
How to choose option in dialog box with VBA

I have made some code that makes powerpoint and excel work together. And I want excel to be invisible and not show up when the code runs. So I've set it like this: Set EXL = New Excel.Application EXL.Visible = False But my code creates a new xmlMap in excel and the whole procedure halts when a dialog box shows up. This is the dialog b...

C# Excel: delegate set to capture cell selection behaves intermittently

I have created an interface to define a RangeSelectionTarget as follows: public interface IRangeSelectionTarget { void OnRangeSelection(Excel.Range target); } In another class (ExcelController, encapsulating excel interop behavior), I have a method to pipe the worksheet range selections (using the mouse to select cells) to the tar...

Combine Multiple Worksheets Into One Worksheet

Hi, How to combine multiple worksheets into one worksheet, in an excel workbook ? Also, for the combined worksheet, how to add in the respective sheet name to allow tracking purposes ? Thanks ...

How to use DotNet EXE as OLE object

Hi, I would like to insert my DotNet EXE application in excel sheet just like an OLE object. Is it possible? If yes, how we can do this. In Excel 2003 when we click Insert->Object menu item, we get the 'Object' diloag. The 'Create New' tab of this dilaog contains varios OLE objects. I would like to display my DotNet exe application in ...

Export to excel issue...........

I have a asp.net page in which i am exporting gridview records to the excel files. But in some records only ############# is displayed in the excel file & when i view that record in function bar of the excel i am able to view correct record. So what can be the problem? Waiting for your reply.Thanks a lot in advance. Thanks Mehul Thakka...

how to export datagrid item into excel file using Jquery?

how to export datagrid item into excel file using Jquery? ...

Need a library for creating binary Excel files from ASP.NET anyone know a good one?

Preferably free if possible. I've tried using xml / html formats but I'm running into a problem where by excel prompts the user with a security warning because the content does not match the MIME type (the sheet is downloaded on the web), no way around this it seems. ...

ssis excel source cannot acquire connection manager at DESIGN time

I have an SSIS (super)package that consists of several (about) 40 packages, each of which has several data flow tasks, most of them loading some excel data to a sqlserver database. So I have several excel source connection managers, one per excel file. This has always worked fine until recently : I have to change an excel source in one ...

Oldb Command To Get Data From Excel Sheet Uing Where Cluase

Oldb Command To Get Data From Excel Sheet Uing Where Cluase ...

Excel - How to ignore rows with formulas that equate to nothing?

Hi all, I'm working with Microsft Office Interop API. My question pertains to Excel. I wrote a program using Interop API to format Excel documents and then send them to the printer. The problem though is that we occasionally run across files in which people have created a column that spans 65,000+ rows, and all it contains is a formula...

Running Python Scripts From MS Office

I have installed PythonWin installed.. I can read and write to Excel from Python, not a problem. Not the usage I need. All examples I have found are more complex than I need. Since, I'm moving away from Excel, I need a half steps for testing. Whats the simplest way to fire off python scripts from Excel. I dont need gui. Usage: On ope...

NDde implement DDE Server, Excel DDE can't update when server advise

Hello, theres I use NDde to create a DDE Server to support EXCEL client, U use a timer to set item's value in the server periodically, why Excel not change automatically when the item value changed ? But the first time the data will display when I input App|Topic!'item' in the cell Why ? any idea ? Regards, agichen ...

Add/Delete optional personal form in VBA

What is simplest/best way to achieve functionality in vba in Excel: - button "add person" which will add 4 rows in which user specifies name..., also " - button "delete person" appearing in new added entry - to delete it What is a workflow for doing that? Should I record that first? Should I write VBA only? How to keep the part that c...

Calling an excel function from oracle forms

Can anyone suggest how I can use ole2 to perform an excel function (e.g. PMT()), from oracle forms and get back the result?? ...

Problem with using OleDbDataAdapter to fetch data from a Excel sheet

Hi guys, First, I want to say that I'm out on deep water here, since I'm just doing some changes to code that is written by someone else in the company, using OleDbDataAdapter to "talk" to Excel and I'm not familiar with that. There is one bug there I just can't follow. I'm trying to use a OleDbDataAdapter to read in a excel file with ...

This should be easy, but I can't figure it out.

I'm usually a lot better than this, I promise. Back story here: At my job, if you are late/absent, you get attendance points. One way to work attendance points off is to work weekend hours. For every 12 weekend hours you work, you get 2 attendance points removed. For example, if an employee has 26 weekend hours built up, I need to sub...

How to select number from Excel file?

I use this code to load an Excel file into a datatable: public static DataTable ImportExcelFile(string connectionString) { DbProviderFactory factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory("System.Data.OleDb"); var listCustomers = new DataTable(); using (DbConnection connection = fa...

Parse HTML Content in POI

Hi all, I am using POI to create a spreadsheet report, I have html content with <p>, <b/>, &nbsp; etc, how do i parse these html tags in POI?. is there any function in POI which can parse html content? this is a sample of my POI code: HSSFCell cell = getHSSFCell(mysheet, 5, 1); cell.setCellValue(new HSSFRichTextString(htmlCont...

Is it possible to bind Excel to Master Data Services through the API ?

Hello all, Not familiar with MS World, I've been ask to bind an Excel sheet with data within a MDS. Thing is, I have no clue is those two can be bind together. What's the MDS API's language ? Does Excel Language, VB if Im right, can use this API ? Thanks a lot for your answers ! ...

Parse SQL file to separate columns

Hi, I have a sql file which has a lot of insert statements (over 3000+). E.g. insert into `pubs_for_client` (`ID`, `num`, `pub_name`, `pub_address`, `publ_tele`, `publ_fax`, `pub_email`, `publ_website`, `pub_vat`, `publ_last_year`, `titles_on_backlist`, `Personnel`) values('7','5','4TH xxxx xxxx','xxxx xxxx, 16 xxxxx xxxxx, xxxxxxx, W...