
texture minification filter in raytracing?

can someone point me to a paper/algorithm/resource/whatever that tells me how to implement a texture minification filter (applies when texels are smaller than pixels) in a raytracer? thanks! ...

Index value for matrix in R?

Is there a function to get an index (row number and column number) for a matrix? Suppose that I have a simple matrix: a <- matrix(1:50, nrow=5) Is there an easy way to get back something like c(3, 5) for the number "23", for instance? In this case, saying which(a==23) just returns 23. This seems to work but I'm sure that there'...

Dojo Datagrid Filtering Issue

I am having hard time filtering a datagrid. Please help! This is how I draw a grid. var jsonStore = new{data:columnValues}); gridInfo = { store: jsonStore, queryOptions: {ignoreCase: true}, structure: layout }; grid = new dojox.grid.DataGri...

how to filter / query date using dojox.jsonPath.query

I am referring to use This is what I am doing (spent two days but no luck): first drawing a datagrid with integer column and a date column and also able to sort the columns values by clicking on the column header.. now using dojox.jsonPath.query to query numbers using syntax lik...

Returning items randomly from a collection

I've a method which returns a generic list collection(List) from the database. This collection has got order details i.e., Order Id, order name, product details etc. Also, method the method returns a collection having only the top 5 orders sorted by order date descending. My requirement is that each time the client calls this method, I...

filtering user input in php

hello guys, Am wondering if the combination of trim(), strip_tags() and addslashes() is enough to filter values of variables from $_GET and $_POST ...

Sharepoint XSLT Dynamic filtering

I'm trying to create a dynamic row filter based on a variable. I have the following code: <xsl:variable name="filter" select="contain(@Title, 'title1') or contain(@Title, 'title2')"/> <xsl:variable name="Rows" select="/dsQueryResponse/Rows/Row[string($filter)]" /> This unfortunately doesn't seem to work and I end up with all rows. I'm...

Solution for filtering all instances of an object?

Hi. I'm wondering if I can do something like this with CollectionViewSource too. I have a DataTemplate that looks like this: <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:MyObject}"> <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> <Grid> <Image Source="Images\gear16.png" /> <Image Source="Images\disk.gif" HorizontalAlignment="Right" ...

How to implement filtering for BindingList and ICollectionView

Hi, I'm currently using a BindingList that is bound to a WPF-ItemsControl. As I need to implement some filtering on that list, I would like to take advantage of the filtering possibilities of ICollectionView. Unfortunately the straight-forward approach, returns false for CanFilter and CanCustomFilter. So I'm wondering what is the corre...

OpenFileDialog always shows *.URL (Internet Shortcut files)

My OpenFileDialog has one single Filter which is also the DefaultExt. I wonder why, when the dialog opens, I also get all the Internet Shortcuts listed (it is OK to get the shortcuts to folders, for instance, but not the *.URL files). Is there some magic switch which I can turn on in order to net get them included in the list displayed ...

How does web filtering software hook into outbound browser requests without browser configuration?

I would like to duplicate the functionality of some web filtering software, however I don't want the user to have to configure their browser. Some other products on the market do this without any apparent configuration in the browser settings. The user would be installing this for themselves, so air-tight filter security is not a prior...

PHP Filtering Form Input

Hey All, I'm sure someone has covered this before, but I didn't find it in a quick search of the site. Right now I'm trying to filter some input from a WYSIWYG, so that it will remove characters like: ¢©÷µ·¶±€£®§™¥ but keep HTML characters. I've tried htmlentities and htmlspecialcharacters, but that still seems to leave those characters...

SQL: Using Where in a query with a function

SELECT col1, col2, dbo.myFunc(@param1, @param2, col1, col2) FROM theTable how do I add a "WHERE" here to the result of the function dbo.myFunc, like WHERE resultOfMyFunc > 10 for example? ...

Turn Matlab plot into image

Hi, I have generated a plot like figure; hold; axis([0 10 0 10]); fill([ 1 1 5 5], [5 1 1 5],'b') and now I want to have this plot as an matrix so that I can i.e. filter the blog with a gaussian. Googleing I found this thread Rasterizing Plot to Image at Matlab Central. I tried it, but I could only get it to work for line or function...

User defined filters/queries?

I'm trying to figure out a way to allow users of my application to define their own queries or filters that can be applied to a collection. I want to eventually provide an intuitive user interface to create these filters (see image below), but initial it would be OK if a user had to type of a text query string. I'll also need to be able ...

Rich:Columns - FilterBy

Good morning!! I have a dynamic datatable and I'm using Columns of Richfaces, but when I assign the value to FilterBy, it does not work. Can anyone help me? Woe is my code .. <rich:dataTable id="dtAtendimento" value="#{CadastroAtendimentoTecnico.listaAtendimento}" var="atendimento"> <rich:columns index="index" value="#{CadastroAte...

How do you clear a filter variable after the from was submitted?

I am writng a small poll, after the user submits the form how do I clear the filter variables? ...

Filtering in flex AdvancedDataGrid using input text

Hi, I have a advancedDatagrid with column headers having input text boxes for filtering.The column is filtered according to input text when I use characters as data inside that column.But when I use numbers in the column field,filtering does not happen.Can anyone tell me what went wrong. Any help would be appreciated. TIA ...

(Rails) Using helper methods to perform Ajax filtering...?

Hi All, I'm looking to filter a list of items using a created helper method instead of a controller method. I see that it's possible to dynamically manipulate a view using prototype helpers from within a helper. However, I'm not sure how to use a text field in combination with "observe_field" in order to properly pass the parameter to...

Vlookup, Google Docs., Filter & Sum

I have a row with a cost, item type and a "tags" columns. I want to be able to find the total cost of all rows containing a certain "tag". I tried using VLOOKUP but I keep on getting a $0.00 return. Example Row Setup: PART NUMBER - COST - TAGS - MANU ID - WEIGHT 0001025-SVR - 25.99 - JP, CABLES, PVC - 17.4 0A06422-SVR - 14.2...