
Excel formating using JXL

I generating a excel sheet using jxl, a number of the columns have data that is preceeded by a hidden apostrophe. The apostrophe can only be seen when you click on the cell. I have looked and can't find a post that addresses this. Can anyone out there tell me how to remove this using jxl or any other. ...

Excel reading in ASP.NET : Data not being read if column has different data formats

I have an asp.net C# application where i am reading the contents of a spreadsheet using OLEDBConnection. I am using the below line of code to read from the excel spreadsheet. OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection(@"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + fullFilePath + ";Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1'"); ...

java and excel question

is it possible to create a java application that will import excel files . execute excel macros and give the output in java gui. please give any advice u can on creating such an application. i will start creating the application after your input ...

excel macro help needed... to match if e.g. 500 to -500 then..

in a if statement, how do i match a positive number with a negative one e.g. if 500 match with -500, cut and paste one solution i thought of is changing one of the column by *-1 before i do anything but... Is there anyway i could rephase the below if statement to match a positive cell and a negative cell? Dim sh1 As Worksheet, sh2 As...

Selecting a particular cell in Excel

I have two Excel sheets. The first one has some data. The second has updated data and should be used to alter specific information on the first sheet. For example: If I had (in the first sheet) employee wage and his number and in the second sheet also. I want to write code that will find the employee number in the second sheet and chang...

Updating a checkbox in Excel 2003 from a background thread in C# fails sometimes

Hi, I have created an Add-In in C# that implements user defined functions for Excel. These UDF's return immediately, but they control background asynchronous procedures. These procedures have status that needs to be monitored and presented to Excel. I have chosen to display the status using checkboxes. A background thread then update...

Importing from excel "applications" using SSIS

Hello, I am looking for any tips or resources on importing from excel into a SQL database, but specifically when the information is NOT in column and row format. I am currently doing some pre-development work for a project, and in most ways I would like to use SSIS for the project. The one area that my research and googling is leaving...

C# GemBox Excel Import Error

I am trying to import an excel file into a data table using GemBox and I keep getting this error: Invalid data value when extracting to DataTable at SourceRowIndex: 1, and SourceColumnIndex: 1. As far as I can tell my code is correct and my file is file fine. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks. ExcelWorksheet Ew = ExFi.Worksheets[0]...

C# and Excel files

I need to create a program that can read from/write to an Excel file. Should I use OleDB or use an Excel Object? What are the advantages of one over another, and where can I read up to get started on implementing this? ...

Excel date to Unix timestamp

Does anyone know how to convert an Excel date to a correct Unix timestamp? ...

Excel waiting for one macro to finish before calling another

I'm using Application run to call several macros in order like this. Sub Run_All_Macros() Application.Run ("Macro_1") Application.Run ("Macro_1") End Sub When I start Run_All_Macros, all the macros run in parallel. Is there a way to wait for the first macro to complete before the second is started? ...

how to join two or more tables and result set having all distinct values

I have some 20 excel files containing data. all the tables have same columns like id name age location etc..... each file has distinct data but i don't know if data in one file is again repeated in another file. so i want to join all the files and the result st should contain distinct values. please help me out with this problem as soon ...

Building Excel Files with C#

I need to create an excel file via C#. I have read a few places that creating an XML document is the easiest way to do this? I need to have multiple named tabs and be able to specify that particular cells are text, date time, numeric, etc... Any suggestions or good examples? ...


I am having trouble in an IF STATEMENT, comparing the output of a VLOOKUP with any value object. For example =TRIM(IF(OR(TRIM(VLOOKUP(AI11,G15:I90,3,FALSE))=K1,TRIM(VLOOKUP(AI11,G15:I90,3,FALSE))=K2),BE11,TRIM(VLOOKUP(AI11,G15:I90,3,FALSE)))) K1, K2 are value cells NO errors are produced just incorrect values ...

PHP Excel Reader : get strikeout / strikethrough value

I am looking for way to parse the strikeout / strikethrough value of cells in an Excel sheet, using if possible a PHP script. The cells that are strikeout or not contain simple text values (no formula or anything). I have try using http://code.google.com/p/php-excel-reader/ and a few others scripts. But I have not found any PHP script t...

Programmatically generating Excel workbook with pivots and charts

I need to create a workbook which has a raw data on a sheet and a pivot table on another sheet. The pivot is created from the raw data. Then I need to create a chart with this pivot on the same or new sheet. How can I do this in C# - and is this possible using VSTO? ...

simple program using jacob and excel

i want to learn jacob for doing tasks with excel. looking for any simple code using jacob and excel which runs without errors. i tried running the code in jacob help but i'm getting errors. to understand the basics i need a simple code. Can you provide me this sample code .thanks ...

java FileInputStream - differences based on how the File object is referenced: classloader/filesystem

Hi all, I'm using apache POI to extract some data from an excel file. I need an InputStream to instantiate the POI HSSFWorkbook class HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(inputStreamX); I'm finding differences if I try to construct the InputStream object like InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(new File("/home/xxx/workspace...

What event is triggered when a document is saved in a Document Library in SharePoint?

We have a document list that contains Excel sheets, the documents that are in the list have to be processed. The processing code is triggered by the EventReceiver. Until know we used the ItemCheckedIn event, but this isn't triggered when the user just saves a document from within Excel. I have tried to use the ItemUpdated event, but th...

Cancel External Query in Excel VBA

I have created an Excel Spreadsheet which helps with data analysis from an Oracle database. The user enters then clicks the "Refresh Query" button which generates a query for Oracle to execute. The query takes a minute or so to complete. Although the VBA code does not hang on ".Refresh", all Excel windows remain frozen until the que...