
Castle Windsor, hook continer release in order to call explicit components release

I run this at the application Start Up public class ConfigurationFacility : AbstractFacility { private readonly List<string> configuredComponents = new List<string>(); protected override void Init() { Kernel.ComponentRegistered += OnComponentRegistered; // add environment configurators } private void OnC...

castle nh facility - 2 databases / 2 models / 2 factories

Hi I have asked this on the castle list as i'm using the nh facility but it just dawned on me to ask it here too :) sorry for the cross posting. I'm using the nh facility to configure the following setup: i have 1 database which stores generic report configuration. and another which stores the actual report data. i also have 1 proje...

Castle WcfFacility - Service Behaviors

How do I use the Castle WcfFacility and have it use the standard Wcf config file settings? If I register like so: container.Register( AllTypes.Pick() .FromAssemblyNamed("{ServicesAssembly}") // <-- service assembly here .If(type => type.Name.EndsWith("Service")) .WithService.FirstInterface() .Configure(configurer => con...

Problem getting Nhibernate Facility + Update/Save event listeners working

I really can't get this working so i'm hoping someone here can help :) here is my castle.config: <castle> <facilities> <facility id="nhibernatefaciltity" isWeb="true" type="Castle.Facilities.NHibernateIntegration.NHibernateFacility, Castle.Facilities.NHibernateIntegration"> <factory id="sessionF...