
create image style in xaml

I don't know why I'm having so much trouble doing this, it shouldn't be hard, but I must be Blend-incompetent. Can someone give me the xaml for an image style where the image is at 60% opacity, on mouseover fades in to 100, mouseout back to 60% and onclick glows for a 0,2 sec. Or just tell me how to do in blend? thank you Solution tur...

Expose a Click event of a button inside a UserControl in Silverlight

I have a button inside my UserControl. I have three instances of this UserControl on the same page. How can I expose the click event of the button inside such that I can assign different events for each instance of my UserControl. I think this is similar to concept behind exposing DependencyProperty but I don't understand how to do i...

Is there an equivalent of EnterFrame event in Expression Blend/WPF, If not how do we get around it?

i am moving from AS3 and Java to Expression Blend/WPF, but cant seem to figure out how to replicate EnterFrame event in C#, is there a update() or frameUpdate() function. ...

Styling ContextMenu (Silverlight Toolkit Apr 2010) Using Expression Blend

Screen Shot I am trying to remove the grey background from this context menu but I can't find the property to change... All the elements of the context menu are either transparent or other colours. Is this a bug or do I have to edit more than just the ItemContainerStyle? TIA ...

Blendability: isn't it solved with d:DataContext? What am I missing?

I feel as though I still see a lot of guidance and advice stating that a view-first approach is the best way to go to get Blendability in your application. However, with d:DataContext, d:DesignData and d:DesignInstance, isn't the problem of Blendability easy to solve regardless of how your views and viewmodels are wired together? With D...

Can anyone tell me (or send a link) step-by-step instructions of creating a vector image in expression design and importing it into Visual Studio?

Can anyone tell me (or send a link) step-by-step instructions of creating a vector image in expression design and importing it into Visual Studio and using it as the content of a control? ...

Expression Blend 4.0 - Automatically reload edited files?

I do a lot of editing between Blend and VS. VS has a great option to "automatically reload changed files" so that I don't get prompted when I do some work in Blend and switch tools. Going the other direction though I don't see an option for Blend to automatically load files when changed. Is there a way to get rid of that dialog and al...

Databound project template Expression blend

What is Databound template in Expression Blend? ...

Fade image to grayscale in silverlight

I'm using expression blend and can't figure out how to go about fading a color image to grayscale. Can I do it in the xaml or do I need to handle this in my C#? ...

VS2010 for Windows Phone 7 & Blend crash with Mvvm-Light

This is not really a question, but an assertion. Posting this so that others can avoid this problem. If you use Mvvm-Light (and maybe other Mvvm frameworks) and have code in your ViewModel that runs on a thread other than the UI thread, VS2010 and Exression Blend will likely crash when trying to view/edit your XAML in design mode. For ...

Is there a way to programmatically convert other Xaml elements to path elements?

In Blend, it is possible to convert certain Xaml elements to Path, using Object->Path->Convert to Path option. Is there some API to do the same programmatically, in a WPF application? Thanks ...

Manipulating Custom User Controls Given Only (x,y) Screen Coordinates (without Mouse)

Given only an (x,y) point on the screen (without being allowed to use the mouse), how can you manipulate a custom UserControl? For example, I have a custom slider that I want to manipulate using only an x, y returned by a vision code (the vision code acts like a mouse, but I am not actually supposed to use the mouse). ...

Expression Blend binding list doesn't list interface properties for binding.

Made a much simpler example, hopefully someone can follow this and help me Here is my code. ViewModel public class ViewModel { private Person _noninterfacePerson; private IPerson _interfacePerson; public ViewModel() { _noninterfacePerson = new Person(); _interfacePerson = new Person(); } publi...

Expression Blend Forcing User Controls to be hidden

So I have been working on a project using C Sharp and WPF for a while now, and now recently several of my user controls are hidden in Expression Blend. I tried show all, setting visibility to Visible in the gui, cleaning the project build, rebuilding, restarting, etc... nothing seems to work. As you can imagine, this is very frustrating...

replace "DynamicResource" with "StaticResource"

Hi everyone! To realize my application I have used a lot Blend3. When Blend3 wants to link a resource to another resource, it uses many times the link-type "DynamicResource". As I have understood (but I could have understood not well), the "Dynamic" links have sense only if I want to modify the links at runtime. In other cases they use m...

Reset TranslateZoomRotateBehavior? (WPF/Blend behavior)

I have attached a TranslateZoomRotateBehavior to a Grid: <Grid> <!--all sorts of content--> <Button Content="Cancel" Click="CancelButton_Click Width="25" Height="20"/> <i:Interaction.Behaviors> <ei:TranslateZoomRotateBehavior ConstrainToParentBounds="True" SupportedGestures="Translate"/> </i:Interaction.Behaviors...

Blend - PropertyChanges are not getting updated

I have a custom control in Silverlight, the change of property via property window is not getting updated until I build the application once again. What could be the problem? Say for example. I have a control called Shapes. If I select type of the shape as "Octane" it should show a sample octane in blend design-time surface. But, in m...

How do you change the text colour of a label programmatically in Microsoft Expression Blend 4

Hey guys, How do I change a label's colour (for example labelname = myLBL) programmatically? Thanks Andy ...

Expression Blend 4 accidently deleted App.xaml

Hey guys. Im new to Expression and by accident I deleted the App.xaml file. I think this is an important file and I cannot workout how to create an equivalent. Please help, Andy ...

Blend/VS designer support for adding complex content based on boolean property

I have my own derived WPF DataVisualization chart control and within that control, I have a boolean property that the designer can set which in turn creates and adds a line series to that chart control. Now the problem is that I can easily create the line series object within the chart when the designer sets that property, but I also ne...