
Parsing and evaluating given conditions

What I'm trying to do this is writing a simple parser for the following case in .NET ( [PART3]function1() AND [PART4]function7() ) OR [PART2]function90() [PART] indicates the evaluation location, (assume that this is huge text file, PART separates text files into large chunks) function() s are my documented function which can be call...

ColdFusion loop through struct with key evaluation fails! What am i missing?

I have this code in my cfm, which works <cfif not StructIsEmpty(form)> <cfset larray = user.getArray() /> <cfloop collection="#form#" item="key"> <cfif left(key,4) eq "UPD_"> <cfset x = listLast(key,"_") /> <cfset y = evaluate(0,key) /> <cfloop index="j" from="1" to="#arrayLen(larray)#"> <cfif (larray[j][1] eq x) and (l...

How do you evaluate new technology?

Hello, when you (or your company) comes to the point to choose a technology for a new product to develop: What are your basic steps/approaches to evaluate it's use? To make it more clearer: Which factors should an architect/cto consider (e.g. costs, integration in exisiting system...)? Which methods are available (e.g. prototyping)? ...

IT evaluating quality of coding - how do we know what's good?

Coming from an IT background, I've been involved with software projects but I'm not a programmer. One of my biggest challenges is that having a lot of experience in IT, people often turn to me to manage projects that include software development. The projects are usually outsourced and there isnt a budget for a full time architect or P...

SharePoint KPI and Advanced Evaluation Expressions

Does any one know how to evaluate an empty item using the standard KPI creation form in SharePoint. For instance, I have a content type called "StaffPositions". The type defines the staff position title, salary for the position, when the position must be filled by and finally, has a cell (that can be empty) for an employee (Contact typ...

Pros and cons of Java Portlets?

I have a project in which my client is asking me to use portlets 1.0 spec and Websphere Portal Server 6.0. I haven't worked with portlets before but what I've heard of them always have been bad critiques. What are the reasons besides the obvious of using them? If not reasons, what arguments could I use to avoid them? ...

Evaluation of multiples 'IN' Expressions in 'WHERE' clauses in mysql

Updating by @Cesar's request. Hope I understood what you want, if not, please revert. Quassnoi. If I make an SQL query like this: SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME WHERE b IN (2, 7) AND c IN (3, 9), can I assume that MySQL will match only pairs from elements with same number in each list? That is, (2, 3), (7, 9), ...? For example, suppose we h...

Evaluation question C# runtime

Is it possible to evaluate the following in C# at runtime I have a class that contains 3 properties (Field,Operator,Value) rule.Field; rule.Operator; rule.Value; this is my rule class... Now I have a loop foreach(item in items) { // here I want to create a dynamic expression to evaluate at runtime // something l...

Why C/C++ does not defined expression evaluation order?

As you may know C/C++ does not specified expression evaluation order. What are the reasons to left them undefined. ...

Installation vs. Virtual Machine Images

I seem to end up evaluating a lot of software. This requires me to constantly install all kinds of things on my system. It creates a huge clutter and I spend a lot of time during the install process, and if I don't like it, then removing everything I've done. Much of my evaluation tends away from the features of the software being eva...

PHP IF Statement Evaluation & Server Overhead

I'm curious what the impact on the server is when PHP if statements are evaluated, i.e. memory consumption and CPU usage and if this could become a major issue as traffic grows? For example, if I use a lot of PHP IF statements in the theme for each post summary on a WordPress blog, is this going to require a great deal more server resou...

gdb evaluation of a function

Hi, I wonder why evaluate function doesn't work in gdb? In my source file I include, when debugging in gdb, these examples are wrongly evaludations. (gdb) p pow(3,2) $10 = 1 (gdb) p pow(3,3) $11 = 1 (gdb) p sqrt(9) $12 = 0 Thanks and regards! ...

Best and shortest way to evaluate mathematical expressions

I know there are many algorithms to evaluate expressions, for example By Recursive Descent Shunting-yard algorithm Reverse Polish notation But is there any way to evaluate any mathematical expression using C# .net reflection? or other modern .net technology? Thanks a lot ...

What are some tips for doing a technical evaluation of a web application

I have to start doing technical evaluations of web applications, mostly ecommerce. I'm just looking for some good points to touch on in terms of Server Configuration, Security, How to evaluate current features and implementations, Shopping Cart, Checkout, Third party integrations, Coding Style Site speed performance just basic stuff ...

Piwik Web Analytics - Anyone with experience of it?

I'm considering trying to get more granular analytics for my sites than the free plan on my current provider, Clicky, provides. Piwik looks like a strong contender in the analytics space (and I'm surprised I haven't heard about it before) but I want to be sure I'm not throwing the baby out with the bathwater by swapping to it. Does any...

How is if statement evaluated in c++?

Is if ( c ) the same as if ( c == 0 ) in C++? ...

Haskell recursive problem, tiny parser. Check variables

I'm still working on a tiny parser for a tiny language defined in a task at school. The parser that generates an AST(Abstract syntax tree) is working. What I want is to check the defined variables, they must be bounded by the let expression. First the method that is defined in the task(suggestion, not needed): checkVars :: Expr -> Char...

Monitoring Eclipse Window Acceptance

I know that the Eclipse Foundation has a Program withhin Eclipse (I guess it's a Plugin) that can Monitor the User behaviour. E.g. what Window was used how many times. I forgot the Name of that Program and wonder if it's possible to use the Plugin in a Company to monitor how the Programers use Eclipse? ...

Why .NET and Java on server side?

Java and .NET are two languages targeted at removing platform dependence. This is achieved by adding a virtual machine/framework between the code and the OS. So, what is the point in using it on the server side, as all websites are accessible via browser, and that is platform independent? Is there any special reason for using them? ...

IronRuby performance issue while using Variables

Here is code of very simple expression evaluator using IronRuby public class BasicRubyExpressionEvaluator { ScriptEngine engine; ScriptScope scope; public Exception LastException { get; set; } private static readonly Dictionary<string, ScriptSource> parserCache = new Dictionary<string, ScriptSource>(); public BasicRubyExpressio...