ...

Recommended frameworks for Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) in open source projects

With an abundance of frameworks for Java Enterprise Service Bus(OpenESB, ServiceMix, Apache Synapse, ...), which one should be selected for new projects? What are the pros and cons for each one? How well have they worked for you? ...

Creating a custom SOAP adapter for BizTalk ESB Toolkit 2.0

Using the BizTalk ESB Toolkit 2.0 We are working on a project where we need to call a proxy to a web service which is a DLL. We have no problems doing this via an orchestration since you can use a static port and configure it to use the SOAP adapter with the web service setting pointing at the assembly in the BizTalk Admin interface. In...

Messaging Middleware - how to avoid reentrance with wildcard subscription?

Messaging middleware solutions (JSM, Tibco, etc.) allow publish/subscribe with "topic" filtering using wildcards to subscribe to all messages of a certain "topic", e.g. SUBSCRIBE("ACCOUNT.*") topic allows you to subscribe to both "ACCOUNT.WITHDRAW" message and "ACCOUNT.CHECKBALANCE" message. The problem is that such subscription also re...

How to message a ESB using jelly + soap

Ive been looking for examples how to send messages using jelly + soap but they are very scarce. Anyone can provide a template of how to do this? ...

Subscribing to a message from multiple publisher in nServiceBus

I wonder if it’s possible using nServiceBus to subscribe to all Messages of a Type without specifying the publisher’s end point. The Background for this, is a distributed algorithm, that uses the distributor infra structure of nServiceBus to delegate sub problems to distributed workers on the network. After a task is finished, the ...

C# Messaging implementation similar to Apache Camel

Hi, Does anybody know if their is a open or even closed source c# messaging framework, perhaps based on wcf, which is similar in nature to Apache Cambel. I like Camel as it implemented a nice lightweight modern messageing framework based on the Enterprise Integration patterns by Gregor Hohpe and Bobby Woolf. Pretty much everything I ne...

[WSO2 ESB] How to implement a security layer over .net WS?

Hey all, I'm running the latest WSO2 ESB and I was wondering how can I implement a security layer over the existing .NET web services? Through a proxy service maybe? Kinda lost with all the extensive documentation. Thanks in advance! ...

Is Integrating an ESB (ServiceMix/Mule) Worth the Learning Curve?

I'm looking at integrating an ESB into an existing Java/Maven web based product. Specifically, I'm looking at ServiceMix and Mule. The product will connect to several different services, including email, Quartz, RESTful webservices over HTTP, SMS and IM. I've only quickly glanced at the documentation and the two options seem to be pretty...

WCF-BasicHttp NTLM ESB guidance

Hello I am trying to access an asmx service located on IIS, the asmx is using integradted security I am trying to call it with wcf-basichttp adapter configured inside ESB guidance 1.0 The error i am getting is : The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Anonymous'. The authentication header received from the ...

JBoss ESB stop working or logging after startup

Hi all, I am using JbossESB as an integrasion layer between applications. I am reading messages from the file system, parse them and then sent them to the remote application by jms. My configuration file - jboss-esb.xml <fs-provider name="SitaIstProvider"> the thing is wh...