
Excel process not ending in Cluster environment

When we try to close excel object, it fails to close to cluster environment. The same is working fine in QA and UAT environment. public bool KillExcelProcess() { try { object misValue = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; wbObj.Save(); wbObj.Close(true, misValue, misValue); ...

What do I need to do to make Excel access a Web Query via HTTPS?

I'm trying to implement a page that allows Excel users to use the data it provides via the Web Query feature provided by Excel. It's all working out pretty nicely, as long as I use HTTP (even BASIC user authentication works). As soon as I switch that over to HTTPS Excel won't download the data anymore (it's even a fully official SSL ce...

Fast third party library to merge excel files (.Net)?

Hi, i am looking for a 3rd party utility pack sort of library for .Net to handle excel merging with formating, formulas, charts and etc. which does its job well and if possible fast. ...

Is it possible to convert an HTML document to Excel with multiple Worksheets/tabs?

Hi there, I know we can send regular html files through the tubes and have the browser open them as Excel documents (you do that by changing http headers and the file name, then excel does the conversion). BUT, is it possible to get an HTML document show up in Excel with two Worksheets/Tabs? Here's what I thought might work, but didn't...

Execute SQL SP in Excel VBA

HI I am having problem with getting all the columns back when i execute following code in excel vba. I only get 6 out of 23 columns back. Connection, command etc works fine (i can see exec command in the SQL Profiler), data headers are created for all 23 columns but i only get data for 6 column. Side Note: it's not prod level code, h...

Excel files and C++

How i can read\export data within a C++ application to Excel files? I was found the xlslib project, but it only compiles with MingW on Windows. My target platform is windows (MVS2008) ...

Excel UDF formula does not appear.

Hi , I have an Excel UDF . It is written in C# and the automation addon has been packaged using the Visual Studio setu up project wizard. The addon loads in the list of automation addons available but the formula does not appear in the Insert function formula dialogue box. I used Office 2003 and Visual Studio 2008 to build the addin. T...

Getting last insert id in Excel ADODB connection to MySQL database

I have the following code to insert items into a MySQL database from an Excel form. Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset ConnectDB With wsWorkBook strSQL = "INSERT INTO work_order (job_status, job_description, system_id) VALUES ....;" rs.Open strSQL, oConn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic ' word_order.id End With How can I get the...

Import query results into tool through VB.NET

I am writing a tool to import a database query results into Excel in VB.NET I tried the following code. It is not working. With objApp.ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="ODBC;DSN=Build_statistics;", _ Destination:=objApp.Range("G15")) .CommandText = "SELECT * from mytable" .Name = "Query" .FieldNames...

Excel Macros...

I need to write an excel macro so that in the range of(a:a) if there any value as Closed then the entire row should be hidden. How to do so... ...

Excel Development through .Net losing Macros

Good Afternoon, I have a an Excel template file - which contains Macros - that I load up in .Net. The excel document is built up on a case by case basis (the same format, but with different data dependent on what the user picks). When the Excel document is loaded up, the Macros have disappeared, does anyone know why and how to resolve t...

Export to excel missing css file error in asp.net

Hey.. i m trying to export data from asp.net form to excel using following code Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"; Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=Report.xls"); It saves the file but while opening it i get error ---Missing css file default.css... but its a simple asp.net form and i m ...

VBA excel macro

I have this VBA macro in Excel. When a user clicks on a button on the sheet the macro returns the results to the sheet. What i would like to ask,is how can i run more than one query (that returns different results) in the same sheet,using the below code? Sub Stats2() Workbooks("macro.xls").Sheets("Sheet3").Select ActiveSheet.Range(...

generating excel documents with RUBY

I need to generate excel documents with ruby (from rails) on a Linux Machine. I know of Spreadsheet::Excel, but it doesn't support formulas, and uses a pretty old format.. Is there any other option, not necessarely free or opensource, that is a bit more powerful? thanks ...

Supress "save changes" when creating a document via Excel automation.

In a line of business application I'm working on, we have the ability to export to Excel, which we achieve through Excel automation. We have two methods of exporting - one which saves the files and then goes to attach them to an Outlook email (again through automation); the other is effectively a 'preview' which performs the export to Ex...

Calling individual cell instead of range

Hi, The below macro is pulling a value from a cell which is referencing a range and then actioning accordingly. How can I change this to only run the case for the relevant entry in the cell? Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) If Target.Address = "$C$5" Then Select Case Target.Value Case Phones...

Excel driven Selenium Tests

Is there any way we can extract Selenium-IDE output as an excel sheet and then use java reflection to trigger them one-by-one? Any existing good tool already done this? ...

Turn off option to open xls file in internet explorer from the site?

Hi, BACKGROUND: I have built a web application for a client which allows them to save excel files to the server. When I first built the application I stored these files in an uploads folder and linked to them directly from pages within the application (eg File). On reflection this wasn't very secure so I changed the uploader file to...

Create Excel Charts in Java

I've been using Apache POI to create and modify Excel spreadsheets, but I'm wondering if there is a way (even if it's with a different library, preferably open source) to create charts in Excel in the new xlsx format. It looks like POI has an HSSFChart but I believe that's for the older format (please correct me if I'm wrong). Has anyone...

How do I get Perl's Spreadsheet::WriteExcel to create formulas with VLOOKUP?

I'm having difficulty with Spreadsheet::WriteExcel and formulas that use VLOOKUP. The following test script populates a worksheet with some data and tries to create a VLOOKUP formula. When I open the resulting Excel file, the formula results are displayed as #VALUE!. If I manually edit any of the cells containing formulas (press F2 and t...