
Excel problem with deleting CustomProperty in Korean

On a Korean OS I'm getting the following exception when trying to call the Delete() method on the CustomProperty object. I'm doing this in C# using the Office2003 PIA for Excel. This HRESULT isn't that helpful to me, can anyone help figure out what's going on here? "Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03EC"} System.Exception {System.Runti...


What's XLSHTML? I want to generate, as simply as possible, a file which will open in Excel when a user double-clicks it, and which has some minimal styling. XLS meets my user requirements, but it's not easy to generate. CSV is easy to generate but has no styling. HTML is easy to generate and has styling but won't open in Excel when d...

Asp.net using oledb to export excel file returns empty excel file

Hello, I am using asp.net oledb to export information to excel file. I encounter problems when the information to export becomes too big, in this case the code I have given below, the excel file generated becomes an empty spreadsheet. If I changed the loop to 1123 for insertion of the rows. The generated excel file is fine, 1125 rows,...

How to get the hour and minutes difference between 2 datetimestamp in Excel?

Suppose I have 2 timestamp dates: 2/24/2010 1:05:15 AM 2/25/2010 4:05:17 AM Can anyone please advise what function should I use in Excel to get the difference in hours and minutes? Thanks. ...

How to get more than 255 columns in an excel sheet using Apache POI 3.6

I'm creating a calendar in excel. Column 1 is 01.01.2010 (dd.MM.yyyy), Column 2 is 02.01.2010 and so on. This is my code: int day_cell = 0; for(int i = 0; i < days.size(); i++) { Date day = days.get(i); HSSFCell cell = row.createCell(day_cell++); cell.setCellValue(day.toString()); } When I get to column 256 POI thro...

Query SQL Server 2005 Database Table From Excel Spreadsheet

Scenario I have a database made up of 4 columns and 6 million rows. I want to be able to be able to use Excel to query this data in the same way in which I can query it using the Sql Server Management Studio. I've had a google around and read a few articles but in all honesty I dont really know enough about the implementation to really...

Bugs in Excel's ActiveX combo boxes?

I have noticed that I get all sorts of annoying errors when: I have ActiveX comboboxes on a worksheet (not an excel form) The comboboxes have event code linked to them (eg, onchange events) I use their listfillrange or linkedcell properties (clearing these properties seems to alleviate a lot of problems) (Not sure if this is connected)...

Generating an Excel spreadsheet with a Pivot Table over a large embedded data source?

I have a large amount of data that is possibly more than a million rows. I want to be able to offer users the ability to download an Excel spreadsheet with a Pivot Table over this data, disconnected from any database. Is it possible to have the data source that the pivot table works over embedded in a spreadsheet? ...

Modify excel file in python on linux enviroment

hi, how do i insert few row in an existing excel file using python? the excel file maybe be of any excel version. On windows that could have been possible by using win32com.client...but i need to make the changes in the linux environment. how can i do it? ...

How do I get an Excel range using row and column numbers in VSTO / C#?

I think the question sums it up. Given two integers for row and column or four integers for row and column for the two corners of a range, how do I get a range object for that range. ...

exporting gridview contents to excel spreadsheet

Hi There, I have a gridvidew (GV2). I want the user to be able to export the contents of this gridview to an excel spreadsheet for offline processing. Here is my subroutine: Protected Sub ExcelButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ExcelButton.Click Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-e...

Create dynamic Excel files based on a template, using XML data.

I'm currently looking for a way to create dynamic excel files, based on an existing template, using data coming from an XML-file. For example; I have a template ExcelTemplate.xlsx with some layouting in it. A user calls a method which will create a copy of the template and fill it with data coming from an XML. After that the user will ge...

Find start and end XY coords of perpendicular line calculated from start and end XY coords of baseline

Using the following start and end point coordinate values of a baseline: X1 = 5296823.36 Y1 = 2542131.23 X2 = 5311334.21 Y2 = 2548768.66 I would like to calculate the start and end coordinates of a pendicular line that intersects the baseline at the mid-point. This intersecting, perpendicular line should extend at a given distance ei...

How to freeze the header row in an Excel spreadsheet exported from ASP.NET

I'm exporting an ASP.NET gridview to Excel using the following function. The formatting is working really well, except I need to freeze the header row in Excel on the export. I'm really trying to avoid using a 3rd party Excel plugin for this, but unless there's some archaic excel markup in my AddExcelStyling function. Public Sub ...

Export hierarchical grid to excel

Hi, I have a SSRS report which displays the data in hierarchical format. When I export it to excel I want the report to be exported in hierarchical format with having +/- signs. Can anyone help me how this could be done? ...

Version of Excel document in VSTO add-in

I use VSTO Excel template based solutions frequently. One of the things I like about this project type is that I can use cached data sets in the Excel template or worksheet to handle application state that persists after the user saves the file. However, cached data sets create a problem: the schema of the document is bound to the appl...

Open Source Excel Engine

Hi, I am looking for an Open Source Excel Engine which can run excel on the server and return the values back for the specified cells(support Excel Functions). I am evaluating the following solutions, but don't have deep understanding of whether they are good or bad solutions OpenXLS Gnumeric Another non-opensource solution I am ...

How do I gather data from the same collumn in multiple worksheets in a single workbook?

Okay so here is what I want to accomplish. For this example I have a single workbook composed of 4 data sheets plus a totals sheet. Each of the 4 data sheets has a similar name following the same pattern where the only difference is the date. (Ex. 9854978_1009_US.txt, where 1009 is the date that changes while the rest of the file name is...

How do I check if a name is in use in Excel using VSTO?

I need to know if a name is already in use in Excel (for example as a named range) so that I do not allow the attempted creation of duplicate names. I tried the following but the loop body never executes (there are no exceptions thrown, it just looks like the collection is empty). Can anyone suggest and alternative? foreach (Ex...

How to stop an Excel process that I started from a C# .Net application?

I'm running Excel from a C# .Net application and having trouble getting the process to shut down. How can I get the Excel process to shut down correctly from my C# program? ...