
java class, extending external API functionality

Hello, I have an external API (I can't modify it) with class "A" and local class "B" which overrides methods of "A" and adds an additional function. I need to use one of them according to some parameter "is_A". /------ API (A.java) -----/ package A; public class A { public int pingA( int value ) { return value; } } /------ m...

Javascript extends class

What is the right/mest way to extend a javascript class so Class B inherits everything from the class A (class B extends A)? ...

php class extends - attributes/methods with same name ok?

If you have a class named "User" and another class named "Admin" that extends "User", and you want Admin to inherit all attributes,methods from User, except for the __construct method, for example. class User { private $name; function __construct($name) { $this->name = $name; } } and class Admin extends User { private $authorization...

Django: Extends or Include?

My friend and I are having a small argument. In my current Django Project, I have created a file called menu.html which will contain a bunch of links configured and formatted into a list. Instead of manually hard-coding the menu into each page, I am currently including the menu using the following Django/Python code: {% include 'menu.ht...

Is it possible to simultaneously and generically subclass both a bounded generic class and a generic interface?

I'm trying to create a new class by subclassing another generic class (with a bound) and implementing a generic interface (without a bound): public class Foo1<T extends Bar> { ... } public interface Foo2<T> { ... } public class ProblemClass<T extends Bar, U> extends Foo1<T extends Bar> implements Foo2<U> { ... } ...

How to explain to someone that a data structure should not draw itself, explaining separation of concerns?

I have another programmer who I'm trying to explain why it is that a UI component should not also be a data-structure. For instance say that you get a data-structure that contains a record-set from the "database", and you wish to display that record-set in a UI component within your application. According to this programmer (who will...

Extending both T and SomeInterface<T> in Java

I want to create a class that takes two parameters. One should be typed simply as T. The other should be typed as something that extends both T and SomeInterface<T>. When I attempt this with public class SomeClass<T, S extends SomeInterface<T> & T> then Java complains with "The type T is not an interface; it cannot be specified a...

Generics : List<? extends Animal> is same as List<Animal>?

Hi, I am just trying to understand the extends keyword in Java Generics. List<? extends Animal> means we can stuff any object in the List which IS A Animal then won't the following also mean the same thing: List<Animal> Can someone help me know the difference between the above two? To me extends just sound redundant here. Thanks! ...

Pointer-like behavior in Java

I got the following: class A{ int foo; } class B extends A{ public void bar(); } I got a instance of A and want to convert it to an instance of B without losing the reference to the variable foo. For example: A a = new A(); a.foo = 2; B b = a; <-- what I want to do. //use b b.foo = 3; //a.foo should now b...

Casting a object to a base class , return the extented object??

My Code: public class Contact { public string id{ get; set; } public string contact_type_id { get; set; } public string value{ get; set; } public string person_id { get; set; } public Contact() { } } public class Contact:Base.Contact { public ContactType ContactType { get; set; } public Person Perso...

PHP Classes Extend

I have two classes that work seperate from another, but they extend the same class. Is it possible to have them work the same instance of the extended class. I'm wanting the constructor of the extended class to run only once. I know this isn't right but something like this: <?php $oApp = new app; class a extends $oApp {} class b extend...

Java Generics: What is PECS?

Hi, I came across PECS (short for Producer extends and Consumer super) while reading on Generics. Can someone explain to me how to use PECS to resolve confusion between extends and super? Thanks in advance! ...

Java: extending Object class

Hello, I'm writing (well, completing) an "extension" of Java which will help role programming. I translate my code to Java code with javacc. My compilers add to every declared class some code. Here's an example to be clearer: MyClass extends String implements ObjectWithRoles { //implements... is added /*Added by me */ public s...

PHP: Class extends problem "Call to private method ... from context ..."

I have 3 classes in WordPress (the question itself is unrelated to it): class WP_Widget class Theme_Widget extends WP_Widget class Specific_Widget extends Theme_Widget Essentially Theme_Widget contains some extension functions to the basic WP_Widget. Inside Specific_Widget I call one of Theme_Widget's methods: class Specific_Widg...

Adding fields to a proxied class in Clojure

I'm using "proxy" to extend various Swing classes in a Clojure GUI application, generally with code that looks something like: (def ^JPanel mypanel (proxy [JPanel] [] (paintComponent [#^Graphics g] (.drawImage g background-image 0 0 nil)))) This works well but I can't figure out how to add additional fields to the newly e...

extend base.html problem

I'm getting the following error: Template error In template /home/mo/python/django/templates/yoga/index.html, error at line 1 Caught TemplateDoesNotExist while rendering: base.html 1 {% extends "base.html" %} 2 3 {% block main %} 4 <p>{{ page.title }}</p> 5 <p>{{ page.info}}</p> 6 <a href="method/">Method</a> 7 {% endblock...

Extending Array in Actionscript 3 (Flex)

I'm trying to make a variation on Array for a very specific purpose. When I have the following: public class TileArray extends Array { // Intentionally empty - I get the error regardless } Why can't I do this? var tl:TileArray = [1,2,3]; despite the fact that I can do this var ar:Array = [1,2,3]; The error I receive is this: ...

Understanding Classes in PHP

I'm officially mentally retarded. [Let me explain] I've never really given classes and their relationship any thought until today. I'm trying to figure out something that seems to be pretty obvious but since I'm stupid I can't see it. Let's say I have a Core Class that will be extended from different files. How can children classes cal...

In Java type arguments, does <? extends E> mean strictly subtypes only? or would E also suffice?

In Java type arguments, does mean strictly subtypes only? or would E also suffice? ...

how to extends the parent html page on google app engine

templates | ....a.html |.....admin |..... index.html |..... b.html in google app engine templates, i can use this to extends b.html in index.html: {% extends 'b.html' %} but how to extends a.html in index.html. thanks ...