
Dictionary Property in VBA Class

I have been asked to modify an Excel sheet with some arcaic programming. I have decided to rewrite it rather then modify all of the many GOTO statments and static arrays. My background is in C# so it has been a bit of a challenge (note: I am sure the naming convention is bad, I am used to being able to use underscore to define private ...

How to extract data from excel file into the database in Mysql at runtime in asp.net?

I am creating a website...and i want to give a liberty to users, to upload the data of excel file and then i want to save that excel data inside mysql database on runtime... kindly help me in performing this task... you can mail me at...."[email protected]" thank you Amitesh ...

slow exporting from access to excel

I have to generate about 800 excel files from an access database. For the first 10-15 of them it's working nice, a few seconds/excel file but it's constantly taking longer, at the 150th excel file it's taking 10 minutes. Here is my code: It's doing this for each nrliste in the access table (about 800 of them) Dim lista = From ls In L...

force download script

I worked on a nice "force download file" script which purpose is to make sure files are being offered to download instead of displayed in the browser, no matter what type of file that is. It used to work well but recently i received feedback that it wouldn't work, notably for pdf and xls files (MS Excel). The file is either detected as ...

How can I convert HSSFWorkbook into a CSV file..?

I wish to convert HSSFWorkbook into a CSV file format and then write it to ServletOutputStream where I have setContentType as text/x-csv. Thanks in advance. ...

Only number in Excel cell by programming C#

Hello, I generate some Excel file from an .NET C# application. I use PIA 2002. I can password protect, do a freeze pane, change the color of the cells .... one thing I can't do. I'd like to allow for a specific range, the use can enter ONLY a number..... How can I do this ? Thanks, ...

Create and save xls files in c#

Hi, I'm trying to create an xls files using c# like this protected void ExportToExcel(DataSet dset, int TableIndex, HttpResponse Respone, string Felename) { Respone.Clear(); Respone.Charset = ""; Respone.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"; Respone.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; fi...

Excel - Best way to graph the change of a cell as a function of the change of another cell

I have a huge excel workbook that I've been developing to do some cost analysis of an engineering project. Right now, I have a cell where I enter the size of a storage tank, which updates another cell which contains the total savings. The process of calculating the savings is quite complex. There are 20 sheets in my workbook, one for ea...

SSRS doesn't honor the CanGrow Property when Exporting to Excel

I have a Table in an SSRS report. one of the Table Cells contains the Descriptions of Parts in an order. these descriptions could vary in length and for that reson i have set the "CanGrow" Property to True. when i try to export the report to Excel im expecting that if the text length would exceed the width of the Cell then the height of ...

Large Excel File From SSRS Sorting

A SSRS 2005 report that is run by multiple users is generating about 45,000+ records and then being exported to Excel. This is working fine, but when the users try to sort/filter the results they are seeing a huge amount of lag. At first I thought that it was just because of the large number of rows, but we found that when we stripped ...

Excel macro doesn't update correctly

Hi i have created macro for excel but it seems somewhere i have done something wrong, i want to fetch an image from a URL and then update it up to 1 second (more or less) Sub GetPicture() PictureURL = "This is where i put the URLi want" Set MyPict = ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(PictureURL) Cells(1).Value = Now nextTime = Now + TimeV...

Visual Basic (for Applications) Learning Resources

As resident techie I have been charged with teaching some colleagues VB specifically for use with Excel. My main duties involve MySQL and Objective-C and haven't touched VB since University. While I'm not worried about the prospect of learning VB (how hard can it be, right?). I have no clue on where to point my "students" to start. Any...

Need JET 4.0 Drivers

I am using an ExcelProvider with Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 and am getting the Cannot Find Installable ISAM from the production machine. Windows Server 2003. I've searched and search for this download. I've Office installed on the Dev machine, so I'm sure that's why it works fine on my end. But I can't install Office on the Production m...

Excel Interop fails when I open the Excel applicaion manually! Why?

Hi I have a c# application that uses Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel. The application runs for a long period of time! If I try to open Excel manually on a different worksheet from the one the c# application is processing the c# application fails with some HResult cryptic message. Is there a limitation with Microsoft.Office.Interop....

Can I get relational data into an Excel Pivot Table

I have a sheet (let's go with wines as an example) that lists every bottle of wine in my cellar, when I bought it, how much I paid etc. There's a column that describes the wine in comma-separated tags such as "Fruity, White". I've created a pivot table from that data, with the description as a filter column. However I can't filter it b...

Upload Excel File and display in Grid in asp.net MVC

I need to export the Users List from excel to my asp.net mvc(C#) application. The Excel should have an header like First Name Last Name Email,... and its values like                                  John          Smith           [email protected],                                                               ...

Using a formula from another column in Excel

I'll simplify this for example sake I have a formula in column B which is Ax + 2, e.g. in B1, it's A1 + 2 in B2, it's A2 + 2 I want to make a formula in column Y which mirrors whatever formula is in column B at all times but replaces the A in the formula with a X. e.g. in Y1, it's X1 + 2 in Y2, it's X2 + 2 No matter what...

Update an embedded chart in a power point presentation using C#

All, I have a power point file that has an embedded chart, I want to use C# to: Load the power point file Update the chart with data from the database Create a new instance of the file and stream it to the client from a web page Any advice ...

how to convert data from xml file to excel sheet

1: Is there any way to covert the xml data into Excel workSheet? 2: Also from database (sql server 2005 ) to an Excel worksheet? ...

Tool to help write Excel formulas and IF statements?

This is an Excel formula with nested IF statements: =IF((B2="East"),4,IF((B2="West"),3,IF((B2="North"),2,IF((B2="South"),1,"")))) To essentially accomplish this: If cell B2 = "East" return "4" ElseIf cell B2 = "West" return "3" ElseIf cell B2 = "North" return "2" ElseIf cell B2 = "South" return "1" Else return "" ...