
Android download binary file problems

Hello, I am having problems downloading a binary file (video) in my app from the internet. In Quicktime, If I download it directly it works fine but through my app somehow it get's messed up (even though they look exactly the same in a text editor). Here is a example: URL u = new URL(""); HttpURLCon...

I can't delete a file in java

I'm trying to delete a file, after writing something in it, with FileOutputStream. This is the code I use for writing: private void writeContent(File file, String fileContent) { FileOutputStream to; try { to = new FileOutputStream(file); to.write(fileContent.getBytes()); to.flush(); to.close(); ...

Printing HTML file out to printer in java

I need to print a an html out to the printer programmatically. I do not want to print the html tags, I want the html tags parsed before printed. This code adds html features and data to an htm document named document. I am then sending the output to a file named itext.html HtmlWriter writer2 = HtmlWriter.getInstance(document,new File...

Java - appending to Excel file with FileOutputStream

This code appends to an already created Excel file: FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("c:\\Decrypted.xls"); What can we add / modify so that Decrypted.xls should be created if not already created and appended if already created? ...

jasperreports does not append into output stream

Hi, I am passing the outputstream created as FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(reportOutput, true); to the method JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfStream(jasperPrint, out); I am printing multiple times in the same file using jasperreport with different templates and data. I expected a single file created containing a...

Can anyone explain the File() parameters used to download file in android ?

In Reference to this android file download problem Can anyone explain what does this line mean in the code FileOutputStream f = new FileOutputStream(new File(root,"Video.mp4")); And what does it mean by the parameter root within the File(). Do I need to...

Using FileOutputStreams and Jena Models in Java Servlets within an Eclipse Web Project

Hi, I have recently created a web project in Java using eclipse. I have a servlet which includes a timer task. This timer tasks calls the "writeList" method of an XML Writing class that I have created. This all works fine, and I have verified that it runs every minute using System.out. When I run my XML Writing class from within eclips...

Add Hexadecimal Header Info to JPEG File Using Java

I need to add header info to a JPEG file in order to get it to work properly when shared on some websites, I've tracked down the correct info through a lot of Hex digging, but now I'm kind of stuck trying to get it into the file. I know where in the file it needs to go, and I know how long it is, my problem is that RandomAccessFile just...

Java BufferedWriter, OutputStreamWriter able to write to closed FileOutputStream

I was expecting the following code to throw an exception when I goto write data to the Stream: File file = new File("test.txt"); FileOutputStream fs = new FileOutputStream(file); OutputStreamWriter ow = new OutputStreamWriter(fs); BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(ow); fs.close(); try { ow.write(65); writer.write("tes...

Can FileOutputStream() take a relative path as an argument

I am creating a FileOutputStream object. It takes a file or String as an argument in its constructor. My question is, can I give it a relative URL as an argument for the location of a file, it doesn't seem to work, but I am trying to work out if this is possible at all (if not I will stop trying). If it is not possible, how can I (fro...

FileOutputStream error

Hi, I had a part of code which suppose to get an image from website and store it into the sdcard. The following code was working find when i develop on sdk1.5. However, it was not working now after i change it to android sdk 2.0. This line got problem; FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(filepath + "/" + this.filename); Here is...

Creating and writing file from a FileOutputStream in Java

Okay, so I'm working on a project where I use a Java program to initiate a socket connection between two classes (a FileSender and FileReceiver). My basic idea was that the FileSender would look like this: try { writer = new DataOutputStream(connect.getOutputStream()); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e...

Java FileOutputStream String Writing

I’ve been having issues with a Java File. Its designed to write line after line in a test file as a log. Unfortunately it overwrites the same line every time I call it. If anyone can help I would be eternally grateful as this has been driving me up the wall! Code Below. Thanks. public abstract class Log { protected static String Def...

Deleting files created with FileOutputStream

Hi, I'm developing for the Android platform. My app creates a temp file with a simple call to: FileOutputStream fos = openFileOutput("MY_TEMP.TXT",Mode); It works fine because I can write to it and read it normally. The problem is that when I exit from the app I want to delete this file. I used: File f = new File(System.getProperty(...

Skip creating file in FileOutputStream when there is no data in Inputstream

Hi Guys, This is a logging function which logs error stream from the execution of an external program. Everything works fine. But I do not want to generate the log file when there is no data in error stream. Currently it is creating zero size file. Please help. FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(logFile); PrintWriter pw = new ...

A problem with java Object Streams while writing to file

Hi, I am trying to write an Object of kind "HashMap" to a file & recover it when my program run again. But I faced with an EOFException when I try to read that object and the Object is not read from the file. I use the flush() & close() methods when I wrote the object for the FileOutputStream & ObjectOutputStream. Also I create OutputStr...

Write problem on android application

Below is the code to write to a file after downloading an image from the web. But somehow, it's just stuck while writing to File Stream. No Exception at all. It just stays on while loop then displays force close popup. it happens 2 or 3 out of 10. private void saveImage(String fullPath) { File imgFile = new File(fullPath); try { ...

Why does this Android FileOutputStream throw a NullPointerException?

There does not seem to be any Android manifest permission that needs to be set for file io. public class Device extends Activity { private static final Configuration config = new Configuration(); ... private boolean applyMenuChoice(MenuItem item) { switch (item.getItemId()) { ... case ...

Android: How to store data on internal memory?

It's perfectly described here how to do it, the only problem: He doesnt know the function openFileOutput(); private void saveSettingsFile() { String FILENAME = "settings"; String string = "hello world!"; FileOutputStream fos = openFileOutput(FILENAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); //openFileOutput underlined red ...

png downloaded size different to server size?

Hi everyone, My app downloads .png files to the sd card for later use. I kept getting OutOfMemoryErrors (if anyone could explain this too, that'd be great!) and so I took a look at the sizes of the images saved to the sd card, and they seem to be roughly double what they are on the server. Why is this, and how can I make them smaller? ...