
Can I delete file from temporary internet files in javascript?

I have a page which needs to download an image file on onload event but, for all page calls! Now, it downloads the image in first call but in second call it gets from temporary and that is not the thing I want. I need to make some calculations for each load. So I want to delete the file that I download on each load from temporary or some...

Find the oldest file (recursively) in a directory.

I'm writing a Python backup script and I need to find the oldest file in a directory (and its sub-directories). I also need to filter it down to *.avi files only. The script will always be running on a Linux machine. Is there some way to do it in Python or would running some shell commands be better? At the moment I'm running df to get...

Fastest way to delete a tree of empty directories in batch file

I need to write a batch file that received a directory that contains a huge number of empty sub-directories and deletes them all. What's the fastest way of doing this? (by fast I mean not like what Windows Explorer does when you try to delete such a directory...) Clarification: I'm not trying to delete only empty directories. It just ...

How to delete all files under a specified directory with PHP?

I think the title is clear. ...

Does File.AppendAllText close the file after the operation

Does the following close the file after the operation is performed? : System.IO.File.AppendAllText(path, text); A yes, no will suffice? ...

How to check file in use in c#

Hi, How can i check if the excel file on which i a working (manipulating its data or deleting it or overwriting it) is in used ? and how to release it from the same? in c# please guide ...

Performance Wise, Python VS JAVA For File Based Processing

Hi all, I need to create daemon that will monitor certain directory and will process every file that's written to that particular path. My choice is either java or python. Did you guys have any experience using both technology? what is the best one? EDIT 1: files that will be processed is simple text file (one line with tab separated ...

fopen without fclose in C

Hi All, What happens if i open a file using fopen some n number of times without calling fclose on it? Any buffer overrun issues may arise? ...