
Database file-level encryption

We recently were given a client requirement to encrypt all their data while at rest. They have agreed that encrypting the dbf, backup and trn files will suffice this need for them. My question is, do I need to encrypt the ldf file also? Is there any retrievable data in the ldf file that would require it to be encrypted? ...

File encryption library for .NET

I'm looking for a file encryption library under .NET. It needs to be able to seek so CryptoStream is out of question. (I know it inherits a Seek method but it's not implemented.) I need to seek because my application deals with large files in a non-sequential order. I also need to read and write the files at the same time. I know that...

How to protect file system?

Hi, I want to store large files (videos, sounds) and access them via Database. I am balancing now between filesystem (references to files would be stored in DB) and pure DB (which could be enormously large after time). I have to protect the content too, so I thought, that DB solution suits better for this purpose. (probably it is not a...