
How to find the table names from a schema through Ado.net without using stored procedure etc?

I am trying to read data from excel files using datatable. The command "select * from [Sheet1$]" works fine but if the excel file has sheet with different name it gives error. So now I need know how can I find the table names available in a schema using ADO.Net. ...

Dynamic generation of Forms in Excel using VBA

I'm trying to find or develop some VBA to dynamically generate form fields (labels and textboxes). The source data is a table on a hidden Excel worksheet. Any ideas? ...

How does Excel VSTO Work?

Hi How does Excel VSTO Work? If I create an Excel Workbook solution in Visual Studio 2005 then I can happily code away, access a full Excel object model and even treat the Excel sheet as a design surface. When I build the solution I get a .XLS file and a .DLL (containing my C# code). I can now start up the Excel sheet just by double ...

Activate Range, Allow Edit, Continue

As a secondary method to my question here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/511488/show-cell-range-on-userform-then-update I would like to have a macro that selects a range, and activates it, but allows the user to edit cells in that range. Then, it needs to have a button that moves onto the next range. Is there a way to keep a form v...

Write Array to Excel Range

Hi All, I'm currently trying to write data from an array of objects to a range in Excel using the following code, where objData is just an array of strings: private object m = System.Type.Missing; object[] objData = getDataIWantToWrite(); Range rn_Temp; rn_Temp = (Range)XlApp.get_Range(RangeName, m); rn_Temp = rn_Temp.get_Resize(objDa...

HowTo Copy data by a double click on a specific cell of one sheet to another sheet

Hallo I am writing down the requirements of what I want to do using a macro in excel: I have a workbook with 4 worksheets: The SourceSheet where I save my database, the TargetSheet where I want to send some products of the database, in order to do some calculations,the resultsSheet and the InfoSheet. If the user double clicks in a ce...

Differences between Visual Basic Editor and Microsoft Script Editor?

I'm starting to learn Excel Programming and have been doing the development in Excel Visual Basic Editor. I now have the option to get Visual Studio 6, so I would like to know what are advantages of using Microsoft Script Editor. What are your thoughts? ...

Is there a tactical (read 'hack') solution to avoid having the VBA code and Excel sheet as one binary file?

As I understand it when I create an Excel sheet with VBA code the VBA code is saved as binary with the sheet. I therefore can't put the code into source control in a useful way, have multiple devs working on the problems, diffing is difficult, etc. Is there a way round this without switching to VSTO, COM addins etc? E.g. for the sheet...

SSIS Excel Data Source - Is it possible to override column data types?

When an excel data source is used in SSIS, the data types of each individual column are derived from the data in the columns. Is it possible to override this behaviour? Ideally we would like every column delivered from the excel source to be string data type, so that data validation can be performed on the data received from the sour...

Paste Excel into a web page

I'm trying to write a web page that takes excel info from the clipboard. I'd like to be able to pick up the XML Spreadsheet info, rather than just the text. Is this possible? I'd like to do it in most browsers, if not all. Thanks ...

Passing and Receiving an Array from Function

I have made a bunch of 2D arrays in Excel, and I have written a function to put the same data in a copy of each. I'm not quite sure I'm getting the fiddly parts of the syntax correct. The function is called 'Fill', the old array 'Old' and the new one 'New'. I'm using the name 'Block' for the passing-between variable name. So, the line ...

SSIS Excel Import Forcing Incorrect Column Type

I'm trying to import a spreadsheet to our database using SSIS. For some reason SSIS wants to believe two of the columns are of type Double, when they contain character data. I've tried remapping the columns to be nvarchar(255) but it still doesn't want to select the data it thinks is double, because there are characters in it. If I tr...

Excel 2003 VBA Server Processing and Remote Desktop Connection

Hi Guys and Girls, apologies if this isn't considered right for SO but we have a strange problem with processing Excel Macros on our servers. We have over 100 excel spreadsheets which are created overnight on our server by WebFOCUS which are all formatted by macros. The spreadsheet is created using a template, the macro runs and then ...

matching cells in one column with another column in another sheet

I have 2 sheets - one has one column for date and another for the amounts and the other sheet has a column for the date and the amounts plus another column that has description of each amount. *How can match these 2 columns of amounts**? I want a formula taht tells me which cell on the first sheet I can find a certain amount that also ex...

Automatically create Outlook appointments

I have a spreadsheet (excel 2003) which tracks expiration dates, I would like to know if there is a way to have these expiration dates create appointments(reminders) in outlook. The expiration date is in one field and the name of the entity is in another column on the spreadsheet. Ideally I would like outlook (2003) to pick up the date...

excel: charting with unknown number of data

Let's (for discussion purposes) say that I have x and y data in 2 columns. They're some measured data which, several times a day, a few of them are added (usually 4 times a day). Now, I wish to plot y=f(x) (linear scale), but the problem is since data is constantly added to determine the number of points which will go in the plot. Always...

Alternative to MS-Access/Excel for Spreadsheet Manipulation

I have an MS-Access application that formats the data in two large spreadsheets (20,000+ rows), imports this data into tables, runs a few queries comparing the data and outputs the results as excel files. The problem is that as the application (and VBA code) grows it's becoming more of a pain using Access and I'm wondering if there is ...

python excel making reports

I've been given the task of connecting my code (fortran) with py (2.5), and generate a number of excel reports if possible. The first part went fine - and is done with, but now I'm working on the second. What are my choices for making excel (2007 if possible) sheets from python ? In general, I would need to put some array values in t...

PHPExcel: scientific notation of double/float

The problem is the following: We are creating an instance of a class testObject and fill a var with a double. A class TestExcel extends from PhpExcel and when submitting the object testObject into the constructor we get a scientific notation of the var when we do a var_dump. Can anyone help us out. My colleagues and I don't understand ...

List files of certain pattern using Excel VBA

How to list all the files which match a certain pattern inside a user specified directory? This should work recursively inside the sub folders of the selected directory. I also need a convenient way(like tree control) of listing them. ...