
Recursive File Search in .net

Hi, I need to search a drive (C:, D: etc) for a partuicular file type (extension like .xml, .csv, .xls). How do I preform a recursive search to loop all directories and inner directories and return the full path of where the file(s) are? or where can I get information on this? VB.NET or C# Thanks Edit ~ I am running into some errors ...

Recursive file search using C++ MFC?

What is the cleanest way to recursively search for files using C++ and MFC? EDIT: Do any of these solutions offer the ability to use multiple filters through one pass? I guess with CFileFind I could filter on *.* and then write custom code to further filter into different file types. Does anything offer built-in multiple filters (ie. ...

solution to search into files (in lamp)

i have site that the user upload files (PDF,WORD,POWER POINT ....) and they want to have the ability to search word in the files, how can i do it ? ...

Recursive File Search (PHP)

Hey Guys, I'm trying to return the files in a specified directory using a recursive search. I successfully achieved this, however I want to add a few lines of code that will allow me to specify certain extensions that I want to be returned. For example return only .jpg files in the directory. Here's my code, <?php $it = new Recursive...

Smart image search via Powershell

I am interested in file searching by custom properties. For example, I want to find all JPEG-images with certain dimensions. Something looks like Get-ChildItem -Path C:\ -Filter *.jpg -Recursive | where-object { $_.Dimension -eq '1024x768' } I suspect it's about using of System.Drawing. How it can be done? Thanks in advance ...

Flex webcontent derived resources

I have a flex project that is also a web project. It is currently compiling all the mxml files and placing the swf files in the webcontent folder. The problem is that during the build process the webcontent folder gets marked as 'derived', so any files that are in that folder are not by default searchable unless you click the 'derived'...