I added the EXSLT dates-and-times module in my XSLT 1.0 file by declaring:
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" ... xmlns:date="http://exslt.org/dates-and-times" extension-element-prefixes="date">
This doesn't affect my resulting page, but when I try to call the actual date with:
I have the following PHP code, but it's not working. I don't see any errors, but maybe I'm just blind. I'm running this on PHP 5.3.1.
$xsl_string = <<<HEREDOC
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
Hi All,
I am trying to convert xml to csv. I am facing problem to get child node (like ProdIDT, IDV) as one line a tab delimeted txt file. Child node value is coming close without header. Please look at the below my input and XSL file.
How can I use EXSLT extensions to subtract a date.
I see that there is a date-add function, but the EXSLT docs don't include any examples. I am trying to take the current date and subtract 1 month for example.
I’m processing an XML file that, simplified, looks something like this:
<resource id="a">
<dependency idref="b"/>
<!-- some other stuff -->
<resource id="b">
<!-- some other stuff -->
The XSLT stylesheet must process a particular resource that we’re interested in, wh...
Is there a simple way to strip padding, IE leading and/or trailing white space. EXSLT padding function seems to only create padding or trim strings to a certain length.
I'm creating some xslt's using Umbraco 4.5.2 and I want to add de set:distinct function from EXSLT.org (http://www.exslt.org/set/functions/distinct/index.html) however, when I reference the set:distinct I get the error:
Cannot find a script or an extension
object associated with namespa...