
Users need Silverlight 4.0 for Expression Blend?

I have Visual Studio 2010 beta 2 installed and Expression Blend Preview for .NET 4. When I began to debug it, it asked me to install Silverlight 4.0 beta. So now I am wondering if people who are going to view my application need to install Silverlight 4.0 instead of Silverlight 3.5. If so, how can I downgrade from 4.0 to 3.5? ...

How to programmatically create customcontrol and change its values in Silverlight 4

Hi! I want to create a custom tabcontrol class which has an icon before the text, and I want to be able to change the icon in the constructor of the new tabcontrol. I use implicit styles in Silverlight 4, and the custom tabcontrol should not have any xaml of its own, just the class and the implicit xaml style in my App.xaml. I cannot...

Silverlight Pixel Shader resource "not found"; what should the URI be?

So I've written and compiled an HLSL pixel shader with Shazzam, placed the resulting .ps file in my project, and am trying to instantiate it. No matter what URI I put, Blend tells me that the resource can't be found whenever I try to view any xaml designer, and Visual Studio just shows me a blank page, both in design view and if I try t...

Visual Studio / Blend... how you organize that?

Virst time more complex stuff in WPF. I am a little lost on the split betwen VS and Blend. It seems I am VERY limited with editors in Visual Studio for editing controls - when customizing, for example, it seems I Can enter astyle in XML... but in blend I Can tell it to make a copy of the CURRENT style and use that as a starter, definit...

Can't open VS2010 solution in Blend 4

I'm currently developing a Silverlight 4 application using Visual Studio 2010. When attempting to open the solution using Blend 4, nothing happens. Blend appears to be loading the solution, then nothing... no errors, no warnings, no projects visible in the toolbar. Any suggestions? ...

How to link Property value to a Property of a Style in Blend 4?

I created a Style template in Blend 4 for a button, but I'm not sure how to link the Label's Content to the Button's Content property. Here's the style XAML: <Style x:Key="NavButton" TargetType="Button"> <Setter Property="Background" Value="#FF1F3B53"/> <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="#FF000000"/> <Setter Property="Pad...

How to create sample data collection from my own class in expression blend 4?

Can anyone help me? it seems no way to do this in blend 4 ...

How to open a blend 4 project in Visual Studio 2010 without having Blend

Hello, I just discovered Expression Blend 4 and was amazed by the possibilities it supplies. After having created an HMI prototype in blend, I tried to send it to a colleague who doesn't have Blend, but he couldn't build it. I googled around and found a Blend 4 SDK, which he installed. Unfortunately, he still cannot build the projec...

IValueConverter not working in blend design

I am using Blend 4. I am having a list item which i am binding to sample dataset VM using this approach, which works fine. The issue is with the IValueConverter applied to binding. Blend doesn't seem to process the converter in design time UI. Is it possible for Blend to process data using converters in design time? ...