
Mutually exclusive Checkbox in Excel (Toggle)

I have spreadsheet with 50+ checkboxes from the forms toolbar. In a few instances you can only check 1 checkbox from a group i.e you check one checkbox from checkbox 1 to checkbox 5. I'm trying to achieve this without any code if possible. Option button is not preferred since I want an uniformed spreadsheet. How can you group the che...

How to tell if 2 arrays share the same element.

So this is a simpler form of my problem. Lets say I have 2 arrays. A= {1,2} and B={2,4,6}. If A and B share an element then delete that element from B. I know you can loop through and compare each element in A to each element in B, but there's got to be a better way! ...

weird issue in Excel sheet.

http://sourcecodezone.com/test.xls I'm not able to import this one record to sql server 2000. It gives buffer limit exceeded. Why is it displaying characters like this? if i limit the characters to 255 it's normal. I tried to simulate this like below. Open notepad. Create a small text within double quotes and paste in excel. Now double...

excel quotes in formula question

i have a column with this data: IT_AMPH IT_BARB IT_BENZ IT_BUP SOMA i want the column next to it to be literarely =like "*,IT_AMPH,*" =like "*,IT_BARB,*" =like "*,IT_BENZ,*" etc please note that i want the equal signed to be displayed, exactly as shown above what would be the formula for this? ...

What is the difference between Range.Columns and Range.EntireColumn

Dim r as Range Set r = Range("C2:D3") Dim r1 as Range, r2 as Range Set r1 = r.EntireColumn Set r2 = r.Columns Won't both ranges represent the range "C:D"? What is the difference between the two? ...

How to sum the number in excel using formula

hi everybody, it is a very simple question if anybody had a idea about the excel formulas please share your ideas with me. I had a Excel Sheet I wants to add the 10 numbers for this i just use the formula =sum(A1:A10) in the cell A11 so cell A11 had the Total of 10 numbers my issue i wants to add the 10 numbers starts from A1:A10 the...

Where can I find the procedure called from this Excel VBA Application.Run statement?

I'm working with an Excel VBA "Sub" that contains a statement like: Application.Run ("Menu_SomeProcedure") which is calling some code or functionality which I need to inspect but I'm unable to find the implementation of "Menu_SomeProcedure" anywhere in the VBA module code. Where should I look to find it? I am using Microsoft Office ...

Speed up an Excel Macro?

Right now I have a macro PopulateYearlyValues But it seems to me it's taking way too long Sub PopulateYearlyValues(ByVal Month As Range) Dim c As Double Dim s As Double c = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(UCase(Month.Value), ActiveSheet.Range("AA5:AX5"), 0) s = (ActiveSheet.Range("AA5").Column - 1) With ActiveShe...

How to access Excel Max Column value?

i try to create table from excel rows. however; excel columns : column1 has max 200 character row column2 has max 300 character row column3 has max 500 character row So i need to create sql create MyTable column3 nvarchar(500) according to Excel Max Character. ...

Launch Excel from C# and close it on "Save"

I want to do the following with C# and Microsoft Excel: 1 - The user chooses a file. 2 - Micorosft Excel is shown to edit that file. 3 - As soon as the user clicks Excel's "Save" button Microsoft Excel should close.The user shouldn't have to click on exit. Any idea on #3 ? Regards, Sebastian ...

Excel: Use text and time function.

I have a cell that takes the time value from another cell. I want to include an addition of this time as well as a dash '-' to format the time into a sort of schedule. Example: userinput cell: 5:00 AM Formated cell (how I would like it to look): 5:00 AM - 3:30 PM What would the function be to get something like this? ...

Excel Macro Runtime error 428 in Excel 2003

Hi I have created a xlt excel template which works fine in Excel 2007 under compatibility mode and shows no errors on compatibility check. The template runs a number of Macros which creates pivot tables and charts. When a colleague tries to run the same xlt on excel 2003 they get a Runtime error 428 (Object does not support this prope...

unconventional sorting in excel

i have a list like this: G05 G03 F02 F06 G10 A03 A11 E10 E05 C11 C03 D03 A12 C12 F05 H03 C08 G02 D10 B12 C10 D11 C02 E11 E02 E03 H11 A08 D05 F04 A04 H07 D04 B07 F12 E04 B03 H05 C06 F08 C09 E08 G12 C04 B05 H09 A07 E09 C07 G07 G09 A06 D09 E07 E12 G04 A10 H02 G08 B06 B09 D06 F07 G06 A09 H06 D07 H04 H10 F10 B02 B10 F03 F11 D08 B11 B08 D12 H...

VB.net/Excel- "Backwards" tab index For Each iteration with textboxes.

Hi there, I have a form with 3 textboxes and 1 button. textbox1 has tab index 0, and it's text = 1 textbox2 has tab index 1, and it's text = 2 textbox3 has tab index 2, and it's text = 3 I want to iterate thru the textboxes and place their values into cells so that... range("A1").value = txtbox1.text (ie: A1 = "1") range("A2").valu...

Getting The Maximum Of An Excel Chart's Y Axis (When There Are Two)

I would like to know how to programmatically find and the Y axis maximum of an excel chart when there is more than one available. My end goal is to find the max y-axis values, compare them, and set them both to the greater of the two. ...

Javascript Chart to Excel

Hi I'm using highcharts to create some charts (pie, bar, etc...) using just Javascript. These charts do not use Flash or anything like that. Is it possible for me to convert the resulting HTML page with the Javascript chart to an excel document that properly shows the image? I've tried the standard change mime types for excel and so f...

Ideas for decorating a property on a generated class?

Hello. I am generating a class that contains MANY properties on it (around 150) using the CodeDOM API. This class is basically an object that represents a row found in an Excel worksheet. The code for generation investigates the target worksheet, extracts the header row based on user-input, and generates the row class. Additionally...

find out if there are hidden columns in excel

Hi all, I need to know if there hidden columns in the excel sheet. i used use the following which worked fine and then suddenly it stopped working.now it always returns false. bool.Parse(worksheet.PageSetup.Application.Columns.Hidden.ToString()) TIA excel 2007 .net 3.5 ...

Opening MS Excel worksheet in C#

I know we can open a particular worksheet of MS Excel using C# by providing the sheet number (1,2,3..) or name (sheet1, sheet2, sheet3...) I have a excel file which has 2 sheets, 1. Values, 2. Results Is there a way to open a sheet giving the sheet name ,i.e, "Values" instead of 1 or [s|S]heet1 in C# ?? I looked thru the old posts but...

Problem with CDate

Hi, I'm using CDate to convert particular date formatted as string to excel Date type. I wrote a small UDF for this conversion, however when I run the function as a in-cell function, it returns a number and the calling cells default format is set to Number type. When I manually convert it to Date type, excel will display the correct da...