
Using excel as UI without VB

I think every business person would like to have excel UI, however they are forced into using web applications that sometimes look like really bad excel. Are there any frameworks that help build excel ui without VB? I dont mean framework like POI or JExcel that allows you to generate excel reports. ...

xls cascading lookup based on pivot table style datasource?

Assuming dataset looks like Country Region Product UK North fdhlw46 UK North fdhlw47 UK North fdhlw48 UK North fdhlw49 UK North fdhlw50 UK South fdhlw51 UK South fdhlw52 UK South fdhlw53 UK South fdhlw54 UK South fdhlw55 UK South fdhlw56 UK South fdhlw57 UK West fdhlw58 UK West fdhlw59 UK West fdhlw60 UK London fdhlw61 U...

How do I find start and end rows of merged cells in Excel with VBSCript?

From a VBS script I have to work with an Excel book with the format: | A | B | C | ----|-----------|-----------|-----------| 1 | Header1 | Header2 | Header3 | ----|-----------|-----------|-----------| 2 | FOLDER1 | | | ----|-----------|-----------|-----------| 3 | Item1 |...

Performance running ClearContents is very slow when WrapText is enabled in Excel

I'm debugging the following code in an Excel 2007 VBA, which seems very simple. For some reason its taking about 30 minutes to process 900 rows of data. I think I have narrowed it down to some cell formatting, specifically the WrapText option. Is there something I'm missing here that can increase the performance when deleting these ro...

.Net Excel Interop Deleting a worksheet

I'm trying to delete a worksheet from a excel document from a .Net c# 3.5 application with the interop Excel class (for excel 2003). I try many things like : Worksheet worksheet = (Worksheet)workbook.Worksheets[1]; worksheet.Delete(); It's doesn't work and doesn't throw any error ... ...

How to export datagridview to excel using vb.net?

good day, i have a datagridview in vb.net that is filled up from the database. I've researched and i found out that there is no built in support to print directly from datagridview. I don't want to use crystal report co'z im not familiar with it. I'm planning to export it to excel to enable me to generate report from the datagridview. ...

Macro to save active Sheet as new workbook, ask user for location and remove macros from the new workbook

Hi everybody, I have a Workbook with three WorkSheets: Product , Customer, Journal. What I need is a macro assigned to a button within each one of the above Sheets. If the button is clicked by the user, then the active sheet should be saved as a new workbook with the following naming convention: SheetName_ContentofCellB3_DD.MM.YYYY wh...

how can I access the formula in an excel sheet with c#?

I am parsing thorugh a 2000+ record excel file, and need ot be able to grab the formula itself from the cells and not just the value. For example, one cell 'Contributions' may be a single number like 1500 or it can be a few numbers 1500+500-200 but I dont want the total, I want the actual formula so I can get the different numbers. I ...

Insert Image into Excel - Java

Hi, I am working on a java web application where i have to show an image on excel file. i used the java file iopo to write the image to the excel file. Issue is when the user mail this to client the image does not show up Is there any way to embed the image into the excel file using java with/without using any external API. Thanks & ...

Splitting Excel File Using VB

I have an excel worksheet that produces data into another worksheet. After this I export from the worksheet into a csv format. I need to be able to split the data every 250 rows into a new file regardless of the information contained. I'm using VB for the coding in this. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks ...

How to embed an XLS in a Joomla page?

I need to know how to embed a Excel spreadsheet in a Joomla site. ...

IE7 vnd.ms-excel popup disappears

I am using Java servlets and a custom framework which has options to download generated reports in various formats (CSV, PDF, XML Spreadsheet). This is done through a popup but does not seem to work when using content type of application/vnd.ms-excel in IE7. The popup appears but closes immediately. I have followed suggestions of settin...

SSIS Column Names automatically changed to F2,F3.....F13

Hi All, I have a XL source file, the first column contains the name, 199001,19902.....,199012, In SSIS package using XL source if click the 1st column contains headings it automatically covert my heading as name,F2,F3.....F13. But i need as it is like Name,199001,19902,.....,199012 as a heading than i am using unpivot transformation ...

Problem using Python comtypes library to add a querytable to Excel

I'm trying to create a QueryTable in an excel spreadsheet using the Python comtypes library, but getting a rather uninformative error... In vba (in a module within the workbook), the following code works fine: Sub CreateQuery() Dim con As ADODB.Connection Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim ws As Worksheet Dim qt As QueryTabl...

Error while converting grid data to excel

This is the code : TextWriter writer = null; HttpResponse response = new HttpResponse(writer); response.ClearContent(); response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=" + filename + ".xls"); // response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel"; StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); HtmlTextWriter htmlTextWriter =...

DTS Excel Import Problem (SQL Server 2K) Only First Row is imported

Hi, i have a Problem with the DTS Excel Import. I use a Excel data source and a Data Transformation Taks to import the data in an existing table. First Error was a Buffer is too small because of a ntext column in the table, but i have set the fetch buffer size to 5 and the error was gone. But now only the first row is imported, tha da...

How do you close Excel com object and save the work?

Hi all. This is driving me nut. I have found similar post regarding Excel com object here but none of the solution that I tried can successful close Excel after my code is finish running. The Excel.dll will linger on the TaskManager. Can someone take a look at my code below and let me know why the Excel won't close? Try 'Firs...

Copying Multiple Charts as a Picture in Excel 2007 gives Application-defined error

Introduction I can't seem to get the the ChartObjects.CopyPicture method to work in Excel 2007. No matter what I try I get an error. Using this technique throws an 'Application-defined or object-defined error' on the CopyPicture line. ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.CopyPicture Appearance:=xlScreen, Format:=xlPicture Sheets("Sheet2").Paste ...

How to "flatten" or "collapse" a 2D Excel table into 1D?

I have a two dimensional table with countries and years in Excel. eg. 1961 1962 1963 1964 USA a x g y France u e h a Germany o x n p I'd like to "flatten" it, such that I have Country in the first col, Yea...

EXCEL Formula or VBA To Extract Data Based on Another Cell's Data

I have the following worksheet #1 (simplified for the question) of person and age: Person Age Bob 40 Brett 35 Brian 38 I would like to setup another worksheet where I have the following: Person Age Spot #1 FORMULA The user will enter a name in Spot #1 and I want a formula/code in the cell titled FORMULA where t...