
Excel VBE inconsistent exports

Hi, I am exporting .bas files from an .xls file as outlined here: Exporting A VBComponent Code Module To A Text File to check them in into an SVN repo. I am encountering the following issue which causes a change on the files that is actually not real (or at least not relevant). statements like these get reformatted: rngTenors.Cells(i,...

Center Exported image to excel

Hi there, I have to export some images to excel, To center the images I use a table and colspan=4 to merge for columns of excel file, when I write a text to excel file it is easily get centered, but for image I tried every possible scenarios, like or and even but the result is the same. any suggestions? Thanks in advance ...

How to "order by" a column and "Include Column Name with query"?

Hi, I am trying to run a sql query in excel and I want to : 1. order the query result by my column "Stationname" 2. include the column names with the query Right now it is returning all the columns without the column name, and the end users do not know what it is. Could someone please help? I am stuck! Below is my current code: ...

Adding a column to excel table

Hi All, I am trying to add a New column to my exisitng excel sheet programatically(From SSIS- SQL Server Integration Services). can some one tell me how to do it.. thanks ...

Excel macro help - checking if boxes on left or right are populated

Hello I have an application that generates an HTML report that can be opened in Excel. I have written macros to try and format this report so it is sortable and can have filters applied. The length of these reports is impossible to guess as it can be larger some weeks, smaller others. I am trying to write a vba script macro in orde...

Is it possible to call .NET code from Excel 2007?

I need to call some .NET code from Excel 2007, and I'm searching for the best way. The official "Microsoft-sanctioned" method seems to involve Visual Studio 2008 Professional, but I don't have that. I have VS2005, but that plus VSTO 2005 SE can only do application-level add-ins, not document-level macros. The problem involves some anal...

ASP.net How to Center Exported image in Excel

Hi there, I have to export some images to excel, To center the images I use a table and colspan=4 to merge four columns of excel file, when I write a text to excel file it is easily get centered, but for image I tried every possible scenarios, like img algin="center" or and even put it inside a table and , but the result is the same....

Bessel library function in Java

I'm looking for a bessel function in Java that matches the Excel function BESSELI, description provided: Returns the modified Bessel function, which is equivalent to the Bessel function evaluated for purely imaginary arguments. Syntax *BESSELI(x,n)* X is the value at which to evaluate the function. N is the order of the Bessel ...

VBA named range offset

Hi I am trying to write VBA code that will select a named range, copy it and paste it for a certain number of rows. What I need to know is how to select the range of cells corresponding to the ones above. E.g. I have a range "myRange" which refers to: "=$A$1:D$1$,$F$1,$K$1". I want to copy this and paste it in "=$A$2:D$2$,$F$2,$K$2" by...

display the content of a cell in excel sheet on webpage

Hi all, I've been creating my FIRST website (XHTML) - means I don't know a lot (please explain evrything very detailed ;o) I need to show a value from an excel sheet on my website. The excelsheet "Country" is on C: and I need to show the text from cell C2. Can someone help me? ...

Export data to excel file from Classic ASP failing

I'm trying to export a record set into Excel but it seems to keep failing on the production servers. However, it seems to work just fine on my development workstation. I'm wondering i fit's a server related issue but I have other apps that can export just fine using the same exact code, well similar code same set up. <%@ Language=VBScr...

Extract Data from PDF and Import to Excel .NET

Hi, Is there a sample code or utility which I could use to read PDF documents and convert or export the data into an Excel document? Most of the sample codes I see when searching are converting Excel to PDF. Would appreciate your advice. Thanks. ...

Loading data from Excel file into Octave

I have an Excel file with a large set of data. The built-in graphs available in Excel are not enough to analyze these data, so I am thinking about using some tool like octave or R. I was thinking about some method to load an Excel file directly into octave or R. I searched the web and found that many people have succeeded using by expor...

classic asp, excel, stop leading 0 (zero's) from being removed

Hi, I'm populating an excel worksheet with the results of a query. In the results set is a 'Description' field which can basically have anything in it, including numbers prefixed with leading zero's, such like 0000234. The problem is that in writing them to a cell, the leading zero's are getting knocked off, so in the case above I end...

sql command for reading a particular sheet, column ...

Dear All ... This is probably a very stupid question for SQL stalwarts, but I just want one SQL command. Details, I am using a data analysis tool called R, this tool uses ODBC to read data from XLS. I am now trying to read data from an XLS file. The ODBC tool in R accepts SQL commands. Question, Can someone give me an SQL command th...

How to automatically refresh excel formulas?

I'm experiencing big problems using ExcelPackage, because sometimes the formulas are not updated (even if I remove the value). I've tried using ExcelInterop to save xlsx as xls, thinking that this could resolve the issue, but it didn't. The way I've found to resolve it is by pressing CTRL + ALT + F9. The user will not like doing it eve...

How to ignore excel compatibility verification when converting to an old format?

I'm using the COM library to save in C# a xlsx file into an Excel 8 format. The weird thing going on here is a compatibility verification popup, pausing the savingAs process and pointing out to some compatibility issues. These are not important errors, and the process becomes user-dependent because of this popup. Since I want to do it a...

Find all controls on msform from c#

I'm trying to find all controls on msform from c# using VBA extensibility interop. I can find all forms using : using System; using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel using Microsoft.Vbe.Interop; using Microsoft.Vbe.Interop.Forms; ..... foreach (Microsoft.Vbe.Interop.VBComponent mycom in wb.VBProject.VBComponents) { ...

Sigma function in excel

Hello Sir, How can I use sigma with boundaries in excel 2007? For example I want to calculate this value: sigma [e^(m-n)*i(m)] in which n values are a column starting from 0 to 100 and for each n, m is started from 0 ended to n and i(m) is corresponding value specified in Raw m and form a column. For example for n=100: sigma [e^(m-...

Refresh display of Range when ScreenUpdating is False

Hi Is there a way to refresh the display of only a specified range of cells from VBA, when ScreenUpdating = False? What I mean is the following: Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual Range("A1").Calculate Range("A1").SomeFunctionThatRefreshesThis ... Karl ...