
Importing XML Crashes Excel

I have had this recurring problem with all of my spreadsheets for months. The spreadsheet will be working fine and importing the xml files fetched from our website, then all of a sudden it will start crashing everytime on import. The only thing that fixes it is to take all of the contents (sheets, code, references) and drop them into a...

Excel document recovery

Does anyone know how this process works? It appears that when Excel closes non-gracefully (due to a power outage or system problem) the AutoRecover version of the file is available, but if someone accidentally closes the Excel application, it is not. I am trying to help a coworker recover an hour of work she lost by accidentally closin...

Usable view for dumb users?

I'm working on a small project that requires some of our users to be able to view/sort/filter and generally play around with a large amount of data. It's based on a sql server 2000 view and is something on the order of 125k rows worth of historical event data (think sports). Normally I would turn to excel for this kind of simple manipu...

MS-Excel: How to show the value of a combo box inside a locked cell.

Background Details I have an excel spreadsheet with Activex dropdown (combobox) objects which help the user to know what options are available. I did this because the data validation list dropdowns are way too small in font size, and were gathering a lot of complaints. So my solution was to add combobox objects which allow the user to ...

Excel Tool Distribution - User Based

Hi All, I have developed an excel tool which I would like to distribute. I would like to protect it with a user based license key for the Excel file where in I need to avoid piracy of the plugin. How do I achieve this? Can someone help me out? ...

Excel 2007 VBA FileSearch missing

Someting happened with FileSearch object in Excel 2007. In documentation it is said that FileSearch is hiden. Does it mean that there is no way to search for files using Excel VBA anymore? ...

Editing a excell sheet to create a label(to stck on a letter)

My secretary made a stupid database in excel using different rows numbers in excel. The first entry uses A2, B2, C2,C3,C4, D2. The second Entry uses rows A5,B5,C5,C6,D5, and so one, so that i don't have a constant number of rown. I will probably start inserting rows so that the number of rows is equal for every database insertion. I have...

Set line weight for all series in Excel 2000 pivot chart

I've tried looking around all the chart options, but I can't seem to find a way to set the line width of the chart series once and for all. Of course, I could run a macro every time the series selection in the pivot chart is changed, but I'm hoping there's a simpler way... ...

Why does one ADO.NET Excel query work and another does not?

I'm working on a SharePoint workflow, and the first step requires me to open an Excel workbook and read two things: a range of categories (from a range named, conveniently enough, Categories) and a category index (in the named range CategoryIndex). Categories is a list of roughly 100 cells, and CategoryIndex is a single cell. I'm using ...

Detecting changes to checkboxes via VBA

Following on from my previous question. A requirement from the customer is to have checkboxes on a report to disable rows of information on another sheet. The rows are defined as named ranges, formated by P_XXXXXX. The XXXXXX is a unique identifier that is also a field on the row so I can easily generate the range names on the fly. The...

Excel: Populate worksheet with matching rows

I have an excel workbook that is used to track tasks by project. Each project has its own worksheet in the workbook. Within each worksheet, there are rows for each work item, and the first column contains the person's name that the work item is assigned to. These rows are not sorted by name. I want to create a worksheet that will aut...

changing value of cells in a range without looping

Hi is possible to change the cells that contain specific value to another without the use of looping or extra code (is there any built in function in Excel)? for example in Excel 2007 I have a range (A1:B3) A B C 1 -1 56 100 2 100 45 1 3 34 -999 0 now I want to change the cells' value to 7 if it c...

is there other faster way of doing this...

below code does the following: it takes a range, then finds distinct values in a range, and stores them in a d_distinct array, also for every distinct value it creates the distinct color, then using the Excel.FormatCondition it colors the range... (my current range is A1:HM232) for (int t = 0; t < d_distinct.Length; t++ ) { ...

is there other way of writing range...

hi for example i have to write this in my formula Sheet1!A1:HM232 is there any other way of writing this (for example using only numbers, without any letters) Sheet1!Cells[1,1]:Cells[232,221] thanks in advance! ...

Refresh Pivot Table with Apache POI

I'm currently working on a Java application that uses a template excel file that contains a pivot table. The template file also has a data sheet that seeds the pivot table. This data sheet is dynamically loaded in the java application through the Apache POI api. When I open the excel file I must refresh the Pivot table manually to ge...

Competition random entry draw script

Can you tell me a best script / program that will pull a winner at random. These are all entrants to a competition and one winner needs to be chosen randomly. The data in Excel sheet. I want to run the script against excel. ...

Creating Excel document with OpenXml sdk 2.0

I have created an Excel document using OpenXml SDK 2.0, now I have to style It, but I can`t. I don't know how to paint the background color or change the font size in different cells. My code to create a cell is: private static Cell CreateTextCell(string header, string text, UInt32Value index) { Cell c = new Cell(); c.DataTyp...

c#,excel: getting range info

hi, i have a c# code which gets the (excel-2007) worksheets used range as follows Excel.Worksheet ws = (Excel.Worksheet)Globals.ThisAddIn.GetActiveWorksheet(); Excel.Range range = (Excel.Range)ws.UsedRange; for the current worksheet i know exactly that range is A1:HM232,...but in the future that range may change... how is it possib...

How do I call WCF client from Excel 2003 VBA?

Hi There, As the question asked, how do I call WCF client from Excel 2003 VBA? I saw there is a place where I can call web service, but I have searched through Google, all the results I get is not possible to call a WCF client from VBA. I would like to know sort of what method to use before I do anything with my code, don't want to wa...

Emulate Excel Web Query in .net

I need to emulate an Excel Web Query in .net Below is the sample code. I get an Error500 when I attempt to do this in .net, however in Excel it works fine. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong? When I change the URI to a normal website it works fine, and returns the html from the page, which i what i am after. I wonder if the problem lies ...