
C#/Excel: Working Around Maximum Series Size On Chart

I need help programatically graphing more points than can fit in a single Excel series. According to http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP100738491033.aspx the maximum number of points displayable on an Excel 2007 chart is 256000. Given that each series caps out at 32000 points, 8 series are required to plot the full 256000 points...

Excel 2007 Filtering across multiple Pivot Tables

In Excel 2007, I have a single dataset in the form of an Excel Table from which I want to make multiple pivot tables and pivot charts. I would like to be able to synchronize the 'report filter' field across all of the pivot tables and charts simultaneously, so that by filtering, (for example) the US_Region field to 'Pacific Northwest' on...

Why is Excel VBA giving me an error for a dynamic Range?

I am trying to create a budget using a Match function, but I can't even get to that point because the dynamic Range I am trying to create is returning the error: "Application-defined or object-defined error". The range in question is rng Sub Material() Dim wSheet As Worksheet Dim x, dwIndex, offSet, count, upperLeft, bottomRight, r, w...

How do I read hex numbers and iterate in an Excel macro?

I have an excel sheet and on column J, I have a start number and on column K I have a end number... I want to write a macro that will read the start number in hex and print all the number including the number in between starting in column L. This is what I have: ..........J...K.....L...M....N..O .........1A...1C .........2B...2B I w...

Parsing older SpreadsheetML Schemas

I need to parse report files that are generated in an old version of the SpreadsheetML formats (See the HTML Header of the file below) in order to merge multiple single-page reports into a single tabbed workbook with all formatting and contents intact. <HTML xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsof...

Excel C# Com Chart Multiple Series Problem

Hello All, Please can someone help me with this as it's driving me nuts! I'm creating an excel chart using C# and the COM interface pragmatically. I've created the chart using the chart wizard. I want to then add more series to this chart. I can add the series but the extra data is on new columns and they are not automatically create...

Excel: Set background colour of cell to rgb value of data in cell.

I have a column containing rgb values, eg 127,187,199 67,22,94 In Excel, is there any way I can use this to set the background colour of the cell? ...

Using .NET to get data from Excel as a database

I would like get data from Excel files using .NET The Excel file is being used so I can't open it. What I do is connect to it as a datasource using OleDB. The problem is that I get a cell's data but not its style. A date value in Excel changes into a datetime format in .NET and a cell set as currency in Excel is showing as an integer i...

Create Excel document from a ContentType in SharePoint

Is it possible to create an Excel document using VSTO, using a SharePoint contenttype? Creating a document in VSTO based on a template is easy. Workbook newWorkbook = this.Application.Workbooks.Add(@"C:\temp\TestTemplate.xltx"); But the "template" that's assigned to a content type in SharePoint has xlsx as an extension. ...

How do you get the name of the first page of an excel workbook?

Suppose you don't know the name of the first worksheet in an excel workbook. And you want to find a way to read from the first page. This snippet sometimes works, but not always. Is it just me? Or is there a no brainer way to do this? MyConnection = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data...

How do I expose Excel 2003 Spreadsheets to PerformancePoint 2007?

I am working on a PerformancePoint 2007 project. I have a bunch of Excel spreadsheets, and I need to get at the data. The users need to continue to enter data, they have Excel 2003, and I won't be here forever. If the users had Excel 2007 I could just use Excel Web Services in MOSS 2007, but that's a no go. What are your recommendati...

Library that takes Microsoft Office files (word/excel/ppt) and renders images of them?

I'm building a webapp, and I need the ability for users to view Word/Excel/PPT files in the browser (these files are stored server-side). This is to offer them a quick way to preview the document without needing to download it and launch Microsoft Office. Pretty much looking for the "View" feature for email attachments in GMail. I'm a...

Need to concatenate varying number of cells using Macro

I need to concatenate a column of cells based on a variable in a previous cell. This will continue on until the specified variable changes. For example: A B C D E 1 x @1 @1+@2+@3 2 x @2 3 x @3 4 y %1 %1+%2+%3 5 y %2 6 y %3 etc. I need the macro to look at A1 and if it's x then begin a concatenated string ...

MFC Excel Automation with VS2008 Process not closing

I'm automating Excel in Visual Studio 2008 in my 64-bit MFC application. I've added the MFC wrappers and have followed the articles on MSDN on how to implement. Bascically I'm just reading the values of a range. The problem is the Excel process stays loaded in the task manager. Does it have something to do with a 64-bit app running on 64...

Getting unique values in Excel by using formulas only

Do you know a way in Excel to "calculate" by formula a list of unique values ? E.g.: a range contains values "red", "blue", "red", "green", "blue", "black" and I want to have as result "red, "blue", "green", "black" + eventually 2 other blank cells. I already found a way to get a calculated sorted list using SMALL or LARGE combined with ...

ASP .NET Download File with Japanese File Name

I am currently using Visual Studio 2008 for my ASP .NET application. I am trying to server an excel file via the Response object. The problem is I cannot seem to set the title of the file to Japanese. If I set it to Japanese file name, it gets returned as garbage character. I am using a Japanese IE browser in a Japanese WinXP. Response....

how to import from MS excel into MYSQL DB

Hello All, How do I import data from MS excel and insert in to MYSQL database ? Which language is easiest and fastest to do this task ? ...

Vb.net code to set Compact property of Ms access Database

I am creating a database from vb.net code and while creating itself i want to set the compact property of database so the next time i need not open it and compact it or run a separate code to compact it. I browsed the net but i got source code which will compact the database but not set its compact property(the one we find in Tools>op...

Excel DateAdd not working properly ?

I am trying to use Excel the DateAdd function to find the next working day. It seems that Excel is not working as expected with this function, and always provides the same result wether you use d, w or y for the period argument. (by the way the explanations of the "y" value are beyond my logic). I tried the following code, and get ident...

How can I express this query in a way that will work on excel data?

I do have this final query (I've tried a lot of them to make this work), which i'm not able to get it run. SELECT customerNo, rating, dateApproved FROM ['worksheet$'] WHERE dateCreated = (SELECT MAX(dateCreated) FROM ['worksheet$'] ) AND status = 'Approved'" For a customerNo 0001 there are two or maybe more rows, and I want to ge...