
How to read characters Count "Text Length" for Excel cell ?

I want to read the count of characters for a cell and set it to another cell. Could you please tell me what is the function "Formula" to do that?. Thanks ...

Officewriter Excel Report - bc30277 Type character '!' does not match

Hi guys, i have an officewriter report that i am trying to publish to SQL Reporting services through excel. This is a parameterized report with just 1 input parameter. When i click on 'Publish' in officewriter toolbar, there is an error. It says 'the value expression for the query parameter '@test' contains an error: [bc30277] Type cha...

Import Excel spreadsheet into PostgreSQL

I need to be able to import an Excel spreadsheet into a PostgreSQL database. The goal is for use with a Rails application. I have looked at the Roo gem and it takes 16 seconds to convert a 2000 line XLS file to CSV which is unacceptable. So I was wondering if I could just short-circuit the Rails application and import directly into Postg...

How do I import a COM object namespace/enumeration in Python?

I'm relatively new to programming/python, so I'd appreciate any help I can get. I want to save an excel file as a specific format using Excel through COM. Here is the code: import win32com.client as win32 def excel(): app = 'Excel' x1 = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch('%s.Application' % app) ss = x1.Workbooks.Add() sh...

Is it possible to access Excel file through ADO.NET that does NOT have a Header Row?

I have a formated Excel file, over which I do not have control, and I need to read the information contained in it. The problem with the file is that the first few rows contain formated information and I can not modify that file nor I can not ask for a format change. Is it possible then, to read such a file through ADO.Net? Thanks in ...

Apache Config Mime Types: xlsx files are being interpreted as zip files on download, why?

Background: For some reason, whenever a user tries to open an xslx (excel 2007) file from our intranet using MSIE, the file download dialog interprets it as a "zip" file. Admittedly, xslx files really are zip files, but we don't want that behavior. Just open in Excel, please. Question: Firefox, OTOH, opens the files normally. Is it ...

How much functionality is there in an .xlsm file embedded in html

If I were to embed a macro-enabled workbook on a web page, would the users be able to: 1) Run the macros and if so 2) Would the Macro run on the server or the user's machine? ...

Excel Export of SSRS Report shows outdated data

I have an SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) report, that uses a view. That few had to be adjusted yesterday. Now the report shows online the correct data, however as soon as I click on export to Excel it seems to bring to outdated data. Opening the Excel yields data that was correct before the view adjustment. Is this Excel Version so...

Pivot table style

Is it advisable to create a pivot table style through excel add-in code so that it can be applied to multiple pivot tables in the excel book? ...

How to store a variable in a file in MATLAB

In order to store a variable dist to a file preferably Excel file, we can use xlswrite('a.xls', dist) or dlmwrite('a.txt', dist, ',') Problem is suppose the variable dist is in a loop in a program and returns a different value each time the program runs as per the input then each time a.xls is overwritten and I get only the last v...

Excel 2007 - selecting multiple non-contiguous cells within one column.

Hi All, I've noticed that when one performs the above action and then copies the result back into an Excel sheet you get only those cells selected - which is great. However when one copies the selected cells into notepad, you get the complete range. Is there a way around this..? ...

What do I need to do in order to get OpenOffice.org Calc to read the VBA code in an Excel file?

My employer is considering installing OpenOffice.org's suite of Office products instead of using Microsoft Office. I've written several advanced applications in Access and Excel, and I'm trying to figure out what will and will not be compatable with OpenOffice.org. Specifically, what do I need to do to have Calc (OpenOffice.org's ver...

Reading Excel file (.xls) in Java

I want to read text from excel file in J2SE using NetBeans. I found an article here about using Apache POI and JExcelApi, but I'd prefer not depending on external packages. if possible, using only Java built-in packages. This almost worked, but it gives me an exception error: java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data ...

How can I open Excel just after creating it programmatically in .NET?

Hi to All, Hi I am creating the application which creates the excel file pro grammatically. Now I want to open it just after saving it pro grammatically in my code. How I can open the file. Please reply... Regards, Girish ...

Generic Macro for filling values in a table in Excel

I know there must exist Excel Macros that can automatically fill in the values of empty cells in a table given the values in the header row and column as well as other configuration parameters in other cells. Of course, these macros will usually be tied to a particular set of attributes, ect. Does there exist any generic macro for this w...

Hyperlinks are not working in excel sheet in sharepoint

Hi I have uploaded the excel sheet on my sharepoint site.it is opening in a webpart. I have some hyperlinks columns in my sheet. But when i trying to access the hyperlink it is not navigate. why ? In my excel sheet whet it is opening in MS office it is working fine. ...

removing some rows based on criteria - solving this by pivot tables

i have an excel data . the 3rd collumn contains phone numbers . i have to delete rows whose phone numbers have less than 10 digits . as the data is very large and not even one mistake is acceptable. i want to use pivot tables or automation script. pivot tables is better because the number of digits is variable and the collumn number is ...

Totaling figures in .csv files using Excel

I have 12 .csv files produced by another program. The .csv files contain numeric data, separated by commas. I need an easy way of totaling the values in certain columns in each of the files and comparing the totals across the various files e.g. compare the total from file 1 to the total from file 5. The format of each file is the ...

Can I generate Excel files with native Excel charts on Linux?

Is there a way to generate Excel spreadsheets with Perl on Linux so that I can open the spreadsheet on Windows and it creates native Excel graphics? I know that there are libs to draw graphics but all libs I know simply insert a picture to the Excel which looks weird when I open the spreadsheet on Windows. So I wondering is there a way t...

deleting rows containing listed numbers in excel

i have a list of numbers in a excel sheet . i.e . one collumn about 20 rows of numbers. lets say its called list A then i have some multi row multi collumn excel sheet2 in which collumn C may contain some of the numbers of list A. how can i delete the rows in excel sheet2 which contain list A numbers in collumn C ...