
How to save jpg image to database and then load it in Delphi using FIBplus and TImage?

How to save jpg image to database and then load it in Delphi using FIBplus and TImage? ...

Sorting DBAdvGrid with FIBDataSet by clicking on the column header

The only solution to the above problem i've found is to attach "ORDER BY" statement to the SQL-query of the FIBDataSet. Kind of strange because Grid has it's own quicksort() implementation but i can't get it work. Any ideas would be appreciated. ...

Porting an IBXpress Interbase 6 app to the current Firebird platform, on Delphi 7?

Just wondering if there are any gotchas to be wary of here. We have a legacy D7 app that we developed several years ago for a client, which uses IBXpress to talk to the open source Interbase 6 build. We're having a number of issues with that platform these days (very slow to connect/start-up on new hardware being the chief one) and the...