
Replace comma-separated dir list with ant's patternset or fileset

In ant target I get a property, containing the list of directories to be included in further action (copying, filtering, etc.). It look like this: directories=dir1, dir2, dir3 I need a way to convert this list to a fileset that selects all files in these directories. I know I can use a script to generate pattern strings and then use ...

Using a Clover <fileset> on Hudson

We're trying to limit Clover to a certain package and therefore have a <fileset> definition in our Ant build file. Everything works fine from the command line (when we specify our known Ant target). But when it comes to the Clover plug-in on Hudson, we don't know which Ant target Hudson uses. Any pointers in using a Clover <fileset> on H...

Copy content of subfolders with Ant

How can I copy content of all subfolders of given folder using Ant? i.e. I have such folder structure folder/ folder/sub1/1.txt folder/sub1/f1/1.txt folder/sub2/2.txt ... I don't know exact names of subfolders. And I need to copy content from all of them into one folder (keeping the structure of content, i.e. copying all files into...

I have the wsdl and the uri, need to access a specific operation of a wsdl, i'hv wirtten a samll build.xml but getting build failed

The following is the build.xml file: The error encountered upon execvuting is:" taskdef A class needed by class cannot be found: org/apache/axis/utils/DefaultAuthenticator". Please help me in this regar...

Nant Build script undifined Issue

Hi, I have the following code in a nant build script: <project name="fgs"> <property name="build.dir" value="build"/> <property name="build.bin.dir" value="${build.dir}/bin"/> <fileset id="provider.1.0-references" basedir="${build.bin.dir}"> <include name="thenameofadllfile.*"/> </fileset> <macrodef name="build-dist"> <at...

Fileset/patternset's refid attribute isn't expanded. How would you write a target that operates on an arbitrary set of files?

I have a set of targets that each do essentially the same thing except each contains a specific patternset on which to perform its tasks. I want to collapse these targets into a single "reusable" target that instead takes a set of files "as a parameter". For example, this <target name="echo1"> <foreach item="File" property="fn"> ...