
How to assign separate thread for each File System Watcher?

I am developing a database file system.It includes a multi-directory watcher which is a windows service and which uses the file system watcher class from .net. I want to run each watcher class on separate thread.Thread can not be extended in .net because as it is "Sealed". What I want is, run all the methods of my watcher class in the r...

c# Limit amount of messageboxes

Hello I've runned in to a problem again that I can't solve on my own. I have a FileSystemWatcher named filOvervakare and uses this code to trigger a method. filOvervakare.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.Size; filOvervakare.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastWrite; filOvervakare.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler(filOvervakare_Changed); ...

Altering the ObservableCollection according to FileSystemWatcher change notification

Hi All, I'm trying to update my ObservableCollection as the FileSystemWatcher notifies changes. I know this is not possible because of cross thread operations. So i would like to get the name of the file created/deleted/renamed when the event is fired and update it in the UI thread once the event is completed, as we do in BackgroundWor...

Reading file content changes in .NET

In Linux, a lot of IPC is done by appending to a file in 1 process and reading the new content from another process. I want to do the above in Windows/.NET (Too messy to use normal IPC such as pipes). I'm appending to a file from a Python process, and I want to read the changes and ONLY the changes each time FileSystemWatcher reports an...

FileSystemWatcher.Changed fires immediately when Excel 2007 opens XLS file in compatibility mode

We use a FileSystemWatcher to monitor documents opened from our Document Management system, and if the user saves the document, we ask if they would also like them updated in our system. We have a problem with XLS files in Excel 2007 (have not verified that the problem does not exist in 2003, but it only seems to be files that open in c...

Windows Service on NetworkService account can't access remote (shared) directory

I'm trying to remotely access a shared folder with a Windows Service set to NetworkService account permissions. However, I get errors when I try to do this, e.g. Directory.Exists(servicePath) returns false, FileSystemWatcher doesn't recognize activity in the directory. If I change the service's account to LocalSystem, these methods wor...

Unit-test FileSystemWatcher.Error Event

I'm trying to unit test a private method that I have attached to my FileSystemWatcher's Error event. MSDN says that this event "occurs when the internal buffer overflows." I've tried to cause a buffer overflow but have not been successful so far. The FileSystemWatcher's various properties are: fileWatcher.IncludeSubdirectories = fals...

FileSystemWatcher running under impersonated user

I have an c# winform application that runs under a local account but needs to monitor folders on a domain. I am using slightly modified code from here to copy the files and that works fine. Can similar code be used with the FileSystemWatcher set up impersonation so I can monitor a folder on a domain? ...

Getting file updates in folders with no permission.

I've been working on a program to monitor a network folder to find out which spreadsheets our company uses are the most popular. I'm using the FileSystemWatcher class in C# to do the monitoring. I've noticed I'm getting updates to files that are in folders that my user does not have permission to browse. I understand that my software is ...

Additional parameters for FileSystemEventHandler

I'm trying to write a program that could monitor multiple folders for file creations and launch the same action but with different settings for each folder. My problem is in specifying an extra parameter for the FileSystemEventHandler. I create a new FileWatcher for each directory to monitor and add the handler for the Created-action: f...

Does using ReadDirectoryChangesW require administrator rights?

The MSDN says that using ReadDirectoryChangesW implies the calling process having the Backup and Restore privileges. Does this mean that only process launched under administrator account will work correctly? I've tried the following code, it fails to enable the required privileges when running as a restricted user. void enablePrivilege...

FileSystemWatcher event trigger problem(s)

It seems like , FileSystemWatcher triggers events more than once. Here is my settings ; watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(); watcher.Path = @"D:\testSpace"; watcher.InternalBufferSize = 1024*64; watcher.Deleted += Triggered; watcher.Changed += Triggered; watcher.Created += Triggered; watcher.Error += ErrorOccured; watcher.NotifyF...

C#/WPF FileSystemWatcher on every extension on every path

I need FileSystemWatcher, that can observing same specific paths, and specific extensions. But the paths could by dozens, hundreds or maybe thousand (hope not :P), the same with extensions. The paths and ext are added by user. Creating hundreds of FileSystemWatcher it's not good idea, isn't it? So - how to do it? Is it possible to watc...

Receiving DB update events in .NET from SQLite

I've recently discovered the awesomeness of SQLite, specifically the .NET wrapper for SQLite at Now, suppose I'm developing software that will be running on multiple machines on the same network. Nothing crazy, probably only 5 or 6 machines. And each of these instances of the software will be accessing an...

Monitor multiple folders using FileSystemWatcher

Whats the best way to monitor multiple folders (not subdirectories) using FileSystemWatcher in C#? ...

File System Watcher - Folder Deleted

I´m writing on an service to watch for the existence different files in diffent folders... I´m using filesystemwatchers to get the events. As a part of the deployment one of the watched folders is deleted and new created from time to time. As a result the service throws an error and is stopped... Is it possible to catch that kind of e...

Disabling FileSystemWatcher for specific updates?

Does anyone have any ideas how I can reliably disable a FileSystemWatcher object when my application makes changes to the files in the directory, so that I am only watching for external changes to the directory? I've tried setting EnableRaisingEvents to false immediately before performing a write and setting it back to true immediately ...

C#: Update datagrid

I have a C# application with a datagrid in windows form. I need to monitor a directory (am using FileSystemWatcher) and refresh the datagrid with list of files in the directory. I am not sure how I can set up the interface to do so? Calling the monitorDirectory() from the windows-form Load() does not seem to work as Load is called only o...

fflush on stdout

I have a FileSystemWatcher object setup to monitor changes to a log file written by a console app. The notifier filter is set to: watcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.Size | NotifyFilters.LastWrite | NotifyFilters.LastAccess; Env: OS: Win 2k8 server. The console app code that dumps to the stdout that is redirected to the file out.log: ...

Watching a directory using FileSystemWatcher

Hello I'm watching a directory using FileSystemWatcher. When a file is created into that directory - my watcher grabs and transfers it to the network drive. My problem is that when a Microsoft-office file is opened, a temporary file is created in the watched directory. I can't find a way to ignore these files and also could not find whe...